Arirang News2023.2.6---2085年韓國老年貧困率或達近30%

3 out of 10 South Koreans born in 2020 may experience poverty when they turn 65.
According to National Pension Research Institute on Sunday, the elderly poverty rate will reach nearly 30 percent in 2085, twice the average rate estimate in other OECD countries.
The institute largely attributed this to what it called meager public transfer income or payments from the state.
As of 2020, payments from the government only accounted for 25-point-5 percent of elderly income, which is lower than the 60 percent figure in other OECD countries such as Japan.
If the Yoon administration's pledge to raise basic pensions for seniors by some 3-hundred-20 U.S. dollars is carried out, the old-age poverty rate will be roughly 25 percent in 2085.

