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到 2050 年,全球交通將大不相同,屆時將出現電動和全自動汽車、自動半掛卡車和送貨車,以及成群結隊的送貨無人機。 Elon Musk 的 Boring Company 正在城市地下挖掘隧道,用於電動雪橇運輸汽車和乘客, 而優步和空中客車等其他公司正在開發電動垂直起降飛機。 自動機器人出租車和公共汽車將在城市各處接送人們, 而在地面上,將為行人提供數字可租用的電動滑板車和自行車。 數十個新的高速鐵路項目將在世界各地運送通勤者, 其中一些項目利用磁懸浮技術或氫燃料來源。 Hyperloop 系統將徹底改變地面交通,速度可達每小時 760 英里。 超音速噴氣式飛機也將捲土重來,飛機的速度可以達到典型客機的四倍。為了應對氣候變化,將出現電動和氫動力飛機。

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為了運輸乘客,Elon Musk 的 Boring 公司正在城市地下挖掘隧道,電動雪橇將用來運輸車輛和乘客。 這種電動雪橇可以在垂直軸上高速運動,將行駛於隧道的汽車放在軟墊上,然後加速到高速行駛。這個系統旨在解決城市擁堵的問題,讓乘客更快地從一個地方到另一個地方,同時減少城市道路上的汽車交通量。因此,這種電動雪橇是一種便捷、高效、環保的運輸方式。

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電動雪橇和模塊化個人交通系統是兩種不同的交通運輸方式。 電動雪橇是指在城市地下挖掘隧道,然後使用電動雪橇運送車輛和乘客。這種交通運輸方式主要針對城市交通擁堵問題提供解決方案。 模塊化個人交通系統是指使用一系列小型、個人化的運輸模塊來組合成各種交通工具。例如,可以將小型電池驅動的模塊組合成單人使用的交通工具,也可以將多個模塊組合成可搭載多人的交通工具。這種交通運輸方式主要針對提高人們的出行效率和個人化需求。

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1. 基礎設施:可能需要對充電站和其他基礎設施進行大量投資,以支持電動汽車的廣泛使用。 此外,自動駕駛汽車可能需要特殊的基礎設施,例如專用車道或通信網絡。
2. 工作流離失所:自動駕駛汽車的廣泛採用可能導致運輸行業的司機和其他人工作流離失所。
3. 安全問題:人們可能會擔心自動駕駛汽車的安全性和可靠性,以及網絡攻擊或其他安全風險的可能性。
4. 成本:電動汽車和自動駕駛汽車最初可能比傳統汽車更貴,這可能會限制採用率。
5. 電池技術:儘管電池技術最近取得了進步,但在續航里程和可負擔性方面仍有改進空間。

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使用送貨無人機和自動送貨車可能會對就業市場產生積極和消極的影響。 一方面,這些技術可能會帶來更高效和更具成本效益的交付流程。 這可以降低企業和消費者的運輸成本,並可能增加對送貨服務的需求。 它還可以為那些專門設計、構建和維護這些技術的人創造新的就業機會。 然而,採用送貨無人機和自動駕駛汽車也可能導致目前在送貨和物流行業工作的人失業,例如卡車司機和送貨工人。 隨著時間的推移,這些技術的部署很可能會逐漸發生,一些工作將被淘汰,而另一些則會被創造出來。 總體而言,很難預測送貨無人機和自動駕駛汽車對就業市場的確切影響。 然而,很明顯,這些技術既會帶來機遇,也會帶來挑戰,並且可能需要為運輸和物流行業的從業人員提供新的技能和培訓。

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1. 亞馬遜(Amazon)
2. 聯邦快遞(FedEx)
3. 華為(Huawei)
4. 韻達快遞(Yunda Express)
5. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba)
6. UPS
7. DHL
8. JD.com
9. G7
10. Flytrex

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1. Waymo
2. Tesla
3. Uber
4. Ford
5. GM Cruise
6. Amazon Robotics
7. Nuro
8. Starship Technologies
9. Kiwibot
10. Oxbotica

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1. 美國:加利福尼亞州的舊金山、洛杉磯和聖荷西,還有佛羅裡達州邁阿密和奧蘭多等城市。
2. 歐洲:英國的倫敦和伯明翰等城市、愛沙尼亞的首都塔林、荷蘭的阿姆斯特丹等。
3. 亞洲:中國的深圳、上海和北京等城市、新加坡和日本的東京等。

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1. 減少溫室氣體排放:電動汽車不產生直接排放,因此比傳統的汽油動力汽車更環保。 自動駕駛汽車也有望帶來更高效的駕駛模式,從而進一步減少排放。
2. 改善空氣質量:電動汽車不會排放氮氧化物或顆粒物等污染物,而這些污染物是許多城市空氣質量差的主要原因。 因此,廣泛採用電動汽車可能會改善空氣質量和公眾健康。
3. 鼓勵可持續交通方式:除了電動汽車,視頻中描述的新交通技術還包括電動自行車和踏板車以及高鐵等選項。 這些交通方式通常比傳統汽車更具可持續性,通常更適合中短途旅行。
4. 減少擁堵:隨著道路上更高效的自動駕駛汽車的出現,交通擁堵和擁堵可能會減少。 這將帶來多重好處,包括減少空轉汽車的排放以及提高通勤者和企業的生產力。

0:00 by 2050 global transportation will be 0:02 vastly different than today 0:09 by 2050 cars will be electric and fully 0:12 autonomous 0:13 car brands will follow tesla's lead 0:15 releasing new high-tech ev models 0:18 new battery technology will enable some 0:20 of these to have 1 000 mile ranges 0:23 gas stations will disappear and be 0:25 replaced with at-home charging stations 0:27 refueling vehicles in as low as 10 0:29 minutes 0:30 meanwhile self-driving technology will 0:32 become widespread 0:33 allowing people to lay back and relax 0:35 while their cars 0:36 drive themselves autonomous semi-trucks 0:39 will travel across country 0:40 delivering shipments with no human 0:42 interaction on a smaller scale 0:44 autonomous delivery vans and robots will 0:47 do the same for packages 0:48 and food orders lastly in the air swarms 0:51 of delivery drones will drop off 0:53 packages 0:53 from floating warehouses 1:00 by 2050 the global urban population is 1:03 projected to increase 1:04 by over 2 billion people to accommodate 1:07 this 1:08 elon musk says roads must go 3b which 1:11 means 1:11 either flying cars or tunnels he 1:14 believes the answer is tunnels 1:16 currently elon musk's boring company is 1:18 digging small 1:19 experimental tunnels under cities if 1:21 musk can significantly cut down boring 1:23 costs 1:24 by 2050 cities will have thousands of 1:26 tunnels underneath them 1:28 shuttling cars and passengers around on 1:30 electric sleds 1:32 however other companies such as uber and 1:34 airbus 1:35 are betting on the skies they are 1:36 developing evitals 1:38 where electric vertical takeoff and 1:39 landing aircraft the urban market for 1:41 them is massive 1:42 and studies showed they could become 1:44 highly profitable by 2050 1:46 cities will likely be filled with air 1:48 taxis quickly transporting passengers 1:50 through the skies on the ground roads 1:53 will be transformed 1:54 self-driving electric robo-taxis and 1:56 buses will shuttle people 1:58 around cities trams and underground 2:00 subways will efficiently move citizens 2:02 around by the masses 2:03 above the streets there will be 2:05 gyroscopic buses hovering and passing 2:07 right over street traffic 2:09 lastly on the sidewalks there will be 2:11 digitally rentable electric scooters and 2:13 bikes for pedestrians 2:19 by 2050 high-speed railways will be 2:22 everywhere 2:23 dozens of new rail mega projects such as 2:25 the california high-speed rail 2:27 and rail baltica will quickly transport 2:29 commuters around the world 2:31 some trains utilizing maglev technology 2:33 will accelerate 2:34 up to 400 miles per hour competing with 2:37 commercial jets 2:38 in terms of speed other trains will 2:40 adopt hydrogen as a fuel source or go 2:42 electric 2:43 while high-speed rail expands globally 2:45 and even more advanced technology will 2:47 emerge 2:48 hyperloop hyperloop aka vacuum sealed 2:52 maglev trains 2:53 will revolutionize the long distance 2:55 ground transportation 2:56 reaching speeds up to 760 miles per hour 2:59 hyperloop systems will vastly outpace 3:02 traditional airliners 3:03 numerous companies including transport 3:05 and virgin and heart hyperloop 3:07 are racing to get the technology 3:09 mainstream virgin hyperloop already has 3:11 a 500 meter working test track in the 3:13 nevada desert that has had its first 3:15 human passengers 3:17 by 2050 hyperloop systems may be 3:19 everywhere 3:20 los angeles to san diego would be only a 3:22 12 and a half minute hyperloop right 3:24 compared to the current three hour car 3:26 ride 3:31 by 2050 supersonic jets will be back 3:34 currently boom supersonic virgin 3:36 galactic and a list of other companies 3:39 are planning to get them back in service 3:40 by 2030 soaring between 1 000 3:43 and 2 300 miles per hour these aircraft 3:46 will be up to four times as fast 3:48 as typical airliners still though planes 3:51 will go faster 3:52 right now the startup hermes is 3:54 developing a mach 5 hypersonic passenger 3:56 aircraft 3:57 that it hopes to have finished by 2029 4:00 with it 4:00 new york to paris would be only a 90 4:02 minute flight 4:04 by 2050 we will have concord like but 4:06 safer 4:07 super and hypersonic aircraft still 4:09 though these will be small scale 4:11 to help fight climate change large-scale 4:13 airliners will have to go green 4:15 to solve this electric airplanes will 4:17 emerge currently the british airline 4:19 easyjet 4:20 is developing a fleet of electric 4:22 airplanes that it hopes to have in 4:23 service by 2030 4:25 with ultra-low fuel costs and improved 4:27 batteries by 2050 4:29 electric airplanes will likely dominate 4:31 short distance domestic flights 4:33 however they will be relatively slow and 4:35 have short ranges 4:36 for longer range trans and 4:38 intercontinental flights 4:39 hydrogen-powered airplanes will become 4:41 dominant airbus is helping fulfill this 4:44 vision 4:44 it is developing three concepts of 4:46 hydrogen-powered commercial aircraft 4:48 which it hopes to have flying by 2035. 4:51 utilizing green hydrogen combustion 4:53 these airplanes will fly just as fast 4:56 as current turbofan aircraft by 2050 4:58 they could completely replace 5:00 fossil fuel-powered airplanes while 5:02 planes go green they will change shape 5:05 currently the dutch airline klm is 5:07 developing the flying v 5:09 an airplane where the fuselage is the 5:11 wing this design will increase space 5:13 inside 5:14 while hopefully cutting fuel consumption 5:15 by 20 percent 5:17 klm hopes to get the planes in service 5:19 by the late 2030s 5:20 by 2050 they may be everywhere lastly 5:23 airships will return with plenty of 5:25 space 80 to 90 percent fewer emissions 5:28 than airplanes 5:29 amazing views and the ability to land 5:31 almost anywhere 5:32 airships are making a comeback by 2050 5:35 they may be commonplace 5:37 transporting cargo to remote locations 5:39 and serving as luxurious sky yachts for 5:41 the wealthy 5:47 by 2050 boats will be electric right now 5:50 startups like arc and axshore 5:52 are developing all-electric small-scale 5:54 boats while companies like silent yachts 5:56 and navier 5:57 are building solar-powered electric 5:59 yachts by 2050 6:00 electric boats will be mainstream 6:02 gliding silently across 6:04 lakes and seas meanwhile large-scale 6:06 ships will go green 6:08 hydrogen fuel cells and batteries will 6:10 begin to power cruise ships and military 6:12 vessels 6:13 and eventually they will power container 6:15 ships in norway there is already a fully 6:18 autonomous electric container ship 6:19 called the yara birkeland 6:21 and now the eu project flagships is 6:23 working to get the world's first 6:25 hydrogen-powered container ship 6:27 in the water by 2050 hydrogen and 6:29 electric-powered autonomous container 6:31 ships 6:31 will dominate the shipping industry 6:33 gliding quietly across our oceans 6:36 with zero emissions 6:41 by 2050 rockets will transport people 6:44 around the world 6:45 spacex wants to use its new starship for 6:47 hyper-fast earth-to-earth flights 6:49 accelerating people up to 17 000 miles 6:52 per hour 6:53 with the starship new york city to 6:55 shanghai will be only a 39 minute 6:57 journey 6:58 by 2050 rockets will also transport 7:01 people between planets 7:02 starships will shuttle space tourists to 7:04 the moon and transport colonists to mars 7:07 meanwhile a space elevator will be 7:09 developed by 2050 the japanese obayashi 7:12 corporation plans to have a space 7:13 elevator 7:14 built using carbon nanotube technology 7:17 lastly an electric space catapult may be 7:19 built 7:20 currently the american startup spin 7:22 launch is working to create a vacuum 7:24 sealed centrifuge that will accelerate 7:26 payloads 7:26 up to 5000 miles per hour before sending 7:30 them screaming into the atmosphere 7:31 and into orbit another similar idea 7:34 called the star tram 7:35 calls for an electromagnetic railgun 7:37 that will hurtle payloads into orbit 7:40 by 2050 a star tram or spin launch 7:42 system will likely be launching payloads 7:44 into orbit 7:45 around the world at a fraction of the 7:47 cost of current rockets and without any 7:49 of the emissions 7:51 what do you think are you excited about 7:53 the future of transportation 7:54 let's talk about it in the comments 7:56 below if you enjoyed this video 7:58 it would be amazing if you like and 8:00 subscribe for more videos 8:02 very similar to this one thanks for 8:05 watching 8:05 and see you next time 8:14 you

