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地熱能是一種鮮為人知的可再生能源形式,有可能在發電方面取代化石燃料。它探討了地熱能是什麼、它是如何工作的、它的好處和挑戰、研究和開發以及未來的潛力。 地熱能是一種清潔能源,不會產生溫室氣體排放或空氣污染,與其他可再生能源相比,土地足跡更小,有助於降低能源成本並創造就業機會。然而,地熱能的主要挑戰之一是建設地熱發電廠的前期成本高。

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淺層地熱能取自地殼最上層,深達 100 米,主要用於建築物的供暖和製冷。 另一方面,深層地熱能是從位於地球表面以下幾公里的水庫中獲取的,主要用於發電。

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1. 乾蒸汽發電廠:最古老的地熱發電廠,利用地下的蒸汽驅動渦輪機發電。
2. 閃蒸蒸汽發電廠:最常見的地熱發電廠類型,它使用來自地下的熱水產生推動渦輪機運轉的蒸汽。
3. 雙循環發電廠:它們使用熱交換器將熱量從熱水傳遞到二次流體,二次流體蒸發並轉動渦輪機發電。

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全球超過 24 個國家使用地熱能,其中最大的生產國是美國、印度尼西亞、菲律賓和冰島。 其他使用地熱能的國家包括肯尼亞、新西蘭、意大利和日本。 使用地熱能的好處包括其作為清潔能源的地位,不會產生溫室氣體排放或空氣污染,與其他可再生能源相比佔地面積更小,以及有助於降低能源成本和創造就業機會的潛力。 此外,地熱能可以通過減少對進口燃料的依賴來提高能源安全。 然而,地熱能的使用也存在一些挑戰。 主要挑戰之一是建造地熱發電廠的前期成本高,因為鑽探和建造地熱發電廠可能要花費數百萬美元,這對一些國家和公司來說可能是一個重大的進入壁壘。 此外,地熱資源的可用性有限可能是一個挑戰,因為地熱能只能在有大量熱量和水的地區生產。 最後,與地熱能生產相關的地震活動有可能發生,因為在某些情況下向地殼鑽井和注水會引發地震,這是一些社區和監管機構關注的問題。

:01 [Music] 0:11 hello and welcome to our video on 0:14 geothermal energy 0:16 geothermal energy is a type of renewable 0:18 energy that has the potential to replace 0:20 fossil fuels and help mitigate climate 0:22 change 0:23 in this video we'll explore what 0:25 geothermal energy is how it works its 0:28 benefits and challenges research and 0:30 development and the potential for the 0:32 future 0:33 we'll also provide a case study of a 0:35 business that has successfully 0:37 integrated geothermal energy into their 0:39 operations 0:40 geothermal energy is a lesser-known form 0:42 of renewable energy that has been used 0:44 for thousands of years for heating and 0:46 cooking 0:47 but in recent years geothermal energy 0:49 has been gaining attention as a way to 0:51 generate electricity particularly in 0:53 countries with high geothermal potential 1:04 it's harnessed through Drilling and 1:06 pumping water or Steam from geothermal 1:08 reservoirs deep underground 1:10 geothermal energy is a renewable energy 1:13 source that can be used for heating 1:15 cooling and electricity generation 1:18 there are two main types of geothermal 1:20 energy shallow geothermal energy and 1:23 deep geothermal energy 1:25 shallow geothermal energy is obtained 1:27 from the uppermost layer of the Earth's 1:28 crust up to 100 meters deep 1:31 it is used primarily for heating and 1:33 cooling buildings 1:35 deep geothermal energy on the other hand 1:37 is obtained from reservoirs located 1:39 several kilometers beneath the earth's 1:41 surface 1:42 it is used for electricity generation 1:45 [Music] 1:49 process of generating electricity from 1:51 geothermal energy involves drilling deep 1:54 into the Earth's crust to reach hot 1:55 water or steam reservoirs 1:58 steam is then used to spin turbines 2:00 which generate electricity there are 2:03 three main types of geothermal power 2:05 plants dry steam flash steam and binary 2:09 cycle 2:10 each type of plant Works differently but 2:13 all involve using steam to generate 2:15 electricity 2:16 dry steam power plants are the oldest 2:18 type of geothermal power plant 2:21 they use Steam from Underground to turn 2:23 turbines which generate electricity 2:26 flash steam power plants the most common 2:28 type of geothermal power plant use hot 2:31 water from Underground to produce steam 2:33 which turns turbines 2:35 binary cycle power plants use a heat 2:37 exchanger to transfer heat from hot 2:39 water to a secondary fluid which 2:41 vaporizes and turns a turbine to produce 2:43 electricity 2:45 in the next section we'll explore the 2:47 benefits of geothermal energy and how it 2:49 can help address the challenges of 2:51 climate change 2:52 [Music] 2:55 geothermal energy has numerous benefits 2:58 including environmental economic and 3:00 social benefits 3:02 from an environmental standpoint 3:04 geothermal energy is a clean source of 3:07 energy that does not produce greenhouse 3:09 gas emissions or air pollution 3:11 this makes it an ideal alternative to 3:13 fossil fuels which are the leading cause 3:16 of climate change in air pollution 3:18 geothermal energy also has a smaller 3:21 land footprint than other renewable 3:23 energy sources such as wind or solar 3:25 power making it more feasible for urban 3:27 areas 3:29 in terms of economics geothermal energy 3:31 can help reduce energy costs and create 3:34 jobs 3:35 while there are upfront costs associated 3:37 with Drilling and building geothermal 3:39 power plants the cost of producing 3:41 geothermal energy is relatively low and 3:43 stable once the plant is built 3:46 this means that consumers can benefit 3:48 from lower energy bills over time 3:51 Additionally the geothermal industry can 3:53 create jobs in drilling engineering 3:55 construction and maintenance 3:58 finally geothermal energy can have 4:00 social benefits as well 4:02 in areas where geothermal resources are 4:05 abundant local communities can benefit 4:07 from reduced energy costs and increased 4:10 Economic Development 4:12 additionally geothermal energy can 4:14 improve energy security by reducing 4:16 Reliance on imported fuels 4:22 geothermal energy is used in more than 4:24 24 countries around the world with the 4:27 United States Indonesia and the 4:29 Philippines being the top producers of 4:30 geothermal energy 4:32 Iceland is also a major user of 4:34 geothermal energy with almost 90 percent 4:37 of its homes being heated by geothermal 4:39 energy 4:40 the United States has been producing Geo 4:44 of the 1960s and today it is the largest 4:47 producer of geothermal energy in the 4:49 world 4:50 the most geothermal energy is produced 4:53 in California followed by Nevada and 4:55 Utah 4:56 the Philippines is the second largest 4:58 producer of geothermal energy with most 5:01 of its geothermal power plants located 5:03 on the island of Luzon 5:05 Indonesia is another major producer of 5:07 geothermal energy with significant 5:09 resources located in the country's 5:11 volcanic areas 5:13 other countries that use geothermal 5:15 energy include Kenya New Zealand Italy 5:17 and Japan 5:22 while geothermal energy has many 5:24 benefits there are also several 5:26 challenges associated with its use 5:29 one of the main challenges is the high 5:31 upfront cost of building geothermal 5:33 power plants 5:35 Drilling and building a geothermal power 5:37 plant can cost millions of dollars which 5:40 can be a significant barrier to entry 5:42 for some countries and companies 5:44 another challenge is the limited 5:46 availability of geothermal resources 5:49 geothermal energy can only be produced 5:51 in areas where there is significant heat 5:53 and water which limits its availability 5:55 to certain regions 5:57 this can be a challenge for countries 5:58 that do not have the geothermal 6:00 resources necessary to produce energy 6:03 finally there is a potential for seismic 6:06 activity associated with geothermal 6:08 energy production 6:09 Drilling and injecting water into the 6:12 Earth's crust can cause earthquakes in 6:14 some cases 6:15 while the seismic activity associated 6:18 with geothermal energy is typically 6:20 small and infrequent it is still a 6:22 concern for some communities and 6:24 regulators 6:27 [Music] 6:28 researchers are currently working on 6:30 enhancing geothermal systems to make 6:32 them more efficient and cost effective 6:35 enhanced geothermal systems involve 6:37 injecting water into Hot Rocks to create 6:39 steam which can then be used to generate 6:41 electricity 6:43 additionally research is being conducted 6:45 on geothermal energy storage which would 6:47 allow excess energy to be stored for 6:49 later use 6:50 another area of research is geothermal 6:53 energy for direct use whether hot water 6:55 or steam is used for heating or cooling 6:57 directly without being converted to 6:59 electricity 7:03 let's look at another case study of a 7:05 community that has successfully 7:07 integrated geothermal energy into their 7:09 operations 7:10 the town of Klamath Falls Oregon has 7:13 been using geothermal energy since the 7:15 early 1900s 7:16 the town's geothermal system provides 7:19 heating and cooling for over 100 7:20 buildings including schools and 7:23 hospitals 7:24 the system has saved the town millions 7:26 of dollars in energy costs and has 7:28 helped reduce its carbon footprint 7:30 [Music] 7:32 the future of geothermal energy looks 7:35 promising as it has the potential to 7:37 provide a significant source of clean 7:39 energy 7:40 according to the international renewable 7:42 energy agency geothermal energy could 7:45 provide up to 3.5 percent of global 7:48 electricity by 2050. as technology 7:51 improves and costs decrease geothermal 7:54 energy is expected to become more 7:56 prevalent and new geothermal power 7:58 plants are being built around the world 8:04 in conclusion geothermal energy is an 8:08 exciting and promising renewable energy 8:09 source that has the potential to provide 8:11 a significant amount of clean energy 8:14 while there are challenges to utilizing 8:16 geothermal energy such as high upfront 8:18 costs and limited availability in 8:20 certain areas advances in technology and 8:23 research are making it a more viable 8:24 option for many communities and 8:26 businesses as we continue to seek ways 8:29 to mitigate climate change and reduce 8:31 our Reliance on fossil fuels geothermal 8:34 energy will likely play an increasingly 8:36 important role in the global Energy Mix 8:38 thank you for watching our video and we 8:41 hope you learned something new about 8:42 geothermal energy 8:44 don't forget to like And subscribe to 8:46 our channel for more informative videos 8:48 [Music]

