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Armed Forces Zone2023.4.30---挪威的未來武器

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挪威進行了大量軍事採購,包括 54 輛 Leopard 2 A7 坦克、6 架 MH-60R 直升機和 4 艘 212CD 型潛艇,這些潛艇將配備海軍打擊導彈和重型魚雷。挪威空軍還為其 F-35 艦隊訂購了 GBU 53b Stormbreaker,以及用於打擊空中目標的 aim 120d 導彈。挪威計劃為其 Coastal Ranger Commando 購買新船,以取代 cb90 級船。

Q:海鷹 MH-60R 直升機在挪威的主要用途是什麼?
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海鷹 MH-60R 直升機在挪威的主要用途是反潛戰和反水面戰任務,以及沿海監視和搜救行動。

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挪威和德國研製的未來海軍打擊導彈在性能上將優於目前的海軍打擊導彈,旨在應對各種新出現的威脅,對敵方防空系統具有更強的生存能力。 這將是一個升級版本,將具有更好的能力並能夠在更遠的距離上攻擊目標。 視頻中並未具體說明其確切的技術改進細節。

Q:aim 120d 導彈與之前的安布拉導彈有何不同?
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Aim 120d 導彈是 Ambra 導彈的升級版,具有改進的功能。 與之前的版本不同,aim 120d 導彈旨在針對各種空中威脅,包括飛機、巡航導彈和無人機。 它具有更大的射程,範圍從 185 到 555 公里,具體取決於目標的輪廓。 此外,它具有更好的製導能力,從而提高殺傷概率。 瞄準120d導彈優於安布拉導彈,具有更好的性能和更廣泛的能力。 挪威購買了aim 120d導彈和aim 120d3導彈,估計費用為4.9787億美元。

:00 foreign 0:02 [Music] 0:15 version of the German made leopard 2a6 0:18 main metal tank 0:22 [Music] 0:24 The Leopard 2 A7 features new armor 0:26 improved sensor Suite a crew compartment 0:29 cooling system and a new weapon 0:31 engagement system 0:35 on February 2023 Norway ordered 54 tanks 0:39 designated leopard 287 no for over 1.9 0:43 billion US dollars with the option to 0:45 purchase 18 more units 0:50 tanks are scheduled for delivery from 0:52 2026 to 2028. 0:57 it has a top speed of 70 kilometer per 1:00 hour with a maximum range of 450 1:02 kilometer 1:06 The Leopard 2 A7 Armament includes 120 1:10 millimeter smoothbore gun to 7.62 1:13 millimeter machine gun and a 76 1:16 millimeter smoke grenade dischargers 1:18 foreign 1:19 [Music] 1:28 helicopter primarily designed for 1:30 anti-submarine Warfare and anti-surface 1:32 warfare missions 1:34 [Music] 1:38 it features a highly sophisticated 1:40 avionics suite and is armed with 1:42 Hellfire air-to-surface missiles and 1:44 Mark 54 anti-submarine torpedoes 1:47 [Music] 1:49 Norway will procure a total of 6 mh-60r 1:52 helicopters with deliveries expected 1:54 between 2025 and 2027. 1:58 the contract is expected to be signed in 2:01 the summer of 2023 and is estimated to 2:03 be worth around 1.1 billion US dollar 2:06 [Music] 2:09 the Seahawk will replace the nh90 and 2:12 will be used for anti-submarine Warfare 2:13 and postcard missions 2:17 [Music] 2:23 the type 212cd is an improved version of 2:27 the type 212a submarine that will 2:29 replace the Oola class submarines of the 2:31 Norwegian Navy 2:35 this future submarine will feature 2:37 Modern Combat systems huge Firepower and 2:40 Superior Steel technology 2:41 [Music] 2:46 decent group Marine systems will build 2:48 four submarines for the Norwegian Navy 2:50 with a contact sign on July 20 2021 2:57 construction of the new submarines will 2:59 start in 2023 and delivery is planned as 3:02 early as 2029. 3:06 [Music] 3:09 the surface displacement of the 3:11 submarine will be 2500 tons and will 3:14 cost more than 1 billion euro per vessel 3:18 [Music] 3:20 submarines will be armed with a Naval 3:22 Strike missile anti-shape or land attack 3:24 cruise missiles and heavyweight 3:26 torpedoes 3:28 [Music] 3:37 the GBU 53b Stormbreaker originally 3:41 known as the small diameter bomb 2 is an 3:43 air-launched Precision guided Glide bomb 3:47 it weighs around 250 pounds and has a 3:50 range of around 110 kilometer against 3:52 stationary and 72 kilometer against 3:55 moving targets 3:58 this smart weapon can hit Targets in 4:01 some of the worst weather conditions 4:05 the Norwegian Ministry of Defense has 4:07 decided to buy a storm breaker for its 4:09 F-35 Fleet from the U.S Air Force 4:18 Norway and Germany will jointly develop 4:20 a future Naval Strike missile with 4:22 delivery plan for 2035. 4:27 in terms of performance it will be 4:30 superior to the Naval Strike missile 4:34 the future NSM will be designed to 4:36 counter various emerging threats and 4:38 have greater survivability against 4:39 adversary air defense systems 4:41 [Music] 4:49 sign is a fifth generation cruise 4:51 missile under development by Raytheon 4:53 and coxbox defense and Airway space 4:57 it can engage heavily defensive sea and 5:00 land-based targets 5:01 Norwegian Air Force ordered JSM for its 5:04 F-35 in October 2021 5:09 the F-35 will carry two of these in its 5:12 internal weapons Bay and for additional 5:14 JSM missiles externally 5:16 [Music] 5:18 it has a range of between 185 and 555 5:22 kilometer depending on profile 5:26 [Music] 5:29 the aim 120d is an upgraded version of 5:32 the ambra missiles that can be used 5:34 against the Targets in the air including 5:37 aircraft cruise missiles and drones 5:40 in November 2022 Norway ordered 205 aim 5:44 120d and 60 aim 120d3 missiles for an 5:48 estimated cost of 5:50 497.87 million US dollars they purchased 5:54 the missiles from the U.S officials 5:55 rather than the manufacturer 5:58 it has a greater range and better 6:00 guidance resulting in a higher kill 6:02 probability 6:03 [Music] 6:09 under the project the Norwegian Navy 6:12 plans to acquire new vessels for its 6:15 Coastal Ranger Commando it is currently 6:17 in the preliminary phase and will 6:19 replace the cb90 class vessels 6:22 The Vessel will have a top speed of 45 6:25 knots and stay at sea for up to a week 6:28 Additionally the Navy wants it to have a 6:31 good maneuverability and the ability to 6:33 stop and accelerate quickly 6:35 deliveries are planned between 2026 and 6:38 2028. 6:39 [Music] 6:45 pyron is a deeply modernized version of 6:48 the Chrome man potable air defense 6:49 system design and manufactured by the 6:52 Polish company mesco 6:54 Norwich signed a 36 million US dollar 6:57 contract with misco for an undisclosed 6:59 number of pyron on November 2022 7:03 the first system is expected to be 7:06 delivered in 2023 7:11 it is designed to intercept and Destroy 7:13 low-flying aircraft helicopters unmanned 7:16 aerial vehicles and winged Rockets 7:18 [Music] 7:21 Byron can hit a flying Target at a 7:24 distance of 400 meter to 6.5 kilometer 7:27 and from an altitude of 10 meter to 4 7:29 kilometer 7:31 [Music] 7:38 Norway is planning to procure a new 7:40 sniper rifle that is capable of firing 7:42 12.7 millimeter caliber cartridges 7:46 Norwegian forces currently operates 12.7 7:50 millimeter Barrett amid 2. 7:53 [Music] 7:55 teammates to be around 200 to 300 7:57 million Norwegian krone for the 7:59 acquisition 8:02 [Music] 8:06 an active protection system is a system 8:09 designed to actively prevent anti-tech 8:11 missiles or projectiles from destroying 8:14 a vehicle 8:16 under the latest Future acquisition plan 8:18 Norway would procure active protection 8:20 systems for its cv90 8:24 the Iron Fist active protection system 8:26 might be the potential Choice as it has 8:29 been tested on cv90 vehicles 8:33 [Music] 8:38 Norway is looking for a new mine 8:40 clearing system that will replace the 8:42 existing hydrima mind clearing vehicle 8:44 in the Norwegian Army 8:48 it will be used clearer path for tanks 8:50 vehicles and soldiers through minefields 8:53 and other obstacles 8:55 [Music] 9:03 the Norwegian defense material agencies 9:06 intends to procure vital uavs for the 9:08 Norwegian military that would be used 9:10 for ISR and targeting missions 9:14 foreign s can take off and land 9:17 vertically like a helicopter and do not 9:19 require a long Runway 9:21 [Music] 9:23 the ndma plans to award a contract in 9:26 August 2026 although it is unclear how 9:29 many uavs Norway will purchase 9:33 [Music] 9:37 a tpy4 formerly known as the tpyx is a 9:41 Next Generation ground-based air 9:43 surveillance radar with a maximum 9:45 detection range of 1000 kilometer 9:49 it is capable of tracking satellites 9:51 detecting low profile unmanned aerial 9:54 systems and conducting ballistic 9:55 missiles searching tracking 9:59 the Lockheed Martin will supply 8 dpy 4 10:02 radar systems to Norway with an option 10:04 for three additional radars 10:07 the first radar will be installed in 10:09 Gary hog in Norway by the end of 2025. 10:13 delivery of the radar is expected to be 10:15 completed by 2030. 10:18 foreign 10:20 [Music] 10:35 thank you 10:41 [Music] 11:03 thank you 11:05 [Music] 11:17 foreign foreign


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該視頻討論了武器裝備的演變,從鋒利的木棍到核彈,並探討了未來可能開發的潛在可怕武器。 到 2030 年,技術已經進步,可以製造出可以遠程控制的更智能的子彈和無人機。還有納米無人機和高超音速噴氣式飛機,它們可以高速飛行並在一小時內襲擊地球上的任何地方。激光技術改進了導彈防禦系統,基於能量的武器越來越受歡迎。 到 2030 年,波音公司已經創建了一個類似力場的系統,可以抵禦炸彈衝擊波。

Q:什麼是 exacto 狙擊步槍,它是如何工作的?
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exacto 狙擊步槍,也被稱為極高精度任務法令,使用激光和射彈制導技術在半空中調整其路線,即使是新手狙擊手也能精確定位。 它是一種包含尖端技術的子彈,它可以根據環境因素(例如風或目標的移動)調整其路線。 這項技術使狙擊手能夠以極高的精度擊中目標,即使距離很遠。

Q:exacto 狙擊步槍靠何種能量發射.
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要產生電磁脈衝,可以使用磁通量線交叉的原理。通過在一個不同大小的螺旋狀導體中通過電流來產生一個強大的磁場,然後突然斷開電流,就會產生一個突然改變的磁場,這就是所謂的電磁脈衝。這種方式被稱為自感性儲能式電磁炮(inductively stored electromagnetic gun),簡稱為緊湊型電磁炮。 除了自感性儲能式電磁炮以外,還有電容存儲式電磁炮(capacitive stored electromagnetic gun),這種方式使用高電容量的電容器儲存能量,然後在需要的時候將全部電容能量釋放成電流,從而產生電磁脈衝。這種方式比自感性儲能式電磁炮更為緊湊,但是需要更多的電源能量。 電磁脈衝也可以通過磁化爆破來產生。磁化爆破是一種使用高強度磁場來瞬間爆破導體的技術。通過將一個短路環放置在一個導線上,然後讓電流在短路環和導線之間流動,就可以產生一個高強度的電磁脈衝。

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無人機和人工智能在當今的軍事行動中被廣泛用於監視、偵察和有針對性的打擊。 人工智能驅動的自主無人機可用於通過掃描敵方領土和識別潛在威脅來收集情報。 這些無人機還可用於有針對性的空襲,以外科手術般的精度消滅特定目標,同時最大限度地降低對人類生命的風險。 人工智能還用於分析和解釋無人機和其他監視設備收集的大量數據。 機器學習算法可以幫助識別數據中的模式、預測潛在威脅,並為軍事領導人提供可操作的情報以做出明智的決策。 此外,無人機越來越多地被用於物流業務,為偏遠和危險地區的部隊運送物資和設備。 在人工智能和先進傳感器的幫助下,無人機可以在復雜的環境中航行並避開障礙物,從而更安全、更高效地運輸關鍵物資。

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波音公司創建的類似力場的系統旨在抵禦炸彈衝擊波。 該系統使用先進的快速傳感器,能夠在短短幾毫秒內預測傳入的炸彈衝擊波的速度和形狀。 該系統部署了一個電磁弧,將周圍的空氣加熱成等離子體。 這種等離子體具有與周圍空氣不同的密度,這有助於它從傳入的衝擊波中吸收大部分能量。 通過這樣做,它可以防止系統保護泡內的人受到嚴重傷害。 當該系統在 2020 年代末首次部署時,它體積太大,無法用作個人力場,主要用於車輛。 然而,正在研究製作該技術的更多便攜版本,並且由於套裝的使用越來越多,它變得更加容易。 這些套裝讓士兵可以用很少的力氣舉起巨大的重量,這對於整合不同類型的防禦性和進攻性武器裝備特別有用。 這個想法是,在未來,地面上的士兵可能能夠攜帶該系統的便攜式版本來保護自己免受爆炸的傷害。

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能量盾(Energy Shield)是一種虛構的軍事裝備,被廣泛地應用在科幻作品中。它是一種能夠像實體盾牌一樣阻擋敵人攻擊的裝備,通常是由高科技能量場實現的。 能量盾可以防禦各種攻擊,如射擊、能量武器和近身攻擊等,讓其使用者免受傷害。 現實中,能量盾還沒有實現。 但是,一些科學家和研究人員正在研究如何利用高能量場技術實現類似能量盾的裝備。例如,一些實驗室通過使用離子束來產生高能量場,成功實現了在實驗條件下阻止高速粒子信息傳輸的功能。 但是,要將這種技術應用到實際的應用場景中,還需要克服很多問題,包括能源供應、材料選擇、電子控制等方面的問題。因此,現實中實現能量盾還需要更多的時間和努力。

0:00 ever since the dawn of mankind we have 0:02 slowly but surely conceived of more 0:04 destructive and efficient ways of 0:06 killing one another the first weapons 0:08 were simple sharpened sticks but as 0:11 humanity became more intelligent so did 0:14 our weapons sharpened sticks developed 0:16 into sharpened stones and sharpened 0:19 stones evolved into sharpened pieces of 0:21 metal ways of launching a projectile 0:24 also greatly improved over time instead 0:26 of throwing spears the bow and arrow 0:28 were developed eventually this was 0:30 replaced with gunpowder leading the way 0:33 for cannons and handheld guns and at the 0:36 end of world war ii humanity invented 0:38 the most ingenious but also the most 0:40 stupid weapon of all time the nuclear 0:43 bomb 0:44 the march of technological development 0:46 has led to the rise and fall of empires 0:49 and there's no reason to think that this 0:51 won't be the case in the future today we 0:54 will take a trip into the future and see 0:56 what possible terrifying weapons we 0:58 might go on to develop within the known 1:00 laws of physics 1:02 by 2030 weaponry has become a lot 1:05 smarter even bullets themselves contain 1:07 sophisticated technology one advancement 1:10 that began development in the late 2010s 1:13 is the exacto sniper rifle otherwise 1:16 known as the extreme accuracy tasked 1:18 ordinance this bullet uses lasers and 1:20 projectile guidance technologies to 1:22 adjust its course mid-air gifting 1:24 pinpoint accuracy even to a novice 1:26 sniper technologies like this one have 1:29 also been successfully integrated into 1:31 drones allowing snipers to remotely pick 1:34 off targets from hundreds of feet in the 1:36 air drones have also been integrated 1:38 into the military in other ways 1:40 thousands of interlinked remote drones 1:42 are used to overwhelm enemy defenses 1:45 equipped with explosives these suicide 1:47 drones are designed to be far cheaper 1:49 than the air defense missile slowly 1:51 wearing an enemy down through sheer 1:53 numbers 1:54 swarms of nano drones controlled by an 1:56 ai hive mind use facial recognition 1:59 technology to locate targets and quickly 2:02 neutralize them on the battlefield some 2:04 larger drones are jet propelled and are 2:06 able to travel at hypersonic speeds once 2:09 reaching a target they deliver an 2:11 overwhelming airstrike escaping before 2:14 the enemy has a chance to know what hit 2:16 them hypersonic technology like this is 2:18 now highly integrated into the air 2:20 forces of most major nations missiles 2:23 jets and drones can all travel at many 2:25 times faster than the speed of sound and 2:28 are able to strike anywhere on the 2:29 planet in under an hour some theorists 2:32 in the early 2020s believe that this new 2:34 technology would make mutually assured 2:36 destruction a thing of the past as 2:39 whoever struck first would be able to 2:41 destroy the enemy's nuclear missile 2:42 silos and decision-making centers before 2:45 they had a chance to even react however 2:48 this did not come to pass developments 2:50 in laser technology has significantly 2:53 improved over the past 10 years 2:55 multi-megawatt lasers located in space 2:58 and on the seas can shoot down 3:00 hypersonic missiles in mere seconds 3:02 however military analysts are still 3:04 unsure if these missile defense systems 3:06 could prevent a nuclear attack in the 3:08 case of an all-out war between the 3:10 nuclear powers on the ground 3:13 energy-based weapons are slowly growing 3:15 in popularity 3:16 non-nuclear emps are frequently deployed 3:19 to disrupt critical infrastructure and 3:22 other electronic devices active denial 3:24 systems using non-lethal microwaves heat 3:27 up the skin of an enemy although weapons 3:30 like this have been used in crowd 3:31 control situations since the early 2000s 3:35 scaled up versions of this system 3:37 effectively work as a force field 3:39 preventing anyone from entering a 3:41 specific location speaking of force 3:44 fields by 2030 boeing has successfully 3:47 completed and rolled out his 3:48 force-field-like system to defend 3:50 against bomb shock waves using advanced 3:53 and fast-acting sensors the system is 3:56 able to predict the velocity and shape 3:58 of an incoming bomb shock wave in just a 4:00 few milliseconds the system deploys an 4:03 electromagnetic arc that heats the 4:05 surrounding air up into plasma this 4:07 plasma has a different density to the 4:09 surrounding air and would absorb much of 4:11 the energy of the incoming shock wave 4:14 preventing those insiders protective 4:16 bubble from being seriously injured when 4:18 they were first deployed in the late 4:20 2020s systems like this were too bulky 4:23 to be used as personal force fields and 4:25 were mainly used on vehicles however 4:28 research into making more portable 4:30 versions of this technology is ongoing 4:32 and made significantly easier by the 4:34 rising use of exosuits these exoskeleton 4:37 suits allow soldiers to lift enormous 4:39 amounts of weight with very little 4:41 effort this is especially useful for 4:44 integrating different kinds of defensive 4:46 and offensive weaponry for example the 4:48 exosuit may be equipped with heavy 4:50 bulletproof armor that would be too 4:52 heavy for an ordinary soldier other 4:55 systems could also be integrated into 4:57 the suit such as thermal camouflage 4:59 systems although soldiers are not quite 5:01 invisible yet they're certainly getting 5:03 quite close exo suits such as this also 5:06 allow soldiers to carry around heavy 5:08 batteries with very little effort and 5:10 with the introduction of electronic 5:12 powered guns even more power is required 5:15 gors rifles using electromagnetic coils 5:18 are able to accelerate low-cost 5:20 projectiles at high speeds without the 5:22 need for traditional ammunition 5:24 bolts screws and bits of metal debris 5:26 are now perfectly good projectiles other 5:29 electric guns rely on centrifugal forces 5:32 to accelerate their projectiles with 5:34 firing rates up to 240 000 rounds per 5:38 minute as these weapons use force to 5:40 expel projectiles they are much less 5:42 noisy and have no flash a major 5:45 advantage in a covert operation 5:47 man and machine are now much more 5:49 integrated than they were in the past 5:52 soldiers are able to detect and track 5:54 targets at long distances while also 5:56 providing them access to spectrums of 5:58 light that the naked eye cannot see in 6:01 countries with less rigorous moral codes 6:03 technology is being integrated directly 6:06 into the human body rudimentary brain 6:08 machine interfaces are now being used by 6:10 the military to help speed up reflexes 6:13 and aid soldiers in the heat of battle 6:15 scientists have also worked out how to 6:17 reduce soldiers fear through the use of 6:20 hormones and electronic implants it is 6:22 hoped that this will decrease desertions 6:24 and allow military personnel to solely 6:27 focus on the mission at hand however the 6:29 effectiveness of this kind of 6:30 augmentation is yet to be seen by the 6:34 year 2075 many of the weapon systems 6:37 first introduced in the late 2020s have 6:40 reached maturity however perhaps the 6:42 greatest change is the mass usage of 6:45 space-based and ground-based lasers 6:47 major powers such as the soviet chinese 6:50 alliance and nato are essentially able 6:52 to deflect any incoming hypersonic 6:54 missiles this dramatic shift has meant 6:57 the mutually assured destruction from 6:59 large-scale nuclear war is largely a 7:01 thing of the past this has led to some 7:04 dramatic developments 7:06 countries armed with these missile 7:08 defense systems are now more likely to 7:10 use nuclear weapons while superpowers 7:12 are much more likely to go to war with 7:14 one another but the greatest shift has 7:16 come in the form of space-based warfare 7:19 space-based satellites with the ability 7:21 to fire kinetic and energy-based weapons 7:23 are now widespread to combat this 7:26 advanced ai quantum computer viruses 7:28 have been developed in the hopes of 7:30 hacking and disabling military or 7:32 civilian satellites further afield the 7:35 moon and mars have now become the next 7:37 frontier of warfare various nations from 7:40 across the planet are finding ways to 7:42 exploit natural resources in space with 7:45 many deploying missiles and lasers to 7:47 protect their interests one thing you'll 7:49 notice about warfare in 2075 is the lack 7:52 of tanks with the rise of drone swarms 7:55 hypersonic weapons and advanced exo 7:57 armor there is little strategic 7:59 advantage in developing such expensive 8:02 weapons instead a wide range of fast 8:05 cheap and stealthy drones wage war each 8:07 drone has a very specialized role and is 8:10 perfectly designed for one particular 8:12 use human soldiers are now much less 8:15 common advanced robotics take their 8:17 place with some being fully autonomous 8:20 while others are wirelessly piloted from 8:23 thousands of miles away 8:25 advances in the fields of material 8:27 science has allowed for the widespread 8:29 production of super materials like 8:31 graphene this has led to the creation of 8:33 much more efficient solar panels 8:35 batteries and electrical systems meaning 8:37 that any drone or robot can fight for a 8:40 very long period of time with the help 8:42 of solar panels some can effectively run 8:44 indefinitely other materials like carbon 8:47 nanotubes have paved the way for 8:49 extremely lightweight but bulletproof 8:51 armor force fields have also come a long 8:53 way too named after the physicist michio 8:56 kaku who first proposed this idea the 8:59 kaku shield deploys a high-powered tesla 9:02 coil induced plasma field and laser 9:04 bursts to vaporize incoming bullets and 9:06 neutralize bomb shock waves through a 9:09 process called teslaphoresis first 9:11 discovered in 2016. any remaining debris 9:14 is diverted away from the target leaving 9:17 it completely unharmed with regular 9:19 bullets becoming much less effective 9:22 research into high energy beam weapons 9:24 and more powerful explosives is a top 9:26 priority for the militaries of 2075. 9:31 humanity has truly reached a new era by 9:34 2150. 9:35 compact nuclear fusion has become 9:37 commercially viable and safe based off 9:40 research that was first theorized in the 9:42 early 2020s compact fusion reactors no 9:45 larger than 5 inches produce enough 9:47 energy to power an entire street of 9:50 course this has had massive effects on 9:52 the military problems surrounding 9:54 battery storage and energy use are a 9:56 thing of the past direct energy weapons 9:59 sonic weapons and plasma based weaponry 10:02 are now significantly more effective and 10:04 portable in space giant lasers are 10:06 produced that can pinpoint targets on 10:08 earth and quickly annihilate them while 10:11 lasers that could theoretically destroy 10:13 entire cities are currently under 10:15 development in the outer reaches of the 10:17 solar system incredibly powerful ai is 10:20 now used extensively although not 10:22 self-aware they are able to use 10:24 conventional and quantum computing 10:26 technologies to simulate battlefields 10:28 and quickly react to threats 10:30 using advanced 3d printing and genetic 10:33 engineering the ai have been given free 10:35 reign to design and create a wide 10:37 variety of different drone creatures 10:39 that look completely alien to planet 10:41 earth some are colossal dragon like 10:44 creatures designed to attack cities and 10:47 instill fear others are microscopic and 10:50 can be used to stealthily enter the 10:52 bloodstream of an enemy where they can 10:54 undertake spying operations or wreak 10:56 havoc upon the body all military 10:58 personnel are required to be immunized 11:00 by nanobots to defend against any 11:03 hostile machines or genetically altered 11:05 pathogens by 2150 it has become feasible 11:09 that these machines could self-replicate 11:11 a swarm of out-of-control ai controlled 11:14 nanobots and larger drones could 11:16 theoretically ravage the surface of the 11:18 planet from resources and replicate 11:20 exponentially military analysts fear 11:22 that the entire planet could be 11:24 destroyed by an out of control ai in a 11:26 process known as the grey goo hypothesis 11:29 however so far humanity has been lucky 11:32 and it is planned that these 11:33 self-replicating machines will 11:35 exponentially replicate across the solar 11:37 system harvesting resources to build 11:40 humanity's future 11:42 by the mid-millennium humanity is 11:44 undergoing yet another energy revolution 11:46 physicists have been working out ways of 11:48 mass producing and containing antimatter 11:51 when antimatter makes contact with 11:53 ordinary matter it instantly annihilates 11:56 releasing all energy in a violent 11:58 explosion for comparison a kilogram of 12:01 antimatter produces an explosion 12:03 comparable in size to the tsar bomba the 12:05 most powerful nuclear weapon ever tested 12:08 in the 20th century due to the fact that 12:11 antimatter can annihilate with any 12:13 ordinary atom it must be kept inside an 12:15 electromagnetic field within a vacuum 12:18 attempts at weaponizing antimatter are 12:20 already underway although experiments 12:22 into large-scale weaponry have mostly 12:24 been avoided however smaller weapons 12:27 have been developed and are highly 12:29 destructive bullets containing minuscule 12:31 amounts of electromagnetically contained 12:33 antimatter have been developed when 12:36 hitting a target the antimatter is 12:37 released from the electromagnetic field 12:40 and instantly annihilates producing an 12:43 explosion comparable to a few tons of 12:45 tnt theoretically these self-guided 12:48 bullets could be placed onto a weapon 12:49 with a high rate of fire effectively 12:52 making a machine gun rocket launcher 12:54 fortunately for earth's inhabitants 12:56 advancements in ai fusion antimatter and 12:59 nanobots have made war on earth pretty 13:01 much unthinkable however this does not 13:04 mean there is no warfare countries 13:06 compete fiercely for resources in space 13:09 and with all of the heavy fighting done 13:10 by robots space warfare is effectively 13:13 just part of any country's economic 13:15 policy on mars and in the asteroid belt 13:18 huge swarms of competing robots wage 13:21 apocalyptic warfare on one another on 13:23 behalf of the various powers on earth 13:26 by the year 3000 most of the world's 13:29 governments have resolved their 13:30 differences and have begun to work 13:32 together advanced telescopes have 13:34 detected life on new worlds and it has 13:37 dawned on many that some of earth's 13:39 neighbors may not be so friendly by this 13:41 point most of the solar system is in the 13:43 process of being colonized or used for 13:46 resources ai and nanobots are 13:48 efficiently working to disassemble 13:50 mercury and venus using their resources 13:52 to produce many billions of space 13:54 habitats and solar panels in the sun's 13:56 orbit 13:58 united humanity hopes to one day capture 14:00 the entire power of the sun in a 14:02 configuration known as a dyson swarm for 14:04 civilian and of course military purposes 14:08 by the year 5000 united humanities dyson 14:11 sphere has been completed using a 14:14 process known as starlifting humanity 14:16 uses giant magnets to eject huge amounts 14:19 of matter from the sun not only does 14:21 this prolong the sun's lifespan it 14:23 provides militaries and governments with 14:25 the resources to construct huge fleets 14:27 of warships by using colossal particle 14:30 colliders humanity is able to use 14:32 nuclear transmutation to turn the helium 14:35 and hydrogen collected from the sun into 14:37 heavier elements of course a sizeable 14:40 amount of these resources were converted 14:42 into fleets of starships to defend 14:44 against any future alien invasion using 14:47 just 10 percent of the sun's power 14:49 output humanity is able to starlift the 14:51 equivalent of eight percent of the 14:53 moon's mass per year theoretically 14:55 humanity is able to produce 1.3 trillion 14:59 starships similar in size to a star 15:01 destroyer seen in star wars or around 44 15:04 000 space stations the size of the death 15:07 star each and every year 15:09 as well as a vast fleet humanity is able 15:12 to use the dyson sphere itself as a 15:14 weapon in a multitude of different ways 15:17 the first is a nickel dyson beam pretty 15:19 much a death star by focusing all of the 15:22 sun's energy into one point humanity is 15:24 able to use all of the star's power to 15:26 create a giant space laser capable of 15:29 ripping the atmosphere off a planet in a 15:31 very short amount of time unlike science 15:34 fiction of the 20th century a super 15:36 weapon like this would take a very long 15:38 time to completely destroy a planet 15:40 however it would likely be able to 15:42 sterilize a planet in almost no time at 15:44 all 15:45 another option is to use your nickel 15:47 dyson beam to speed up an asteroid or 15:49 projectile using solar sails to create a 15:52 relativistic kill missile over a long 15:55 enough period of time a projectile like 15:57 this can be sped up to close to the 15:59 speed of light if this was to hit a 16:01 planet it would be devastating a one 16:04 kilogram relativistic kill missile 16:06 traveling at 99 of the speed of light 16:08 would release almost three times more 16:10 energy than the tsar bomba the potential 16:13 yield can be enlarged by increasing the 16:15 mass or speed of the projectile a swarm 16:18 of many tens of thousands of these 16:19 projectiles or one large 100 000 16:22 kilogram relativistic kill missile could 16:24 quite easily sterilize a planet and 16:26 would be almost impossible to defend 16:28 against 16:29 many of the more hawkish governments of 16:31 humanity have proposed preventative 16:33 strikes against every planet in the 16:35 galaxy hoping to eliminate any potential 16:38 alien threats before they can strike 16:40 humanity first it is estimated that in 16:42 just over a hundred thousand years 16:44 pretty much every planet in the galaxy 16:47 could be rendered uninhabitable however 16:49 others have argued in favor of a smarter 16:51 approach they propose that humanity 16:54 sends out many billions of 16:55 self-replicating machines known as von 16:57 neumann probes traveling near the speed 17:00 of light these probes would arrive at 17:02 their target destinations and 17:04 exponentially self-replicate 17:06 theoretically every star in the galaxy 17:08 could be turned into a dyson swarm in 17:11 just a few hundred thousand years and 17:13 any potential alien threats could be 17:15 studied monitored or eliminated by a 17:18 grey goose swarm and maybe more 17:20 importantly this would make humanity a 17:22 kardashev 3 civilization giving humanity 17:25 access to ever more energy which means 17:28 even more powerful weaponry 17:31 by the year seven thousand humanity in 17:33 its original form no longer exists the 17:36 most complicated object in the universe 17:38 the human brain is now completely 17:41 understood ai is so developed there is 17:43 essentially no difference between robots 17:46 and humans as the vast majority of 17:48 humans no longer live in the material 17:50 universe 17:51 instead people live inside a virtual 17:54 reality while their minds are augmented 17:56 to be orders of magnitude more powerful 17:58 than a regular human new humans are 18:01 simply created by the replication of 18:03 code pretty much all of the sun's power 18:05 output is now used for computational 18:08 power in a mega structure known as a 18:10 matriarchal brain theoretically this 18:12 could provide enough computation for 10 18:15 billion trillion trillion simulated 18:17 minds 18:18 since humanity's departure into 18:20 cyberspace the vast majority of weapons 18:23 exist within the matrioska brain but 18:25 this doesn't make them any less 18:27 terrifying powerful ai viruses trap 18:30 human minds in cyberspace slowing down 18:32 their perceived time so it feels like a 18:34 million years has passed in only a 18:36 fraction of a second all the while every 18:39 pain receptor in the brain could be lit 18:41 up while simultaneously making the 18:42 victim believe that everyone they love 18:44 is being tortured in front of them and 18:46 that the universe is ending although 18:48 weapons like this are outlawed this 18:50 hasn't stopped super powerful a 18:52 malevolent ai from creating virtual 18:54 health in the dyson swarms dark web 18:58 in 15 000 ad artificial black holes are 19:02 now being developed for civilian and 19:04 military purposes known as kugelblitz 19:06 black holes these are developed by 19:08 focusing insane amounts of light into an 19:11 extremely small amount of space 19:13 producing a miniature black hole unlike 19:16 films of the early 21st century black 19:18 holes cannot be used to implode a planet 19:21 to do that you would need a black hole 19:22 with the mass of a large star 19:25 in fact it would take a small black hole 19:27 many billions or even trillions of years 19:29 to consume a planet as black holes 19:32 simply don't consume matter fast enough 19:35 however black holes are still extremely 19:37 effective weapons due to the effects of 19:39 hawking radiation black holes shrink 19:42 over time converting their considerable 19:44 mass into energy contrary to what you 19:47 might think the smaller the black hole 19:49 the more energy it releases this could 19:51 be used to create a near perfect master 19:53 energy converter whereby mata is fed 19:56 into a black hole and energy emitted via 19:58 hawking radiation this would provide 20:00 humanity with even more energy for 20:02 computation or for giant space lasers 20:05 that can sterilize planets at this point 20:08 in time it is believed that there may be 20:10 other civilizations as powerful or maybe 20:12 even more powerful than humanity 20:14 humanity has realized that while 20:16 relativistic kill missiles are powerful 20:19 vast swarms of robots orbiting a star at 20:21 close to the speed of light may be able 20:23 to intercept them with sophisticated 20:25 lasers and sensors 20:27 the discovery of a hundred percent 20:29 reflective mirrors has also panicked 20:31 many of the decision makers in 20:32 humanity's military 20:34 these mirrors can deflect any wavelength 20:36 of light including gamma rays produced 20:39 by humanity's nickel dyson beams however 20:42 kugel blitz black holes and perfect 20:44 mirrors provide humanity with ways of 20:46 combating these challenges a kugel blitz 20:49 black hole encased in a perfect mirror 20:51 would not shrink as the energy could be 20:53 redirected back into the black hole 20:56 pushed up to nearly the speed of light 20:58 these weapons would be almost impossible 21:00 to defend against a perfect mirror shell 21:02 would prevent any laser from 21:04 intercepting the target making 21:06 interception extremely difficult however 21:08 even if the projectile was somehow 21:10 intercepted and destroyed the black hole 21:12 itself would continue on black hole 21:15 singularities are many times smaller 21:17 than that of an atom and would simply 21:19 pass through the space between and 21:20 within the atoms freed from its mirror 21:23 casing the kugelblitz black hole would 21:25 essentially be like a small star 21:27 emitting more and more energy as it 21:29 evaporates away at this stage the black 21:32 hole bomb is essentially unstoppable any 21:34 defender would have to accurately 21:36 pinpoint an object many times smaller 21:38 than an atom travelling almost at the 21:40 speed of light eventually the black hole 21:43 would evaporate completely exploding 21:45 with the power of millions of atomic 21:47 bombs decimating even a dyson swarm 21:51 by the year 100 000 a.d humanity is a 21:55 kardashev 3 civilization the majority of 21:58 the galaxy's stars have now been 22:00 converted into dyson swarms and efforts 22:02 are underway to bring the galaxy's stars 22:04 closer together using powerful stellar 22:07 engines as well as the stars the 22:09 supermassive black hole at the middle of 22:11 the galaxy is also being utilized for 22:13 energy generation through the use of 22:15 giant and perfectly reflective gamma-ray 22:18 mirrors the supermassive black hole's 22:20 rotational energy has been utilized to 22:22 extract near unlimited power as was 22:24 explored in this brilliant video by 22:26 kyrgyzstan this could be used to create 22:28 an explosion comparable to a supernova 22:31 and scale or the energy could be used to 22:33 simply power humanity's ever more 22:35 complex and power hungry civilization 22:38 including an array of billions of nickel 22:40 dyson beams antimatter relativistic kill 22:43 missiles with kugelblitz black hole 22:45 warheads or swarms of quadrillions of 22:47 nanobots 22:49 however this colossal amount of energy 22:50 could also be used to create machines 22:52 that to someone in the year 2022 would 22:55 have seemed like magic perhaps this 22:57 energy could be used to create warp 22:59 drives and wormholes or maybe even 23:01 create new universes or perhaps weapons 23:04 will be created that alter the very 23:06 fabric of space-time putting the entire 23:09 universe at risk of annihilation however 23:11 that's a video for another day 23:14 thanks for watching guys if you enjoyed 23:15 this video please remember to like 23:17 subscribe and share and make sure to let 23:20 me know if you want me to expand on any 23:22 of the topics covered in this video


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計劃在 2023 年推出幾款新型先進武器,計劃發射十種主要的美國製造設備。 其中包括 F-16V Block 70/72、F-16 戰隼的新版本,以及為美國空軍提供卓越能力的 F-15EX Eagle II。兩款無人駕駛飛行器 Bellv-247 Vigilant 和 MQ-9 Reaper 以及 M88A3 Hercules 也將發布,這是一種重型回收車,旨在從戰場上營救殘廢的坦克。

Q:F-15EX Eagle II 有哪些獨特之處,與同類飛機相比有何不同?
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F-15EX Eagle II 採用了所有最新技術,能夠攜帶 22 枚 AIM-9X 響尾蛇導彈和 AMRAAM 中程空對空導彈。 它還可以運載世界上任何飛機中最大的有效載荷,能夠運載 30,000 磅或 13,607 千克的彈藥。 截至 2022 年 5 月,美國空軍訂購了 80 架 F-15EX。 就其級別而言,F-15EX Eagle II 憑藉其先進的技術、高有效載荷能力和武器能力為美國空軍提供了卓越的能力。 它被設計成一種有效的空對空和空對地戰鬥機,預計將成為美國空軍的重要資產。

Q:Bellv-247 Vigilant 傾轉旋翼無人機與美軍使用的其他無人機有何不同?
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Bell V-247 Vigilant 是德事隆子公司貝爾直升機公司為美國海軍陸戰隊開發的新型多用途傾轉旋翼無人機。 V-247 Vigilant 預計將於 2023 年進入生產階段。它旨在提供遠程監視和跑道獨立性,以便在海域執行任務。 V-247 Vigilant 與其他無人機的不同之處在於其傾轉旋翼設計,這使得它可以像直升機一樣垂直起降,也可以像飛機一樣水平飛行。 與美國軍方使用的其他無人機相比,這使其具有更強的多功能性和射程。 它還配備了模塊化有效載荷系統,可以攜帶各種武器系統,包括 MK-50 魚雷、地獄火導彈或 JAGM 導彈。 Bell V-247 Vigilant 可用於一系列任務,包括電子戰、機載預警 (AEW)、V-22 飛機護航、持續火力支援、戰術補給以及指揮、控制、通信和計算機情報, 監視, 偵察.

Q:M88A3 Hercules 在哪些方面改進了以前的同類回收車,它如何部署在戰場上?
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M88A3 Hercules 是下一代重型回收車,旨在通過多種方式改進以前的 M88A2 回收車。 它提供更好的機動性、更大的馬力和扭矩、改進的裝甲保護以及增強的戰場響應能力。 它擁有現代化的動力傳動系統以增加馬力和扭矩,它還具有先進的裝甲保護功能以提高生存能力,同時執行將報廢的坦克和其他裝甲車輛從危險中拉出來的任務。 M88A3 Hercules 的其他功能包括功能更強大的液壓系統和升級的電氣系統,兩者都比以前的型號提供了改進的性能。 M88A3 Hercules 將部署在戰場上,通過運輸或恢復已損壞或無法移動的履帶車輛來支持裝甲部隊。 它可以快速到達戰場,穿越困難的地形並恢復盟友在火力下受損的裝備。 除了回收損壞的車輛外,M88A3 大力神還可以清除碎片並在必要時拖曳其他重型設備。 其增強的能力將幫助士兵獲得所需的支持,並確保裝甲部隊在面對敵人威脅時保持作戰能力。 M88A3“大力神”計劃於2023年服役,有望成為美軍在戰場上的寶貴資產。

0:06 United States is the main country that has committed to developing large-scale weapons 0:11 programmes. 0:12 A number of US weapons have entered service in 2022, and there’s a lot more to achieve 0:17 initial operating capability in 2023. 0:20 Let’s check out the 10 US weapons that will enter service in 2023. 0:26 F-16V Block 70/72: This is the most advanced version of the F-16 Fighting Falcon. 0:33 On 15 February 2012, Lockheed Martin unveiled a new version of their F-16 at the 2012 Singapore 0:40 Airshow. 0:41 On 16 October 2015, the F-16V flew for the first time with an APG-83 Scalable Agile Beam 0:50 Radar AESA, a new Center Pedestal Display, a modernized mission computer, Automatic Ground 0:55 Collision Avoidance System, and many other upgrades. 0:59 The new variant is dubbed the "Viper", which is intended to better operate with fifth-generation 1:04 fighters. 1:06 The upgrade of its 144 aircraft fleet started in January 2017 and is expected to complete 1:13 by 2023. 1:15 In 2019, Taiwan and the United States of America signed an 8 billion US dollars deal that would 1:20 deliver 66 new-build Block 70 aircraft. 1:25 F-15EX Eagle II: This is a two-seat all-weather, multi-role fighter that offers enhanced capabilities 1:32 that are completely unique to the U.S. Air Force. 1:35 It will replace the F-15C/Ds. 1:38 The F-15EX made its maiden flight on 2 February 2021. 1:43 The first F-15EX was delivered to the USAF in March 2021, and was flown to Eglin Air 1:49 Force Base in Florida for further testing. 1:52 The F-15EX features all the latest technology, as well as the capacity to carry 22 AIM-9X 2:00 Sidewinder and AMRAAM medium-range air-to-air missiles. 2:05 This fighter can carry most payload amongst all aircraft in the world. 2:09 It is capable of carrying 30,000 pounds or 13,607 kg of ordnance. 2:17 As of May 2022, the USAF had orders for 80 F-15EX's. 2:21 Bellv-247 vigilant: The Bell V-247 Vigilant is a new multi-role tilt-rotor unmanned aerial 2:30 vehicle being developed by Textron subsidiary Bell Helicopter for the US Marine Corps. 2:36 The V-247 Vigilant is expected to enter its production phase by 2023. 2:42 It is designed to offer long-range surveillance and runway independence to conduct missions 2:47 in maritime zones. 2:48 The Bell V-247 Vigilant can be deployed in a range of missions including electronic warfare, 2:54 airborne early warning (AEW), escort for V-22 aircraft, persistent fire support, tactical 3:00 resupply, and command, control, communications and computers intelligence, surveillance and 3:06 reconnaissance. 3:08 The unmanned aircraft will be equipped with a modular payload system. 3:11 The payload bays are designed to accommodate a range of weapon systems, including an MK-50 3:17 torpedo or Hellfire or JAGM missiles. 3:20 The tilt-rotor UAV can carry an internal mission payload of 2,000 pounds and sling-load of 3:26 9,000 pounds. 3:28 M88A3 Hercules: This is a next-generation heavy recovery vehicle. 3:34 The prototype was unveiled in October 2018 at the Association of the United States Army's 3:39 annual meeting and is scheduled to enter service in 2023. 3:44 The recovery vehicle is the latest variant of the M88 family, and it is used to effectively 3:50 rescue disabled tanks from the battlefield. 3:53 It outperforms the previous M88A2 recovery vehicle in terms of performance, responsiveness, 3:59 improved armour protection for survivability and many more. 4:03 The recovery vehicle will have a number of upgraded features, including a modernised 4:07 power-train to increase horsepower and torque. 4:11 Up next is the ACV-R. 4:12 The US Marine Corps has awarded BAE Systems a contract for the first phase of the Amphibious 4:20 Combat Vehicle (ACV) programme. 4:22 The $34.9 million contract has a 20-month performance period and the company will focus 4:27 on the design and development of the ACV Recovery variant. 4:32 The variant will provide recovery, maintenance, and repair capabilities to the existing USMC’s 4:37 ACV family of vehicles. 4:40 Its development started in 2019 and is expected to join the USMC by 2023. 4:50 AGM-158D JASSM-XR: In March 2016, Lockheed Martin began analysis on an enhanced wing 4:55 design to further increase range. 4:58 The corporation was granted a contract in September 2018 to produce a "Extreme Range" 5:03 variant of the AGM-158. 5:06 This is called the JASSM-XR, formally known as the AGM-158D. 5:11 The weapon would weigh around 2,300 kg and have a range of 1,900 kmwith a 910 kg payload. 5:21 At a unit cost of $1.5 million, the missile features a new missile control unit, changes 5:27 to the wings, a different paint coating, an Electronic Safe and Arm Fuze, a secure GPS 5:32 receiver, and programme protection requirements. 5:36 Maritime Strike Tomahawk: This is a modified variant of the Tactical Tomahawk land assault 5:42 cruise missile designed to destroy surface ships at ranges of up to 1,600 km. 5:49 The missile's principal mission is to keep the Chinese Navy's surface force at bay in 5:53 the South China Sea. 5:55 It will have increased navigation and homing capabilities, allowing it to take out targets 6:00 at vast ranges with exceptional effectiveness. 6:03 By 2023, the US Navy plans to deploy the new missile onboard surface ships and submarines. 6:11 The hard-target kill variant will be equipped with an upgraded warhead capable of eliminating 6:16 densely built enemy assets. 6:19 Up next is The Precision Strike Missile which is a next-generation, low-risk, long-range 6:24 surface-to-surface missile designed for the U.S. Army’s PrSM program. 6:29 The new ballistic missile will give armies the ability to neutralise a variety of enemy 6:33 threats, including missile launchers, air defence systems, troop assembly/staging areas, 6:39 and command and control (C2) centres, and will be capable of destroying targets using 6:43 missile-delivered indirect fires out to more than 499 kilometres. 6:49 The Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) is expected to achieve early operating capability in 2023 6:55 AGM-88G AARGM-ER. 6:59 This is a new variant of the AGM-88E missile which features several upgrades focusing on 7:05 extending its operational range and survivability. 7:09 It reportedly double the range and speed of AGM-88E which would result in the AGM-88G's 7:16 range being around 300 km and speed of Mach 4. 7:19 The USAF later joined the AARGM-ER program, involved in internal F-35A/F-35C integration 7:27 work, and selected the AARGM-ER to serve as the basis for their land-attack Stand in Attack 7:34 Weapon. 7:35 It is expected to attained initial operational capability is planned for 2023 7:40 USS John F. Kennedy (CVN-79): This is the second Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier 7:48 being built for the United States Navy. 7:50 It is scheduled to enter service in 2023 if everything goes as planned. 7:55 Kennedy will continue the legacy of highly capable nuclear-powered aircraft carrier platforms. 8:01 Ford-class enhancements incorporated into the design include flight deck changes, improved 8:07 weapons handling systems. 8:09 This class also features new nuclear power plants, increased electrical power-generation 8:14 capacity, allowance for future technologies, and reduced workload for sailors, translating 8:19 to a smaller crew size and reduced operating costs for the Navy.


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芬蘭正在通過採購軍艦、F-35 戰鬥機、高空防空系統、增程 GMLRS 火箭和 Pozenma 級護衛艦等新武器來加強其軍隊。 芬蘭計劃從兩家以色列國防公司購買 Barak MX 或 David's Link 用於高空防空系統。洛克希德馬丁公司的 F-35 戰鬥機設計具有空中優勢、電子戰、ISR 和打擊任務。 增程型 GMLRS 火箭將顯著提高芬蘭軍隊服役的 M270 多管火箭系統的性能。Pozenma 級護衛艦能夠執行反水面、防空、反潛、監視和暗殺任務。最後,芬蘭計劃從拉坦採購 100 枚 AGM 154 C1 戰術導彈,

Q:Pozenma 級護衛艦有哪些能力?
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Pozenma 級輕型護衛艦具有多用途能力,可以部署在反水面戰、防空戰、反潛戰、監視和布雷任務中。 每艘船的排水量約為 3,900 噸,將配備 70 名船員。它配備了博福斯 57 毫米艦炮、地對地導彈 (SSM)、加布里埃爾 5 地對空導彈 反艦導彈、帶魚雷的潛艇、水雷、潛艇火力遠程武器站和大規模誘餌系統。

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Israel Airway Space Industries (IAI) 和 Rafael Advanced systems 是正在爭奪芬蘭高空防空系統合同的兩家以色列國防公司。 IAI 提供模塊化的 Barak MX 系統,而 Rafael 提供 David's Link 系統,最終決定計劃在 2023 年初做出。

Q:增程 GMLRS 火箭的射程是多少
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具有替代彈頭和單一變體的增程 GMLRS 火箭的射程約為 150 公里。 芬蘭正在為其 M270 多管火箭系統採購增程 GMLRS 火箭,交易價值約為 7000 萬歐元,這些火箭預計將於 2025 年開始交付。

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1. 美國
2. 俄羅斯
3. 中國
4. 印度
5. 英國
6. 法國
7. 日本
8. 韓國
9. 土耳其
10. 德國

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1. 美國:擁有約5800架戰鬥機和轟炸機、845艘艦艇、6900枚核彈頭、約1.4萬輛坦克和裝甲車以及超過50萬名現役軍人。
2. 俄羅斯:擁有大約3500架戰鬥機和轟炸機、352艘艦艇、6850枚核彈頭、超過2.7萬輛坦克和裝甲車以及超過90萬名現役軍人。
3. 中國:擁有大約3000架戰鬥機和轟炸機、355艘艦艇、大約320枚核彈頭、超過9千輛坦克和裝甲車以及約23萬名現役軍人。
4. 印度:擁有大約2130架飛機和直升機、245艘艦艇、約150枚核彈頭、超過4千輛坦克和裝甲車以及超過14萬名現役軍人。
5. 英國:擁有約890架飛機和直升機、76艘艦艇、約200枚核彈頭、約740輛坦克和裝甲車以及超過14萬名現役軍人。
6. 法國:擁有約550架飛機和直升機、118艘艦艇、約290枚核彈頭、約400輛坦克和裝甲車以及超過21萬名現役軍人。
7. 日本:擁有約1660架飛機和直升機、118艘艦艇、無核彈頭、約680輛坦克和裝甲車以及超過25萬名現役軍人。
8. 韓國:擁有約870架飛機和直升機、166艘艦艇、無核彈頭、約2400輛坦克和裝甲車以及約60萬名現役軍人。
9. 土耳其:擁有約1000架飛機和直升機、141艘艦艇、約80枚核彈頭、超過4600輛坦克和裝甲車以及約35萬名現役軍人。
10. 德國:擁有約600架飛機和直升機、81艘艦艇、無核彈頭、約500輛坦克和裝甲車以及超過17萬名現役軍人。 需要注意的是,由於不同機構和報告的數據可能會有所差異,以上數字僅供參考。

:00 外國的 0:04 和俄羅斯有 800 英里的邊界,並且 0:08 出於對西方的擔憂 0:09 入侵芬蘭正在加強其 0:12 擁有軍艦等新武器的軍隊 0:14 F-35 和無人機 0:16 所以這段視頻中的伙計們,我們將向您展示 0:19 芬蘭正在計劃的武器清單 0:21 將來採購 0:24 新型高空防空系統 0:28 芬蘭將採購高空空氣 0:31 兩者之一的防禦系統 0:33 以色列國防公司 以色列航空公司 0:35 航天工業或 Rafael Advanced 0:37 系統 0:39 以色列航空航天工業正在提供 0:42 模塊化的 Barack MX 系統,同時 0:44 拉斐爾提供大衛的鏈接 0:46 選擇早期的最終決定 0:48 2023 0:49 [音樂] 0:52 大衛吊索旨在攔截 0:54 短程彈道導彈巡航 0:56 導彈大口徑火箭無人機和 1:00 飛機 1:02 每個發射器最多可容納 12 個外部 1:05 能夠的導彈 1:07 在一定範圍內攔截空中目標 1:10 40至300公里之間 1:12 另一方面,Barak MX 可以 1:15 從陸基和海軍部署 1:17 平台和旨在從事空中 1:19 威脅包括飛機無人機巡航 1:22 導彈和彈道導彈 1:25 它具有三個攔截器 Barack 1:28 mr80 巴拉克 lr80 和巴拉克 ER 1:34 AK MX 發射器配備八個 1:36 導彈並提供 360 度 1:39 垂直發射和多 1:41 同時交戰能力 1:44 外國的 1:47 [音樂] 1:51 旨在防禦的隱形戰鬥機 1:53 應對當前和新出現的威脅 1:56 它專為空中優勢而設計 1:58 電子戰 ISR 和打擊 2:01 任務 2:03 內陸將採購 64 架 f-35a block 4 2:06 洛克希德馬丁公司的噴氣式飛機 9.4 2:09 十億美元來更換其機隊 2:11 fa-18 黃蜂隊 2:17 裝備有 25 毫米火砲,並且 2:19 具有 8160 公斤的有效載荷能力 2:23 可攜帶空對空組合 2:25 空對地導彈和 2:28 鮑勃 2:31 結合隱身進階 2:34 傳感器武器容量和射程 F-35 2:37 給飛行員一個決定性的優勢 2:40 對手 2:42 第一架飛機預定 2:44 2026 年抵達芬蘭。 2:48 [音樂] 2:50 增程式 gmlrs 火箭隊 2:53 [音樂] 2:55 芬蘭將獲得擴展範圍的 gmlrs 2:58 用於 m270 多次發射的火箭 3:00 火箭系統在大約 70 3:03 百萬歐元交易 3:04 採購包括增程 3:07 替代彈頭中的 gmlrs 火箭和 3:10 單一變體 3:12 兩種彈藥的射程都在 150 左右 3:15 預計公里數和交付量 3:17 從 2025 年開始。 3:20 [音樂] 3:22 擴展範圍的 gmlrs 替代方案 3:25 彈頭火箭有一個預想 3:27 允許使用它們的自定義開銷 3:29 針對區域目標,同時擴展 3:32 range gmlrs unitary 火箭是 3:35 精密效應器,可用於 3:37 接合點目標 3:40 新彈藥將顯著 3:42 提高m217的性能 3:45 多發射火箭系統 3:46 在芬蘭軍隊服役 3:50 posanma級克爾維特 3:54 pozanma 類是四個系列 3:57 目前的多用途護衛艦 3:58 芬蘭海軍的發展 4:01 它是 12.3 億歐元的一部分 4:04 Squadron 2020 項目將取代 4:07 芬蘭海軍的七艘老化船隻 4:10 巡洋艦可以部署在 4:12 反水面戰 防空戰 4:15 反潛戰監視和 4:18 心靈任務 4:20 每艘船的排水量約為 4:22 3 900 噸,將配備一名船員 4:25 70。 4:27 它將配備 Buffer 的 57 4:29 毫米艦炮SSM 4:32 地對空導彈加布里埃爾5 4:34 反艦導彈子幻燈片與 4:37 魚雷海軍地雷子軌道火力 4:40 遠程武器站和大規模誘餌 4:42 系統 4:45 外國的 4:51 隱身精確制導對峙 4:53 洛克希德馬丁公司開發的按摩 4:57 它是 agm-158 的升級變體 5:01 聯合空對地支座設計 5:06 巡航導彈重量 2250 磅 5:09 1000 磅穿透爆炸 5:11 使用的碎片彈頭 5:13 精確路由和引導 5:15 [音樂] 5:18 它能夠吃高價值 5:20 目標距離超過 926 5:23 公里 5:24 例如,這枚導彈從 5:27 芬蘭領空可以穩定到達莫斯科 5:29 正方形 5:32 現場將採購200枚導彈 5:34 這可能會武裝他們的 F-35 千斤頂 5:39 agm-154 加入了防區外武器區 5:42 3. 5:43 [音樂] 5:44 它是 agm-154 的最新變體 5:47 j-stop 系列 air to surface 刺眼 5:49 拉坦製造的武器 5:53 芬蘭軍方將購買100輛AGM 154 C1 5:56 來自拉坦的戰術導彈 5:59 導彈可以攜帶在 6:01 F-35 噴氣機的內部武器艙 6:03 [音樂] 6:05 它的低簽名仍然是設計的 6:07 提高導彈的生存能力 6:09 打擊積極防禦的目標 6:13 我們看到 C1 可以接合兩個靜止的 6:15 陸基和移動的海基目標 6:18 在長達 130 公里的範圍內 6:24 聯合打擊導彈國外 6:26 [音樂] 6:29 遠程精確制導隱身 6:31 巡航設計它是空中發射 6:34 海軍打擊導彈的版本 6:37 這種遠程導彈的射程為 6:39 超過 275 公里,設計 6:42 摧毀重兵防守的目標 6:44 精確 6:45 [音樂] 6:47 它採用了非常準確的 6:49 導航系統,並具有高 6:51 防空生存能力 6:53 系統 6:54 聯合打擊導彈是唯一的第5 6:57 一代巡航導彈設計為 6:59 從內部武器噴霧發射 7:01 F-35 的 7:03 GBU 53b 斯特羅姆貝克 7:08 它也被稱為小直徑 7:10 炸彈太 7:11 這是空中發射的精確制導 7:13 由憤怒和製造的快樂炸彈 7:15 導彈系統 7:18 芬蘭將採購500台強力破碎錘 7:21 用於其 f-35a 戰鬥機 7:24 F-35可攜帶8個破草武器 7:27 在內部,它在外部 7:30 翅膀 7:31 它可以識別和打擊靜止或 7:34 高精度移動目標 7:37 一些最糟糕的對峙距離 7:39 天氣狀況 7:41 瞄準 9x block 2 加響尾蛇 7:46 它是的最新升級版本 7:48 響尾蛇系列近程空中 7:50 試驗導彈後鎖定 7:52 啟動功能 7:54 這是一種三重威脅導彈 7:57 用於空氣後部接合表面 7:59 攻擊和水面發射任務 8:01 未經修改 8:02 [音樂] 8:04 芬蘭訂購 150 aim 9x block 2 plus 8:08 戰術導彈 32 aim 9x block 2 plus 8:12 俘虜空中訓練導彈 30 瞄準 9x 8:15 Block 2加上戰術指導單位和 8:18 a aim 9x block 2 圈養空中訓練 8:21 導彈制導裝置 8:23 外國的 8:24 [音樂] 8:32 在美國庫存 8:36 [音樂] 8:39 這是mrm的升級版 8:42 空對空設計改進 8:44 幾乎所有領域,包括後期範圍 8:47 更好的指導和更高的殺傷力 8:49 可能性 8:52 它的估計射程為 160 公里,但 8:56 一些消息來源表明這可能是 8:58 高達180公里 9:02 芬蘭將購買數量不詳的 9:05 瞄准我們的 120v 標誌 9:07 [音樂] 9:09 實戰證明和廣泛使用 9:11 全世界的空空導彈 9:15 一些輕型魚雷 9:19 這是一種新的 LifeWay 魚雷設計和 9:21 由 sub Dynamics 製造,它是 9:24 專門設計用於操作 9:26 潛艇和水面艦艇 9:30 一些輕微的魚雷會 9:32 從芬蘭海軍交付 9:34 他們的中隊 2020 計劃的一部分和 9:36 將安裝在 hemina 類上 9:38 導彈委員會和新博扎爾馬級 9:40 克爾維特 9:42 憑藉其最黑暗的設計 9:45 包含一個全數字歸位 9:47 提供火力和遠距離的系統 9:49 門和線引導操作 9:51 追求目標 9:55 無人機 9:58 芬蘭國防軍正在計劃 10:00 採購無人機系統 10:03 用於情報監視和 10:05 偵察任務 10:07 將分配約1400萬歐元 10:09 採購1000至2000架無人機 10:12 兩年多 10:14 芬蘭軍方的目標是最終確定 10:16 系統供應商和系統由 10:19 2023年夏天 10:20 [音樂] 10:21 一些消息來源說田野也是 10:24 有興趣購買土耳其製造的無人機 10:26 最有可能是 beta pb2 10:30 電池有6x6 10:32 [音樂] 10:34 Patria 6x6 是一款六輪裝甲車 10:37 由生產的個人載體 10:39 成品國防工業愛國者土地 10:41 系統 10:43 芬蘭和 Patria 簽署了一封信 10:45 有意訂購 160 輛汽車 10:48 計劃於 開始的連續交付 10:50 2023 10:52 [音樂] 10:53 它主要是為部隊設計的 10:55 運輸,但可以配置為 10:57 其他角色,如火力支援醫療 11:00 疏散與指揮控制 11:02 [音樂] 11:04 這輛車最多可容納三個 11:07 機組人員和最多 10 名戰鬥人員 11:09 [音樂] 11:12 提供 100 的最大道路速度 11:14 公里每小時和最大範圍 11:17 700公里 11:20 馬克 41 垂直發射系統 11:23 外國的 11:25 導彈發射系統由 11:28 洛克希德馬丁公司將部署在 11:30 新的rosarma級軌道 11:33 洛克希德馬丁公司將提供四枚導彈 11:35 以估計成本啟動系統 11:37 7000萬美元 11:39 發射器可以發射範圍廣泛的 11:41 包括地對空導彈 11:43 導彈 地面攻擊導彈和 11:45 反潛導彈 11:49 進化見麻雀導彈 11:52 全天候中程 11:55 半主動雷達製導方式用於 11:57 地對空和地對地 11:59 規則 12:00 芬蘭將採購約 68 essm 12:04 導彈的估計成本為 112.7 12:07 百萬美元 12:09 我們從 The Mark 41 vertical 發射 12:11 即將安裝的發射系統 12:13 科扎納級軌道 12:16 這枚導彈的最高速度超過 12:18 mark IV 和範圍超過 50 12:20 公里 12:22 它將保護水面艦艇免受 12:24 反艦巡航導彈和低 12:26 速度天線和高速表面 12:28 威脅 12:29 [音樂] 12:32 外國的 12:33 [音樂] 12:36 設計製造的戰鬥步槍 12:39 Sako 與芬蘭人合作 12:41 國防軍它是基於 12:43 美國 AR-10 和 AR-15 設計者 12:46 尤金斯托納 12:48 芬蘭武裝部隊簽署了一項 12:50 M23採購合同 12:52 在計劃 2 配置中 12:54 半自動狙擊步槍和 12:57 指定射手步槍 12:59 芬蘭將開始接收狙擊手 13:01 到2022年底總價值 13:03 包括增值稅在內的採購是 13:05 約1000萬歐元 13:09 新型偵察機 13:12 [音樂] 13:14 芬蘭邊防衛隊計劃 13:16 更換兩個過時的 donier 228 13:18 新型偵察機 13:20 2026 年至 13:23 2027. 13:25 政府已決定資助 163 13:28 萬歐元用於收購 13:30 mbx程序 13:32 這架即將推出的飛機會更 13:34 高效,將顯著提高 13:36 芬蘭的邊境安全和 13:38 監測領土完整 13:42 外國的 13:44 [音樂]


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在這段視頻中,主持人討論了 15 種最先進的未來武器, 包括金屬風暴,一種能夠每分鐘發射 100 萬發子彈的武器平台, 光劍,標誌性的星球大戰武器的複製品,可以燃燒2200 攝氏度並切穿鋼鐵, 以及根據國際法作為非致命武器獲得通過的 Phaser 步槍。 可攜帶 12 至 16 枚地獄火導彈的莫哈韋沙漠無人機, 以及能夠識別環境中的物體並對其進行操縱的機器人士兵,例如 Roman。

Q:為什麼大多數軍隊都反對採用 Metal Storm 武器平台,儘管它具有令人印象深刻的射擊能力?
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大多數軍隊一直反對採用金屬風暴武器平台,儘管它具有令人印象深刻的射擊能力,因為雖然金屬風暴很容易將坦克撕成碎片,但它必須非常靠近它並且可能無法在大多數戰鬥中使用它 情況。 因此,除非它得到實質性改進,否則它很可能不會在戰場上看到任何動作。

Q:Mojave 無人機的作戰能力如何?它將如何在戰場上發揮多種作用?
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Mojave 無人機具有多種作戰能力,可在戰場上用於多種用途。 它可以攜帶 12 到 16 枚地獄火導彈,可以用來從遠處打擊敵方目標。 此外,無人機在位置和存儲方面用途廣泛,因為它可以從短至 120 米長的跑道起飛。 有了這些功能,莫哈韋無人機有望在戰場上發揮多種作用,包括偵察、近距離空中支援和武裝監視。 因此,這款無人機很可能對戰場上的美軍士兵有很大的幫助。

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美國陸軍研製的機器人士兵羅曼具有識別環境中物體並對其進行操縱的能力。 由於其獨特的功能,它可以做到這一點,因為它配備了幾個不同的手部附件,可以以非常特定的方式與各種不同的對象進行交互。 羅曼的力量也足以做單手俯臥撑。 它識別物體的能力來自於它的傳感器,這些傳感器幫助它檢測和分析周圍環境。 這些傳感器包括攝像頭、LIDAR(光探測和測距)和 RADAR(無線電探測和測距)。 通過分析來自這些傳感器的信息,Roman 可以精確識別和定位環境中的物體。 一旦它識別出一個物體,它就可以根據需要使用它的各種手部附件來操縱該物體。

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目前,一些國家正在發展和使用機器人士兵, 包括美國、以色列、英國、中國和俄羅斯等國家。 這些機器人士兵主要用於戰場勘探、為士兵提供支援、執行監督任務等方面。 在這些國家中,美國在機器人士兵技術的研發和應用中處於領先地位,其研發的機器人士兵在實際應用中也取得了不錯的效果。

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1. 感知:救災機器人能夠利用各種感測器,如相機、雷達、聲納、溫度計等,感知周圍環境的情況,包括地形、障礙物、人員、物資等。
2. 運動:救災機器人通常配備輪子、履帶、雙足等不同的移動平台,能夠在不同的地形上自由移動。
3. 決策:救災機器人通過內置的人工智能系統,進行數據分析和判斷,比如認識災情、辨識傷者等等,然後制定相應的行動計劃。
4. 控制:救災機器人能夠通過無線電、Wi-Fi、藍牙等方式和人類操作者進行通訊和控制,實現行動。

Intro 0:00 what will the weapons of the future look 0:02 like today we'll be taking a look at 0:05 lightsabers self-steering bullets and 0:07 much more join me for today's top 15 0:10 most advanced future weapons 0:14 number 15 metal storm 0:16 while being able to fire a few thousand 0:18 rounds of ammo per minute is impressive 0:20 the metal storm takes things to a whole 0:22 new level that's because this 0:24 experimental weapon platform has the 0:26 ability to fire off a whopping 1 million 0:29 rounds of ammo per minute while this may 0:31 seem crazy the design for this 36 barrel 0:34 system began in the late 1990s despite 0:36 being absolutely incredible in theory 0:38 most armies have been against adopting 0:40 it for their arsenals this is because 0:42 while the metal storm could easily tear 0:44 a tank to shreds it would have to be 0:46 very close to it and would likely be 0:48 impossible to use it in most combat 0:50 situations therefore unless it's 0:52 improved substantially it likely won't 0:54 be seeing any action on the battlefield 0:58 number 14 lightsaber Lightsaber 1:00 if you're a fan of the star wars 1:02 franchise then chances are you've 1:03 watched your fair share of lightsaber 1:05 duels however while the film props 1:07 didn't pack much of a punch youtube 1:09 personality james hobson went viral when 1:12 he created a fully functioning 1:13 lightsaber 1:15 now in order to make one hobson and his 1:17 team had to create a powerful 1:18 electromagnetic field that was strong 1:20 enough to contain a plasma blade they 1:22 did so by using the principle of laminar 1:24 flow which required them to combine 1:26 propane with oxygen and then send it 1:28 through a laminar nozzle to generate 1:30 highly concentrated flow of plasma 1:32 the end result is a near replica of a 1:35 lightsaber that projects and retracts on 1:37 command burns at 2200 degrees celsius 1:40 and is hot enough to slice through steel 1:44 number 13 the phaser rifle 1:47 while most of the weapons on this list 1:48 are super deadly the phaser rifle is a 1:51 little bit different than most that's 1:53 because this halo style weapon is a 1:55 laser gun and while most have been 1:56 banned under the 1995 um protocol on 1:59 blinding laser weapons the phaser gets a 2:02 pass due to a small technicality 2:04 more specifically since this blinding 2:06 laser's effects are only meant to be 2:08 temporary their main goal being to 2:10 disorient the target and this makes them 2:12 legal in the eyes of international law 2:15 this could make these rifles one of the 2:16 most useful non-lethal weapons out there 2:18 yet they've made headlines for more than 2:20 just their use on the battlefield 2:22 that's because many believe the phaser 2:24 is named after the phaser gun from star 2:26 trek as both work in a similar fashion 2:29 however given the fact that there are 2:30 currently just two phaser prototypes in 2:32 the us army's arsenal only time will 2:35 tell how useful they really end up being 2:38 number 12 the mojave 2:41 drones are quickly becoming an important 2:43 weapon on the battlefield but the 2:45 us-developed mojave is easily one of the 2:47 most advanced out there today 2:49 first unveiled on december 9th of 2021 2:52 it's been coined as the f-35 of drones 2:55 due to its absolutely incredible combat 2:57 capabilities more specifically the plan 2:59 is for these drones to carry between 12 3:01 to 16 hellfire missiles into the field 3:04 and then act as an unmanned combat 3:06 aerial vehicle the hope is that the 3:08 mojave will be fitted with different 3:09 combat loadouts that will serve a 3:11 variety of purposes with this including 3:13 reconnaissance close air support and 3:15 armed overwatch if that wasn't enough 3:17 the drone also seems to be very 3:19 versatile in terms of locational storage 3:21 as it will be able to take off from 3:22 runways that are as little as 120 meters 3:25 in length as such this drone will likely 3:27 be of great help to u.s soldiers on the 3:29 battlefield 3:32 number 11 robot soldiers 3:35 while the united states has a long 3:36 tradition of sending either young 3:37 recruits or unwilling conscripts into 3:40 war zones it turns out that they're 3:41 starting to replace some of those troops 3:43 with robot soldiers and while none are 3:46 advanced enough yet to fully take on the 3:47 role of a human one of the coolest being 3:49 developed by the us army at the moment 3:51 is roman 3:53 short for robot manipulator roman has 3:55 the ability to identify objects in its 3:58 environment and either traverse them or 3:59 lift them out of the way this is 4:01 possible due to its unique features as 4:03 it's not only strong enough to do 4:05 one-handed push-ups but also has several 4:07 different hand attachments that can 4:08 interact with a variety of different 4:10 objects in very specific ways 4:12 however it's not able to fulfill all of 4:14 its duties to perfection just yet and so 4:17 i hope that the roman continues to be 4:19 upgraded and improved it's really cool 4:23 number 10 self-steering bullets Self-Steering Bullets 4:26 when a soldier shoots a gun they can 4:28 generally expect their bullet to travel 4:30 straight however in recent years the us 4:32 army has been testing guns that use 4:34 futuristic self-steering bullets 4:36 also known as exacto bullets in tests 4:39 even beginner shooters were able to hit 4:41 moving targets when using them 4:43 and while the us government has been 4:44 pretty hush-hush about how they work we 4:47 have a vague idea what we know is that 4:49 these bullets likely use small fins to 4:51 redirect their path when necessary and 4:53 that the technology within them almost 4:55 certainly compensates for weather wind 4:57 and target movement this in turn should 5:00 theoretically make snipers far more 5:02 accurate while also allowing novices to 5:04 be competent almost immediately the 5:06 military's ultimate hope is that these 5:08 bullets will allow soldiers to take 5:10 shots from farther away while not 5:12 sacrificing accuracy which in turn would 5:14 save the lives of american soldiers on 5:16 the battlefield however only time will 5:18 tell whether or not these incredible 5:20 bullets will achieve mainstream adoption 5:24 number nine the active denial system The Active Denial system 5:28 no one likes sitting outside on a super 5:30 hot day and the active denial system 5:32 weaponizes that dislike 5:35 developed by the us army the active 5:37 denial system which is essentially a 5:39 non-lethal heat ray is intended to heat 5:41 up the skin of those it's pointed at 5:44 while it's not hot enough to immediately 5:46 burn them the sensation is similar to 5:48 having a very hot oven opened in your 5:50 face with its approximate temperature 5:51 believed to be in the range of 45 5:53 degrees celsius 5:55 however given its ability to cause some 5:57 serious damage if pointed at someone for 5:59 a long time it should come as no 6:00 surprise that the active denial system 6:02 has been the target of a lot of 6:04 controversy 6:06 number eight thunder generator Thunder Generator 6:09 while simulating thunder may seem like a 6:11 strange use of time and resources it 6:14 turns out that this type of machine 6:15 could be an incredibly important weapon 6:18 recently developed in israel the thunder 6:20 generator is a sonic blaster that can 6:22 produce a series of ear splitting 6:24 explosions 6:26 more specifically it works by firing 6:28 shock waves through people and objects 6:30 and although they're technically 6:31 harmless they're so loud that they 6:33 reportedly make you feel like you're 6:34 standing in front of a firing squad 6:37 they work by mixing gas from a cylinder 6:39 of domestic liquid petroleum with air 6:41 which creates a detonation in the form 6:43 of a high intensity blast the system has 6:46 the ability to generate 60 to 100 bursts 6:48 per minute with each burst traveling 6:50 about 2 000 meters per second and 6:52 lasting up to 300 milliseconds if 6:55 despite its immense power it cost just 6:57 25 bucks to produce 5000 blasts and the 7:00 company behind the machine hopes that 7:02 the israeli defense forces will push 7:04 their thunder generator in order to 7:06 assist with both riot and border control 7:10 number seven helios laser 7:12 while lasers may sound like something 7:14 out of a science fiction movie it turns 7:16 out that this is exactly the type of 7:18 weapon that's currently being mounted 7:20 onto u.s navy ships made by lockheed 7:23 martin it's essentially a 60 kilowatt 7:25 laser that's not only capable of 7:27 completely obliterating drones and small 7:29 boats but also blinding sensors putting 7:32 hulls through unmanned aerial vehicles 7:34 knocking down low-flying aircraft and 7:36 even redirecting missiles 7:38 now what's crazy about the helios is 7:40 that it's not only very effective but 7:42 also has almost unlimited power 7:44 that's because unlike conventional 7:46 firing systems that use missiles or 7:48 bullets the helios's laser never runs 7:50 out of ammo and can keep going so long 7:52 as the boat has its power if that wasn't 7:55 enough it turns out that this laser is 7:56 not just a one-trick pony and has the 7:58 ability to double as an intelligence 8:00 reconnaissance and surveillance sensor 8:02 when the laser isn't being fired despite 8:05 costing 150 million a pop i wouldn't be 8:07 surprised if the us navy continues to 8:10 strap these futuristic lasers onto its 8:12 ships 8:14 number six the death beam The Death Beam 8:17 while helios may be a pretty incredible 8:19 laser the death beam currently being 8:21 developed by the us military is said to 8:23 be even stronger as of now lasers have 8:26 generally been used to bring down drones 8:28 and small ships however the us army now 8:31 wants to expand their laser capabilities 8:33 so they can destroy much larger targets 8:35 they plan to up the ante on their 60 8:38 kilowatt helios laser by creating a 300 8:41 kilowatt laser that is officially 8:42 unnamed however for the purposes of this 8:45 video we will call it the death beam 8:48 while most of the info is under wraps 8:50 what we do know is that they will 8:51 function far differently than regular 8:53 lasers more specifically while most 8:55 laser weapons use multiple industrial 8:57 fiber lasers that combine their output 8:59 into a single beam the death beam will 9:02 make use of large slabs of glass 9:04 connected in a series while these slab 9:06 lasers have historically been prone to 9:08 overheating and issues with beam quality 9:10 developers are claiming that this new 9:12 design works well as arranging the slabs 9:14 in a series has apparently helped 9:16 alleviate some of the issues surrounding 9:18 them however their true effectiveness is 9:20 yet to be proven the death beam 9:24 number five tactical ultra short pulsed 9:27 laser 9:28 all right generally speaking most lasers 9:30 work by shooting out a long contiguous 9:32 beam however the tactical ultra 9:34 ultra-short pulsed laser looks like 9:36 something out of a star wars movie due 9:38 to its ability to shoot beams in small 9:40 pellets 9:41 essentially making the weapon a laser 9:43 machine gun the idea is that it will 9:46 shoot out bursts that use up to 5 9:47 terawatts of energy and are as short as 9:50 30 femtoseconds in length and that can 9:52 be fired at a rate of up to 50 per 9:54 second this gives them a marked 9:56 advantage over conventional lasers as 9:58 rather than have to focus a beam at one 10:00 target for a few seconds these can act 10:02 in short bursts that can be aimed at 10:04 multiple targets at once there's also a 10:07 hope that because of its relatively high 10:08 power settings it will be able to take 10:10 down large targets such as cruise 10:12 missiles 10:13 however the specifics around the 10:15 tactical ultra-short pulse laser's 10:17 effectiveness will likely not be known 10:19 until the weapon is made public in 10:20 august of this year 10:23 number four cyber weapons 10:26 in a world where everything is becoming 10:28 more digitized it makes sense that cyber 10:31 weapons are becoming the new way of the 10:33 future 10:35 now while hacking may be the mainstream 10:37 way of causing cyber terror there are 10:39 actual cyber weapons that can 10:40 effectively do the same job 10:43 one such weapon is stuxnet STUXnet 10:45 likely developed between 2005 and 2010 10:48 via a collaboration between the united 10:50 states and israel it specifically 10:52 targeted programmable logic controllers 10:54 or plcs which are the devices used to 10:56 control machinery and industrial 10:58 processes to date it's reportedly ruined 11:01 almost one-fifth of iran's nuclear 11:03 centrifuges while infecting nearly two 11:05 hundred thousand iranian computers and 11:08 has caused a total of one thousand 11:09 iranian machines to physically degrade 11:12 sometimes these weapons have to be used 11:14 internally such as the case with the 11:16 great canon of china this weapon is used 11:19 to hijack foreign web traffic intended 11:21 for chinese websites and instead 11:23 re-route it to targeted web servers 11:26 allowing china to along with other 11:27 measures such as the great firewall of 11:29 china effectively censor its internet 11:32 given their effectiveness it should come 11:34 as no surprise that these cyber weapons 11:36 are becoming more and more common and 11:38 only time will tell exactly how 11:40 effective they can become 11:43 number three the iron dome The Iron Dome 11:46 the israeli defense force or idf is 11:48 known for being an exceptionally 11:50 effective army yet their most effective 11:52 weapon by far is definitely their iron 11:54 dome defense system 11:56 in service since 2011 the iron dome is 11:59 an air defense system which essentially 12:00 attempts to intercept rockets being 12:02 fired into israeli territory in terms of 12:05 function the iron dome first uses a 12:07 radar that detects incoming rockets then 12:10 its commanding control system processes 12:12 their location and then finally the 12:14 interceptor sends out a missile to 12:15 destroy the incoming rocket according to 12:18 the idf the system is extremely 12:20 effective against the types of 12:21 short-range rockets that generally come 12:23 out of palestine 12:24 as the system is able to shoot them down 12:26 between 85 and 90 of the time 12:28 however while the iron dome is a 12:30 powerful weapon it isn't a perfect 12:32 solution 12:33 after all medium-range missiles and 12:35 ballistic missiles that could 12:36 potentially come from lebanon or iran 12:38 would be difficult for the iron dome to 12:40 intercept there's also an issue around 12:43 quantity control as while the iron dome 12:45 is effective 90 of the time palestinians 12:48 have gotten around its effectiveness by 12:50 simply launching hundreds if not 12:52 thousands of missiles at one time in 12:54 order to ensure that at least some would 12:56 hit their targets however given the fact 12:58 that it's in the process of being 12:59 complemented by other missile defense 13:01 systems there will likely soon come a 13:03 time where palestinian missile attacks 13:05 will be completely neutralized 13:08 number two the corner shot 13:11 in hostage and terrorist situations it 13:13 can be hard for special forces to safely 13:16 neutralize an attacker after all these 13:18 people generally tend to barricade 13:20 themselves into a given area and so 13:22 unless a soldier puts themselves in 13:23 immense danger by busting through the 13:25 door or a set of barriers it's more than 13:27 likely that they'll be shot at before 13:29 they can get a shot in 13:31 this is where the corner shot comes into 13:33 play developed by lieutenant colonel 13:35 amos golan of the israeli defense forces 13:37 it's a weapon accessory that allows your 13:39 gun to navigate corners due to its 13:41 ability to shoot up down left or right 13:44 by using a swivel mechanism in order to 13:46 ensure the accuracy the corner shock 13:48 comes equipped with a camera so the 13:50 operator can see their target even if 13:51 their target cannot see them 13:53 while other accessories such as 13:55 detachable cameras audio video 13:57 transmission kits visible and infrared 13:59 lasers tactical flashlights suppressors 14:02 and rubber bullets can all be added if 14:04 need be if all that wasn't enough it has 14:06 a multi-weapon capability and it can be 14:08 attached to semi-automatic pistols 14:10 assault rifle pistols or even grenade 14:13 launchers in order to perform the task 14:14 at hand the corner shot is used by swat 14:17 teams and special forces from around the 14:19 world yet it turns out that this firearm 14:21 is not entirely unique that's because 14:24 countries like iran and china have 14:26 copycat weapons allowing them to fulfill 14:28 the same functions without buying corner 14:30 shots from an israeli supplier yet 14:32 despite the fakes i'd still say that the 14:34 corner shot's a pretty cool piece of 14:35 equipment 14:38 number one smart guns 14:40 okay it's no secret that the united 14:42 states is crazy about guns 14:44 unsurprisingly their high rate of gun 14:46 usage has also caused a lot of problems 14:48 as america's inability to properly 14:50 regulate gun use has led to everything 14:52 from school shootings to terrible 14:54 accidents however in recent years smart 14:56 guns have been developed in order to get 14:58 around this problem the idea of a smart 15:00 gun is that it will only fire once 15:02 specific safety conditions are met for 15:04 example the armatix ip1 is the most 15:07 advanced of these weapons and it only 15:09 works with the help of a wearable watch 15:11 more specifically the watch requires the 15:13 entering of a pin code in order to arm 15:15 the weapon and shows charge levels on 15:17 both the watch and the gun a watch 15:19 itself is waterproof and one charge of 15:21 the weapon will last a total of 5 000 15:23 rounds 15:24 in order to function the gun 15:25 communicates with the watch via rfid and 15:28 the watch will only allow the gun to 15:29 fire if it's less than 10 inches away 15:31 from the watch 15:33 however other smart guns such as the 15:34 intelligent are a little less 15:36 restrictive the intelligent works by 15:38 essentially modifying an existing model 15:40 of a firearm so that it only activates 15:43 after the owner uses a fingerprint 15:45 scanner 15:46 yet as you might expect american gun 15:48 advocacy groups such as the nra have 15:50 long campaigned against the smart gun 15:52 saying that on philosophical grounds 15:54 guns should not rely on any mechanisms 15:56 that are more advanced than newtonian 15:58 physics 15:59 these advocates also have other concerns 16:01 as they've complained that these guns 16:03 could either not work during emergencies 16:05 or be hacked by people 16:07 while the second reason may seem a bit 16:09 ridiculous surprisingly it is actually 16:11 within the realm of possibility as a 16:13 hacker by the name of plor hacked the 16:14 armatic's weapon so that it would shoot 16:16 on his command he reportedly did this 16:18 because while he likes the idea of smart 16:20 guns he thinks that they need to be more 16:22 fail proof against hackers before they 16:24 enter the wider market 16:26 yet while such intentions are noble many 16:28 have used this event to totally denounce 16:30 the existence of smart guns and unless 16:33 gun companies get their act together 16:34 it's likely that the development of 16:36 smart guns will be completely altered 16:39 watch our binge watching playlist if 16:41 you'd like to watch all of our most 16:43 popular top 15 videos grab a drink grab 16:46 a snack and get ready to binge


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在此視頻中,主持人討論了俄羅斯正在開發的用於其武裝部隊的即將推出的武器。 其中包括 用於致盲敵方衛星的 Kalina 先進激光系統、 Groom 或 Thunder 無人機、 Sukhoi S70 Aquatonic B 隱形重型無人機、 Tupolev Park da 下一代戰略轟炸機、 Mikoyan Mig-41 6th一代戰鬥機攔截器, 用於偵察和打擊任務的 Orion 2 Helios 無人機, 艦載第五代鋼鐵戰鬥機, Sukhoi Su-75 Checkmate 單引擎鋼鐵戰鬥機, 相信 A100 雙引擎機載預警和控制飛機和 Illusion Park VTA 下一代重型軍用運輸機。

Q:Kalina 先進激光系統將用於什麼用途?
Chat YouTube:
Kalina 先進激光系統. 旨在通過永久損壞其光學傳感器. 來致盲俄羅斯領土上的敵方衛星。

Q:哪架飛機將取代舊的圖波列夫 Tu95 轟炸機?
Chat YouTube:
圖波列夫公園 da 下一代戰略轟炸機. 將補充並最終取代舊的圖波列夫 Tu95 轟炸機。

Q:Orion 2 Helios無人機的最高時速是多少?
Chat YouTube:
Orion 2 Helios無人機的最高時速為每小時350公里。

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美國的MQ-9 Reaper和Global Hawk、
中國的Wing Loong和CH-7
俄羅斯的S-70 Okhotnik和Altius。

0:02 hello guys 0:03 welcome back to the channel today we 0:05 will show you the list of upcoming 0:06 weapons of russia that will 0:08 inter-service with the russian armed 0:10 forces in the future 0:14 [Music] Kalina 0:18 kalina 0:22 kalina is the russian advanced laser 0:23 system currently in the final stage of 0:26 its development 0:27 it is designed to blind enemy satellites 0:29 over russian territory by permanently 0:31 damaging their optical sensors 0:34 the latest report revealed that kalina 0:36 is currently being built at the corona 0:38 space facility near jalan chukshaya in 0:40 far south western russia 0:43 [Music] Groomor Thunder 0:45 groom or thunder 0:48 it's a russian future unmanned combat 0:50 aerial vehicle and expected to join the 0:52 russian air force by 2025 0:55 room is designed to perform intelligence 0:57 surveillance target acquisition 0:59 reconnaissance and strike missions 1:02 it would also be capable of controlling 1:04 a swarm of 10 small size drones in their 1:06 reconnaissance and strike configuration 1:09 its four hardpoints can employ a wide 1:11 range of weapons including the ks38 air 1:14 to surface missiles and guided bombs 1:17 [Music] Sukhoi S70 1:18 sukhoi s70 aquatonic b 1:22 the s70 is a stealth heavy unmanned 1:25 combat aerial vehicle currently being 1:26 developed by sukhoi 1:28 it was expected to achieve initial 1:30 operational capability in 2024 1:34 according to the russian estate media it 1:36 can reach speeds up to 1000 kilometer 1:39 per hour while carrying its payload 1:41 internally 1:43 this aircraft will be able to provide 1:45 surveillance and reconnaissance along 1:47 with strike capabilities at longer 1:49 ranges Tupolev Park DA 1:51 tupolev park da 1:55 it's the russian next generation 1:56 strategic steel bomber currently under 1:59 development by tupolev 2:01 this aircraft is expected to enter 2:03 service in 2027. 2:06 it will complement and eventually 2:08 replace the older tupolev tu95 bomber 2:13 park da will be a subsonic platform with 2:15 heavy payload capabilities that will 2:17 include cruise missiles precision bombs 2:20 and hypersonic weapons 2:21 [Music] Mikoyan Mig41 2:23 mikoyan mig-41 2:25 [Music] 2:27 it's a 6th generation fighter 2:28 interceptor project currently being 2:30 developed in russia as a part of the 2:32 park dp program 2:34 it will replace the mig-31 in the 2:36 russian air force 2:38 this aircraft may cruise at a speed of 2:40 at least mark 4 and fly at high 2:42 altitudes 2:43 the mig-41 is also intended to carry 2:46 anti-satellite and anti-hypersonic 2:48 designs Orion 2 Helios 2:50 orion 2 helios 2:53 it's the larger and upgraded version of 2:55 the orient unmanned aerial vehicles 2:57 designed for reconnaissance and strike 2:59 missions 3:00 the first flight is planned for 2023 3:04 this drone has a top speed of 350 3:07 kilometer per hour and operate at 3:09 altitudes up to 12 kilometer 3:12 it has a flight endurance of 30 hours 3:14 and a payload capacity of 300 kg Carrier Based 5th Generation Steel Fighter 3:18 carrier-based 5th generation steel 3:20 fighter 3:22 russian ming is reportedly working on 3:24 the development of a 5th generation 3:26 carrier-based steel fighter 3:28 this carrier-borne fighter jet could be 3:30 a vertical or short takeoff and landing 3:32 aircraft meaning that it could operate 3:35 from a ship smaller than conventional 3:37 aircraft carrier 3:39 it is expected that the aircraft will be 3:42 as big as the mig-35 Su75 Checkmate 3:45 sukhoi su-75 checkmate 3:49 it's a fifth generation single-engine 3:51 steel fighter aircraft under development 3:54 by sukhoi 3:56 initial deliveries are planned for 3:57 2026-2027 4:01 it has a payload capacity of 7 400 kg 4:04 and reach speeds of up to mark 2. 4:07 the fighter will also feature an 4:09 internal vapors bay with 5 missiles and 4:11 has 11 external hardpoints 4:13 [Music] A100 4:15 believe a100 4:18 it's a twin engine airborne early 4:20 warning and control aircraft based on 4:22 the il-76md transport aircraft this 4:25 aircraft is expected to enter service 4:27 after 2024 4:30 it can detect aerial targets at a 4:32 distance of 600 kilometer and surface 4:34 targets at 400 kilometer 4:38 this aircraft can also provide airborne 4:40 intelligence surveillance reconnaissance 4:43 and command and control for combat 4:44 aircraft in air-to-air or air-to-ground 4:47 attractions 4:50 illusion park vta 4:53 it's the russian next generation heavy 4:55 military transport aircraft currently 4:57 under development for russian air force 5:00 it is intended to replace the antonov 5:02 1822 and an124 heavy air lifter 5:06 the first flight is scheduled for 2024 5:09 to 2026 5:11 it is expected to have a payload 5:13 capacity of 80 to 100 tons with a range 5:16 of 500 kilometers Il276 5:20 illusion il-276 5:23 it's a twin-engine multi-purpose 5:25 medium-sized multi-transport aircraft 5:28 currently being developed to replace the 5:29 antonov an-12 5:32 the first unit is expected to delivered 5:34 in 2026. 5:36 the il-276 will be able to carry 150 5:40 soldiers or up to 20 tons of cargo 5:43 the range of the aircraft must be 2000 5:45 kilometer with maximum payload and has a 5:48 cruising speed of 800 kilometer per hour 5:52 [Music] Il10012P 5:54 il 100 12p 5:55 [Music] 5:57 it's a russian light turboprop military 5:59 transport aircraft that will replace n24 6:02 and an26 aircraft 6:05 this aircraft could carry up to 44 6:07 passengers 6:10 it will carry up to 5 tons of cargo and 6:12 is designed to transport personal 6:14 military hardware and armaments 6:19 according to russian officials the 6:20 program will continue despite its 6:22 prototype crashed in 2021 Ka65 6:28 kamu ka-65 6:31 it's a new anti-submarine helicopter 6:33 currently being developed for the 6:34 russian navy 6:36 it will be used for anti-submarine 6:38 search and rescue transport and other 6:40 roles 6:41 [Music] Orlan 6:46 the orlan is a ground effect vehicle 6:48 currently under development for russian 6:50 navy 6:50 it will be ready by 2027 and has a 6:53 characteristics of both a ship and 6:55 aircraft 6:56 [Music] 6:57 the missile armed ecranoplan will be 6:59 used to protect the northern sea route 7:01 such as the barrens 7:03 it could also serve for petrol transport 7:06 and search and rescue duties 7:07 [Music] A235 7:09 a235 7:12 it's a russian mobile anti-ballistic 7:14 missile and anti-satellite weapon system 7:16 currently in development 7:19 the a235 is intended to protect moscow 7:22 and important industrial regions from 7:24 nuclear strikes 7:26 it can shoot down hypersonic attack 7:28 weapons hypersonic orbital platforms 7:30 ballistic missiles as well as satellites 7:32 in near space 7:34 [Music] Burwesnik Skyfall 7:35 burwesnik or skyfall 7:38 it's a russian nuclear-powered cruise 7:40 missile currently in development for the 7:42 russian armed forces 7:44 russian sources claim that this missile 7:46 could become operational in around 2025 7:51 this missile is clearly capable of 7:52 carrying low-illeg nuclear warheads 7:55 though it can also be fitted with 7:56 conventional warheads 7:59 it is said to have unlimited range and 8:01 ability to evade missile defense RS28 Sarmat 8:06 rs-28 sarmat 8:09 it's a russian silo based super heavy 8:11 intercontinental ballistic missile 8:13 currently in development 8:15 sarmat is expected to enter service by 8:17 the end of 2022 8:20 with a range of 18 000 kilometer it is 8:23 capable of launching nuclear warheads 8:25 anywhere across the globe 8:27 this icbm has a payload capacity of 8:30 around 10 tons and can carry up to 10 to 8:32 15 mi rb warheads or 24 avanguard 8:35 hypersonic booster vehicles 8:39 once operational the rs-28 sarmat will 8:41 become one of the most powerful icpm in 8:44 the world Zircon 8:47 zircon 8:49 it's a russian anti-ship hypersonic 8:51 cruise missile scheduled to be 8:53 operational by the end of the year 8:55 zircon is capable of flying at 9 times 8:58 the speed of sound and has a range of 9:00 1000 kilometer 9:02 initial launch platforms for this 9:03 missiles are surface ships and 9:05 submarines 9:08 zircon are designed to engage surface 9:10 ships carrier battle groups as well as 9:13 land-based targets 9:15 it can even carry nuclear warheads and 9:17 is impossible to intercept with existing 9:19 air defense system 9:23 poseidon 9:26 poseidon is a nuclear powered unmanned 9:28 underwater drone 9:30 it is capable of delivering both 9:32 conventional and nuclear payloads 9:34 essentially it's an autonomous nuclear 9:37 torpedo that has unlimited range 9:40 this weapon can generate a radioactive 9:42 tsunami that can not only destroy 9:44 coastal facilities including shipyards 9:46 and naval bases but also pose a 9:49 significant threat to the carrier fleet 9:53 up to 6 house drones will be carried by 9:55 russia's new belgarod special summary 9:58 [Music] T14 Armata 10:00 t14 armata 10:03 it's a russian next generation 10:05 state-of-the-art main battle tank 10:07 however by 2022 this tank was not yet in 10:11 service with the russian army 10:14 this tank is armed with a 125 millimeter 10:17 smooth burger with fully automated 10:19 loading system 10:21 its unmanned turret carries a total of 10:23 45 rounds of ammunition and can also 10:25 fire laser guiding sign 10:28 the t14 is reported to be faster and 10:30 more mobile than the most existing tanks 10:34 it has advanced features like remote 10:36 control turret and armored crew 10:38 compartment radar systems 360 degree 10:41 cameras active protection systems and 10:44 high degree of passive and active armor 10:46 protection T15 Armata 10:48 t-15 armata 10:52 it's a russian heavy infantry fighting 10:54 vehicle based on the t14 tank hull 10:57 p15 is expected to replace the bmp2 and 11:00 empty lb based platforms of the russian 11:02 ground forces 11:04 it has unmanned turret and armed with a 11:06 30 millimeter cannon coaxial 7.62 11:09 machine gun and four cornered m 11:11 anti-tank missile launchers 11:13 this heavily armored vehicle is designed 11:15 to deliver infantry and provide fire 11:17 support to troops at the battlefield 11:20 it can run at a maximum load speed of 70 11:22 kilometer per hour with a maximum 11:24 cruising range of 550 kilometers Boomerang 11:29 boomerang 11:32 it's a modular amphibious infantry 11:34 fighting vehicle and armored personal 11:35 carrier being developed for the russian 11:37 army 11:39 there are two versions of the boomerang 11:41 8x8 vehicle 11:44 the k16 armored personal carrier lightly 11:46 armed with a remote vapor station with a 11:48 12.7 millimeter heavy machine gun 11:51 and the k17 infantry fighting vehicle 11:54 heavily armed with a remotely controlled 11:56 weapon station with a 30 millimeter 11:58 cannon and coordinate anti-tank size 12:01 it can accommodate seven to eight 12:02 passengers 12:04 [Music] Gurgaon 12:06 gurgaon adds 25 12:10 it's a multi-purpose track platform 12:12 being developed for the russian army 12:15 there are two versions of the vehicle a 12:17 heavily armed infantry fighting vehicle 12:19 carrying six to seven troops and a 12:21 lightly armed abc carrying eight troops 12:25 the infantry fighting vehicle variant 12:27 features the boomerang bm remote control 12:29 turret with its 30 millimeter auto 12:31 cannon a 7.62 millimeter coaxial machine 12:33 gun and four cornered anti-tank guide 12:36 design but its apc variant is armed with 12:38 remotely controlled 12.7 millimeter 12:41 machine gun New Aircraft Carrier 12:43 new aircraft carrier 12:46 russian media reports indicates that the 12:49 construction of a new aircraft carrier 12:51 is being considered for the new state 12:52 armament program for 2024-2033 12:57 work is currently underway to assess the 12:59 financial and technological risk in the 13:01 construction of such a ship 13:05 russia's carrier prospects are dicey but 13:07 if the ship makes it to the shay it will 13:09 be much better than their current 13:11 aircraft carrier Project 23900 13:14 project 23900 13:17 it's the newest class of russian mpbs 13:19 assault ships currently under 13:20 development at the jail shipyard in 13:22 crimea 13:25 the two vessels will be delivered to the 13:26 russian navy in 2026 and 2027 13:30 respectively 13:32 in addition to 16 helicopters it will 13:34 carry up to 4 s70 reconnaissance and 13:37 attack unmanned aerial vehicle 13:39 the new warships will also carry up to 13:41 900 marines along with 75 armored 13:44 fighting vehicles and 4 landing or 13:46 assault boards 13:47 [Music] Project 545 Leica 13:49 project 545 leica 13:52 it's a series of nuclear-powered 5th 13:54 generation multi-purpose submarines 13:56 currently under development for the 13:57 russian navy 13:59 the first submarine is expected to be 14:01 built by 2027 to 2030. 14:05 it will likely be armed with a cruise 14:07 and hypersonic missiles along with 14:08 torpedoes 14:10 khabar rose class or project 09851 14:14 it's a class of nuclear submarines under 14:16 construction for the russian navy 14:18 surface displacement is reported to be 14:20 around 10 000 tons 14:23 this class is designed to carry six 14:25 poseidon long-range nuclear torpedoes 14:28 in addition to torpedoes it will likely 14:30 carry anti-ship and land attacking sites Lighter Glass 14:34 lighter glass 14:37 it's a class of stealth nuclear powered 14:40 carrier missile destroyers under 14:41 consideration for the russian navy it 14:44 will be larger highly advanced and 14:46 heavily armed 14:48 in total they should carry a combination 14:50 of at least 200 missiles of different 14:52 variants like cruise missiles 14:54 anti-submarine missiles hypersonic 14:56 missiles and s-500 air defense systems 15:00 in addition it will also carry torpedoes 15:02 and up to two medium sized helicopters 15:06 the head of the united shipbuilding 15:08 corporation reported that the project 15:10 was still moving forward despite earlier 15:12 reports of cancellation 15:15 project 15:16 22350m super bowl score 15:19 it will be the upgraded variant of 15:21 admiral gorsuch class frigate with an 15:22 increased displacement of 8000 tons dual 15:26 vessels are planned and the first ship 15:28 is expected to be laid down in 2024 15:31 it will feature 120 vertical lawn cells 15:34 for surface-to-air missiles 15:36 anti-submarine missiles and cruise 15:37 missiles including hypersonic 15:40 additionally it will also carry 15:41 torpedoes and helicopter Project 20386 15:44 project 20386 15:48 it's the newest class of corvettes being 15:49 constructed for the russian navy 15:52 series of at least 10 such corvettes 15:53 will be built and expected to enter 15:55 service in 2023. 15:57 it will feature surface tier missiles 15:59 anti-submarine torpedoes and caliber or 16:02 onyx and the ship cruise missiles Project 23550 16:06 project 23550 16:09 it's a class of armed ice breaking 16:11 patrol ships for the russian navy and 16:13 russian border guards 16:16 the first ship is expected to be 16:17 commissioned in 2023 16:20 the ships will be equipped with two 16:21 high-speed raptor petrol boats a ka-27 16:24 helicopter and a small hovercraft 16:27 its armament includes a 76.2 millimeter 16:30 naval gun and caliber nk anti-ship 16:32 missiles Hypatia 16:36 hypatia 16:39 it's a modern icebreaker currently under 16:41 construction at al-masih building 16:43 company for the russian navy 16:45 the vessel is scheduled to enter service 16:47 with the northern fleet in 2022 16:50 with a displacement of 4000 tons the 16:53 icebreaker will be able to reach speeds 16:55 of up to 14 knots 16:57 the ships do not receive standard 16:58 armament but it can be installed if 17:02 necessary project 23131 Project 23131 17:07 it's a series of replenishment oilers 17:09 currently under construction for the 17:10 russian navy 17:12 it's a heavier version and further 17:14 development of project 23130 17:16 replenishment oiler 17:18 the new vessels will be designed to 17:20 store and transport fuel as well as dry 17:22 cargo to surface ships and submarines 17:26 project 03182r 17:28 [Music] 17:29 it's a new research vessels of russian 17:31 navy currently under development 17:33 two research ships united by rene and 17:36 boris bobco were laid at the gel nodules 17:38 part 17:40 it is designed to conduct complex 17:41 oceanographic studies of the world's 17:43 ocean and silk zone 17:46 [Music]

30 大未來武器

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該視頻重點介紹了戰爭中使用的前30種未來武器和現代車輛。 軍事硬件的這些進步. 描繪了未來幾年戰爭世界的可怕和危險的景象。 該視頻展示了高超音速導彈、智能手槍、Austech Origin 12 霰彈槍、自適應偽裝、水動力爆炸彈藥、泰瑟衝擊波和模塊化先進武裝機器人系統等。

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自適應迷彩的工作原理是掩蓋軍用車輛的紅外信號,並通過使其與周圍環境融為一體來使其免於被發現。 這項技術實質上使熱成像系統過時,並確保為友軍戰車提供一些保護,使其免受初始檢測。

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泰瑟衝擊波是一種大規模區域拒止系統,旨在協助控制暴亂。 它本質上是一個大型模塊化系統,用於以 20 度弧度和 25 英尺射程發射大量 Taser X26 電擊槍,用於威懾和製服大群人。

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流體動力爆炸彈藥 (HEM) 的工作方式與傳統系統不同,因為它使用磁通量發生器發射彈丸而不使用化學炸藥,從而創建更高效和精確的發射系統。 它還使用熔融金屬穿透敵方裝甲車,與傳統炸藥相比,增加了戰場上的殺傷力和有效性。

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聲波武器是一種將聲波能量集中在一個相對較小的區域並對其目標產生影響的武器。其原理是通過振動發射器產生高功率、高頻率的聲波,使其能量集中在一個區域,進而對目標造成影響。 聲波武器的運作方式因其種類而異。
1. 聲波噴射器
2. 聲光武器
需要注意的是, 聲波武器的使用需要控制在安全範圍內,以避免對人造成過度傷害。

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臭氧武器是一種通過臭氧分子的化學反應產生氧化劑,對目標造成攻擊效果的武器。 其原理是利用高電壓電弧或紫外線輻射使空氣分子分解,形成臭氧分子,臭氧分子具有強氧化性,可以對目標造成危害。 臭氧武器的運作方式一般分為以下兩種:
1. 電弧式臭氧武器
2. 紫外線臭氧武器

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1. 發射:通過激光器將光轉化為高強度激光光束,產生一個高能量光束。
2. 聚焦:聚焦光束到一個非常小的點上,使該點的能量密度非常高,從而產生高能量攻擊效果。
3. 照射:將光束照射到目標上,使目標受到攻擊。 雷射武器的攻擊方式主要有兩種:一是燒焦目標表面,包括燒毀電路板、燒穿金屬表面等;二是使目標瞬間升溫,產生爆炸或燃燒,從而達到攻擊目的。

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生攻擊效果。 具體氣象武器的運作方式可能會有所不同,但通常會使用以下兩種方法: 1. 改變大氣垂直運動:通過注入能量將大氣層中的某些區域加熱或降溫,從而改變空氣的垂直運動,形成暴風、暴雨、雪災以及龍捲風等天氣災害。
2. 改變大氣水循環: 通過釋放化學物質或其他的措施改變水汽在地球大氣層中的擴散、傳遞速度,從而形成凝結核,形成大量降雨或冰雹的天氣災害。

0:01 ultimate fact presents top 30 incredibly 0:04 futuristic weapons and modern fighting Top 30 Incredibly Futuristic Weapons and Modern Fighting Vehicles 0:07 vehicles before we begin click that like 0:10 button to inspire us 0:11 moreover subscribe to our Channel and 0:13 click the notification bell to be 0:15 inspired by this type of ultimate fact 0:18 warfare has always led to the biggest 0:20 leaps Ford in technology with each 0:23 country constantly striving to have the 0:25 most advanced and capable armaments to 0:27 protect their interests at home and 0:29 abroad seemingly drawing inspiration 0:31 from science fiction the latest and 0:33 greatest advancements in military 0:34 hardware and future weaponry paint a 0:36 scaly accurate and dangerous view of the 0:39 world of warfare and coming years join 0:42 us on the battlefield as we take a trip 0:44 across the globe to find the biggest 0:46 brightest and best weaponry and military 0:48 hardware from recent years as well as 0:51 predictions of the future 0:54 hypersonic missiles since the 1990s the 0:58 American air force research laboratory 1:00 has been involved in a design 1:02 development and testing of hypersonic 1:04 propulsion systems with a view to create 1:06 a missile capable of Mach 6 4,000 miles 1:10 per hour the result is the Boeing x51 1:12 Waverider an unmanned scramjet aircraft 1:16 designed to be launched from a b-52 1:17 bomber 1:18 f-35 fighter still work-in-progress the 1:21 x51 Waverider has shown plenty of 1:24 promise during testing reaching speeds 1:26 of over 3,000 miles per hour aromatics 1:31 smart pistol the aromatic smart pistol 1:34 is a 22 caliber pistol with a smart 1:37 technology designed to ensure it can 1:39 only be fired by authorized user 1:41 unlike designs from the movies this gun 1:43 doesn't function by a fingerprint reader 1:45 on the grip but instead requires the use 1:47 of an accompanying SmartWatch this watch 1:50 operates as an RF IDP to the lock 1:52 allowing it to fire the watch itself 1:55 also holds other real-time data on the 1:57 gun including battery charge levels and 1:59 the number of shots fired within a given 2:01 time frame 2:03 austech origin 12 shotgun the fostex 2:08 origin 12 shotgun is pitched as the 2:10 world's fastest firing shotgun although 2:12 not fully automatic this shotgun is 2:14 capable of firing 30 rounds in under 2:17 eight seconds it's also capable of 2:19 working with a silencer CEO salvo 12 2:22 sound suppressor making it a menacing 2:24 weapon in anyone's hands adaptive 2:29 camouflage the enemy can't shoot what 2:32 they can't see 2:33 that's the goal of BAE Systems adaptive 2:36 camouflage to mask a military vehicles 2:38 infrared signature and shield them from 2:40 detection by allowing them to blend in 2:43 with their surroundings this technology 2:45 essentially renders thermal imaging 2:47 systems obsolete and ensures friendly 2:49 fighting vehicles are offered some 2:51 protection from initial detection 2:55 hydrodynamic explosive munition the 2:58 mayhem weapons system by DARPA uses a 3:00 magnetic flux generator to fire a 3:02 projectile without their traditional use 3:04 of chemical explosives greeting a more 3:06 efficient and precise launch system this 3:08 projectile weapons system also uses 3:11 molten metal to penetrate enemy armored 3:13 vehicles increasing lethality and 3:15 effectiveness on the battlefield 3:18 taser shot way the Taser shockwave is a 3:24 large-scale area-denial system designed 3:26 to help assist with riot control 3:28 situations essentially a large modular 3:31 system for firing numerous teaser x26 3:33 stun guns in a 20 degree arc with a 3:36 25-foot range not something you'd want 3:38 to be anywhere near and it went off 3:42 modular advanced armed robotic system 3:45 why send men to do a job when a robot 3:48 can do it just as well while most of us 3:50 live in fear of being replaced by robots 3:52 soldiers on the battlefield are probably 3:54 grateful to see this tract monster rock 3:56 up alongside them the modular advanced 3:59 armed robotic system is a heavily armed 4:01 bot designed to save lives and handle 4:04 situations too dangerous to send real 4:06 people into 4:08 the cv90 one to 0t ghost the swedish t 4:13 ghost is a camouflage tank that uses bae 4:16 s adaptive camouflage to make it 4:18 invisible to enemy thermal imaging 4:20 systems the ghost tank also uses a 4:23 high-caliber 120 millimeter compact main 4:26 cannon with new technology designed to 4:28 reduce recoil and lower overall vehicle 4:31 weight Black Knight unmanned combat 4:35 vehicle the Black Knight unmanned combat 4:38 vehicle is a prototype unmanned combat 4:40 vehicle with the appearance of a small 4:43 tank and a firepower to match a 30 4:45 millimeter cannon at 7.62 millimeter 4:48 coaxial machinegun 4:50 combined with the ability to be deployed 4:52 from a military transport aircraft make 4:54 this a combat vehicle to be reckoned 4:56 with precision guided firearms precision 5:02 guided firearms are designed to take the 5:04 missile lock-on system from fighter jets 5:07 and apply them to traditional long-range 5:09 rifle systems these firearms use target 5:12 tracking advanced fire control and 5:14 heads-up display technologies to help 5:16 guide a bullet to its target and account 5:18 for human error to ensure a higher 5:20 probability of hitting the target the 5:22 first time even at long range the laser LASER WEAPON SYSTEM 5:27 weapons system the laser weapons system 5:30 is essentially exactly what it sounds 5:32 like a ship mounted laser cannon this 5:34 laser system allows for pinpointing 5:36 targeting and destruction of enemy 5:38 assets including everything from small 5:40 ordnance to enemy aircraft engines Laser LASER AVENGER 5:45 Avenger the Boeing laser Avenger is an 5:49 aerial defense weapon that can be 5:51 mounted to a vehicle and use the shoot 5:53 down enemy UAVs unlike conventional and 5:56 anti-aircraft weaponry the Boeing laser 5:58 avenger system doesn't create a muzzle 6:00 flare or smoke trail when it fires this 6:03 means it can be fired from concealed 6:04 positions keeping friendly troops safe 6:06 and out of harm's way 6:09 human Universal load carrier human HUMAN LOAD CARRIER 6:13 Universal load carrier is a hydraulic 6:15 powered exoskeleton suit intended to 6:18 support soldiers on the battlefield and 6:19 allow them to transport heavy loads for 6:22 extended periods of time without the 6:24 usual exhaustion that would come with 6:26 such a task 6:26 [Music] 6:28 personnel halting and stimulation PHASR RIFLE 6:30 response this crazy-looking weapon first 6:34 appears like an alien technology or 6:36 something out of science fiction 6:38 it's actually a non-lethal 6:39 incapacitation device designed a 6:42 temporary blind to disorient targets the 6:44 phaser rifle fires a low intensity laser 6:47 beam with a blinding effect and is 6:49 perfect for a variety of situations 6:50 where the aim is to disable the target ELECTROMAGNETIC RAIL GUN 6:56 electromagnetic railgun this monster 6:59 cannon is actually the culmination of 7:01 over a decade's worth of development and 7:03 testing an electromagnetic railgun 7:05 capable of firing projectiles at over 7:07 4,500 miles per hour and smashing 7:10 through concrete structures 100 miles 7:12 away high-energy laser mobile LASER MOBILE DEMONSTRATOR 7:16 demonstrator the high-energy laser 7:19 mobile demonstrator is another laser can 7:21 an equal bowl of blasting enemy drones 7:23 out of the sky this 10 kilowatt laser 7:26 can be built by mounted for easy 7:27 transport and where it's needed 7:29 powered by lithium ion batteries and a 7:31 diesel generator it's easy to use and 7:34 maintain but provides the army with the 7:36 firepower they need the enemy eyes on 7:39 the sky hybrid insect micro HYBRID INSECT 7:42 electromechanical system another weapon 7:46 system straight out of science fiction 7:47 this time the form of bugs though it 7:50 might look like someone's just strapped 7:52 a circuit board to the back of a beetle 7:53 it's actually a basic representation of 7:56 a technology that's been worked on for 7:58 decades micro air vehicles maps and 8:01 micro electro mechanical systems MEMS 8:04 have been in the works since the 1940s 8:06 and our cyber Borg's and winged 8:08 creatures that have been enslaved to do 8:10 man's bidding xm25 honored to file a XM25 COUNTER DEFELIADE 8:15 target engagement 8:16 the xm25 CdTe is a semi-automatic air 8:21 burst grenade launcher with a laser 8:23 range-finding system allowing soldiers 8:25 to calculate the distance target for 8:28 most effective combat use the xm25 has 8:31 almost quadrupled the effective range of 8:33 standard grenade launchers but it's also 8:35 heavy and cumbersome to use budget cuts 8:37 delayed entry into service and other 8:39 issues have called development and 8:41 deployment into question nonetheless 8:42 this is one dangerous weapon on the 8:45 battlefield Active Denial system ABS 8:50 another non-lethal energy weapon system 8:53 designed to help with crowd and riot 8:55 control also known as the heat-ray this 8:58 system works by heating the target 9:00 surface on the same principle as a 9:02 microwave oven under continued exposure 9:05 people have experienced severe burns to 9:07 the top layer of their skin this idea is 9:09 simple enough things get so hot you 9:11 wouldn't want to stick around foreigner CORNERSHOT 9:15 shot being able to shoot around corners 9:18 as the military operators dream meaning 9:22 they can fire at a target without 9:23 exposing themselves to risk the corner 9:25 shot device is capable of working with a 9:27 range of pistols which makes it flexible 9:30 but due to the nature of the weapon its 9:32 range is effectively limited 100 metres 9:36 ad s underwater gun like something out ADS UNDERWATER GUN 9:41 of a James Bond film the EDS amphibious 9:44 rifle is an assault rifle capable of 9:46 firing underwater developed by the 9:48 Russians it is said to be used by 9:50 Russian naval commandos and includes 9:52 attachments such as a silencer and 9:54 grenade launcher Kriss vector this KRISS VECTOR 9:59 compact machine gun is an extremely 10:02 capable and flexible weapon that's 10:03 compatible with a range of different 10:05 ammunition calibers but what makes it 10:07 interesting is the Kriss super V recoil 10:09 mitigation system which pushes expended 10:12 energy from fired rounds downwards you 10:14 could gun on target and dramatically 10:16 reduce recoil the vector is also capable 10:19 of firing over 1,200 rounds per minute 10:21 and takes standard Glock pistol 10:23 magazines which means it's perfect for 10:25 police forces and military bodies who 10:27 use Glock guns as their standards 10:31 zum wohl class destroyers although it ZUMWALT CLASS DESTROYERS 10:35 looks like some sort of bonkers 10:36 submarine this is actually a multi-role 10:39 battleship with stealth capabilities the 10:41 low radar cross-section and wave 10:43 piercing Hall combined with a range of 10:45 other technologies make this destroyer a 10:47 ship far less capable of detection by 10:49 enemy radar than its comparable 10:51 counterparts backed by nine point six 10:54 billion in research and development 10:55 costs the zumwalt-class destroyer is 10:58 possibly the most expensive vehicle of 11:00 its kind the design apparently gives the 11:02 destroyer a radar profile similar to a 11:04 fishing boat makes it 50 times harder to 11:07 spot than standard destroyers mq8 see 11:12 fire scout this unusual looking 11:15 helicopter is an unmanned aerial vehicle 11:17 designed to provide reconnaissance 11:20 aerial fire support and targeting for 11:22 ground troops it is the latest in a line 11:24 of similar craft that has been in 11:26 development as part of a three point 11:27 zero six billion dollar program in 11:29 operation since 2010 the mq8 sea is yet 11:33 another in a long line of automated 11:36 unmanned military assets and development 11:38 by the US government and shows a move 11:40 towards removing humans battlefield 11:43 whenever possible extreme accuracy past ACCURACY TASKED ORDNANCE 11:47 ordnance DARPA zyk stream accuracy test 11:51 ordinance is essentially a self steering 11:54 guided bullet designed for military 11:56 snipers to support improved accuracy 11:58 over long range in unfavorable 12:01 conditions such as high winds 12:03 essentially it's a smart bullet and this 12:05 ammo has the ability to hone in on 12:07 targets and even change course in midair 12:09 to compensate for target movements or 12:11 changes in wind speed the result is a 12:13 round that can even be fired by novice 12:15 shooters and still hit their target with 12:18 near pinpoint accuracy at long-range 12:21 oberon pl0 one stealth tank OBRUM STEALTH TANK 12:25 the pl0 one is a bullish light tank with 12:28 a modular ceramic aramid shell an 12:30 additional armored plating capable of 12:33 providing a full range of protection 12:34 against a variety of projectiles 12:36 improvised explosive devices and 12:38 landmines equipped with a 940 horsepower 12:42 engine it's capable of a top speed just 12:44 under 45 miles per hour with a range of 12:47 310 miles the highlight of this tank 12:49 though is the stealth technology as a 12:51 fifth-generation stealth tank it's the 12:53 world's first armored vehicle that's 12:55 practically invisible both infrared and 12:58 radar detection systems the various 13:00 technologies here make this the most 13:02 advanced stealth tank in the world which 13:04 is surprising considering it's from 13:06 Poland not Russia or the United States 13:09 long range acoustic device LONG RANGE ACOUSTIC DEVICE 13:12 LRAD the LRAD is a piece of modern 13:16 military technology with two different 13:18 applications first it can be used as a 13:21 hailing device allowing users to send 13:23 messages over longer distances than is 13:25 normally possible with loudspeakers 13:27 secondly it is also capable of being 13:30 used as a so-called sonic weapon for 13:32 riot control crowd dispersion or other 13:35 situations that require a non-lethal 13:37 solution hostile action quantum stealth 13:41 camouflage straight out of science 13:44 fiction comes a light-bending technology 13:47 called quantum stealth that provides 13:49 active camouflage to the user and mimics 13:52 the surrounding environment pictures of 13:53 the actual technology haven't been 13:55 released for security reasons but these 13:57 mock-ups give an idea of how effective 13:59 the camouflage is military testing has 14:02 demonstrated that the quantum stealth 14:03 material is effective against both 14:05 infrared and thermal scopes and works as 14:08 one of the most efficient camouflage 14:10 systems currently in military use among 14:14 these which one seems most terrible to 14:16 you let us know in the comment section 14:18 that is all for now like always if you 14:21 enjoyed it be sure to give us a big 14:23 thumbs up and leave us some love in the 14:24 comments section keep up to date with 14:26 all of our awesome videos be sure to hit 14:28 subscribe and turn your notifications on 14:30 to never miss a thing 14:31 until next time do take good care of 14:33 yourself