Future Unity2023.5.7---等離子電動發動機

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中國已經開發出一種等離子電動發動機,可以消除航空旅行中的碳排放,可能為更可持續的未來鋪平道路。 等離子發動機使用電場和磁場使氣體電離並產生等離子體,然後加速產生推力。它們比傳統火箭更高效、更環保,需要更少的燃料,而且使用壽命更長。然而,等離子發動機需要高能量需求並可能導致等離子侵蝕。在將它們廣泛用於航空旅行之前,還需要做更多的研究。

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等離子發動機比傳統火箭更高效、更環保。 它們需要更少的燃料,壽命更長,並且可以節流以精確控制航天器的速度和方向。 它們也不需要高壓柵極或陽極陰極來加速等離子體源中的帶電粒子,從而降低了柵極離子腐蝕的風險並簡化了發動機的設計。 此外,它們在推進劑方面用途廣泛,可以使用一系列推進劑,例如氬氣和二氧化碳。

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等離子發動機的主要缺點是它們的高能量需求,這需要大量的電力來產生所需的推力。 由於相關的電源,它們也可能更重,這使得它們難以發射並與航天器集成。 等離子侵蝕是另一個主要問題,因為等離子會導致推進器腔體和支撐結構發生熱燒蝕,從而導致系統故障,因此需要開發冷卻系統和新材料來防止侵蝕。 最後,等離子發動機的推力相對較低,這限制了它們在太空操作中的使用,使它們無法將航天器送入軌道。

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等離子發動機在推進劑方面用途廣泛,可以使用各種類型的氣體。 等離子發動機的常見推進劑包括惰性氣體,如氙氣、氬氣、氪氣和氖氣,以及分子氣體,如氫氣、氮氣、二氧化碳和甲烷。 這些推進劑被電離成等離子體,然後被加速產生推力。 推進劑的選擇取決於等離子發動機的具體設計和應用。

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目前,等離子發動機被應用在太空探索和研究方面。 例如,一些太空船和衛星使用等離子發動機進行推進。 此外,一些研究人員正在探索將等離子發動機應用於地球大氣層中的航空器,如飛機或無人機。 但是,目前該技術仍處於研究和開發階段,需要進一步測試和改進才能在實際的應用中取得成功。

:00 air travel is a vital component of our 0:02 daily lives still it comes at a 0:04 significant cost to our planet with 0:07 carbon emissions contributing to global 0:09 warming and climate change and a growing 0:11 concern about its environmental impact 0:13 exists but what if we could create 0:15 carbon emissions free air travel well 0:18 China has accomplished this feat by 0:21 disclosing its latest invention a plasma 0:23 electric engine already set to transform 0:26 the world of air travel this 0:28 groundbreaking new engine eliminates 0:30 carbon emissions from air travel Paving 0:32 the way frame more sustainable future 0:34 and this video we'll examine China's 0:36 impressive plasma electric engine how it 0:39 works and its applications in aviation 0:41 join us as we dive into this incredible 0:44 invention and discover how it could 0:46 change the face of air travel forever in 0:49 recent years the development of plasma 0:51 engines has gained increasing attention 0:52 in the world of space exploration plasma 0:55 engines also known as plasma thrusters 0:57 an electric propulsion system that 0:59 utilizes plasma to generate thrust the 1:02 technology is still in its infancy but 1:04 researchers believe it could hold the 1:06 key to carbon emissions free air travel 1:08 unlike traditional propulsion systems 1:10 that rely on chemical reactions plasma 1:13 engines use electric and magnetic fields 1:15 to ionize a gas typically Xenon argon or 1:18 Krypton creating plasma the plasma is 1:22 then accelerated to produce a force that 1:24 propels the spacecraft forward plasma 1:26 engines can achieve much higher exhaust 1:29 velocities than chemical Rockets making 1:31 them ideal for long-term space travel 1:33 now plasma engines differ from high on 1:36 Thruster engines which generate thrust 1:38 by extracting an ion current from their 1:40 plasma Source ion thrusters use it grids 1:43 or anodes to accelerate the ions to high 1:45 velocities in contrast plasma engines 1:48 use the current and potentials generated 1:50 internally as a high current electric 1:52 Arc between two electrodes to accelerate 1:55 the ions this results in a lower exhaust 1:57 velocity than ion thrusters but still 2:00 allowed for high efficiency and thrust 2:02 one of the main advantages of plasma 2:05 engines over are the forms of propulsion 2:07 is their efficiency plasma engines 2:09 require less fuel than traditional 2:11 Rockets making them more cost effective 2:13 and environmentally friendly they also 2:15 have a much longer life span with some 2:18 engines capable of running for years at 2:20 a time in addition a plasma engines can 2:23 be throttled allowing for precise 2:25 control of the spacecraft's speed and 2:27 direction another advantage of plasma 2:29 engines is that they don't require high 2:31 voltage grids or anodes cathodes to 2:34 accelerate charged particles in the 2:36 plasma Source this reduces the risk of 2:38 grid ion erosion and simplifies the 2:41 engine's design in addition the plasma 2:43 exhaust is quasi-neutral meaning that 2:46 the positive ions and electrons exist in 2:48 equal numbers this makes it possible to 2:51 use Simple ion electron recombination in 2:53 the exhaust to extinguish the exhaust 2:55 plume removing the need for an electron 2:58 gun now typical examples of these 3:00 engines generate the source plasma using 3:02 various methods including radio 3:04 frequency or microwave energy using an 3:07 external antenna plasma engines are also 3:10 versatile in terms of propellant a range 3:12 of propellants can be used including 3:14 argon and carbon dioxide the development 3:17 of plasma engines has come a long way 3:20 with prototypes being tested in various 3:22 space missions such as NASA's Dawn 3:25 mission to explore the asteroid belt and 3:27 the European space agencies at beppi 3:29 Colombo mission to Mercury however 3:31 plasma engines are still in the early 3:33 stages of development and much more 3:35 research needs to be done before they 3:37 can be widely used for air travel plasma 3:39 engines while showing great potential 3:41 for space travel do come with a set of 3:44 drawbacks one major issue is their high 3:46 energy demand for instance the vesimir 3:49 vx200 engine requires a whopping at 200 3:52 kilowatts of electrical power to produce 3:54 only 1.12 pounds 5 Newtons of thrust 3:58 meaning such engine would require large 4:01 amounts of energy to be useful for space 4:03 missions moreover pairing the engine 4:05 with something like fission reactors 4:07 could increase the spacecraft's weight 4:09 making launching it into space more 4:11 challenging another significant drawback 4:14 is plasma erosion which can occur when 4:16 the plasma thermally ablates the walls 4:18 of the Thruster cavity and support 4:20 structure this can lead to system 4:22 failure making developing new materials 4:25 and cooling systems necessary to prevent 4:27 erosion and plasma engines relatively 4:30 low thrust means they are impractical 4:32 for launching a spacecraft into orbit so 4:34 they're only helpful for in-space 4:36 operations in comparison chemical 4:38 Rockets provide much more thrust and can 4:41 be used to launch spacecraft into orbit 4:43 despite these drawbacks though various 4:46 space agencies have developed plasma 4:48 propulsion systems such as the hall 4:50 effect Thruster developed by NASA and 4:53 Busick and the vasimir engine developed 4:55 by the head Astra rocket company these 4:57 engines have been used on space and show 5:00 great promise for reducing the time 5:02 taken to travel between planets and the 5:05 recent development of China's new plasma 5:08 electric engine is a significant 5:10 milestone in this field the new engine 5:12 has been designed to work on Earth 5:13 making it closer to the carbon emissions 5:16 free air travel goal the technology 5:18 could power aircraft and reduce the 5:20 carbon footprint making air travel more 5:23 sustainable in recent years China has 5:25 invested heavily in plasma engine 5:27 technology and committed to advancing 5:30 air travel in 2018 China's state-owned 5:32 Aerospace manufacturer Aero engine 5:34 Corporation of China aecc announced that 5:38 it plans to develop a Next Generation 5:40 turbofan engine for commercial aircraft 5:42 reducing fuel consumption and Emissions 5:45 while increasing performance this 5:47 project is known as the 5:49 cj1000ax in 2020 a team of Engineers The 5:53 Institute of technological Sciences at 5:55 Wuhan University revealed a working 5:57 prototype of a microwave Thruster which 5:59 they claimed is capable of working in 6:01 Earth's atmosphere with comparable 6:03 efficiency and thrust to Conventional 6:05 jet engines this new plasma engine uses 6:08 air and electricity instead of gases 6:10 like Xenon making it a more practical 6:12 option for Earth's atmosphere the plasma 6:15 engine generates thrust by generating 6:16 plasma from a Source Gas which is then 6:19 rapidly heated and allowed to expand the 6:22 new engine uses ionized air to produce a 6:24 low temperature plasma fed into a tube 6:26 and bombarded with microwaves a 6:28 microwave shaped the ions causing them 6:30 to impact non-ionized atoms and generate 6:33 significant amounts of thrust further 6:35 down the tube the flattened waveguide 6:38 and specially designed one kilowatt 2.45 6:41 gigahertz magnetron Focus the microwaves 6:44 boost the electric field strength and 6:46 impact the plasma with as much heat and 6:48 pressure as possible a quartz tube is 6:51 also placed in a hole in the waveguide 6:53 at its narrowest Point Air is forced 6:56 through this tube passes through a small 6:58 waveguide section and exits the core 7:00 Sports tubes at other end the plasma 7:02 rapidly Heats to over 1000 degrees 7:04 Celsius creating a torch-like flame as 7:07 the hot gas exits the waveguide thus 7:10 generating thrust testing has shown that 7:12 the engine can produce up to 500 Newtons 7:15 of thrust and continuous operation for 7:17 30 minutes which could have significant 7:20 applications in modern aircraft the 7:22 researchers found that finally tuning 7:24 the airflow in the compressor could 7:26 produce a more extended flame jet in 7:28 response to increased microwave power to 7:31 measure the amount of thrust to produce 7:33 by the engine the team used a hollow 7:34 steel Ball filled with steel beads to 7:37 balance it on top of the tube by 7:39 adjusting the Ball's weight they could 7:41 counteract the gravitational forces 7:43 acting on is an estimate the thrust 7:45 produced by the plasma jet the engine is 7:48 highly efficient producing 2.45 pounds 7:51 of thrust or 11 Newtons for every 400 7:53 watts of electrical input and 1.45 cubic 7:57 meters of air per hour that represents a 8:00 conversion rate of 6.29 pounds of thrust 8:03 or 28 Newtons for every kilowatt of 8:05 power it consumes assuming a linear 8:08 relationship between microwave power and 8:10 thrust output it could be possible to 8:12 use a Tesla Model S battery capable of 8:14 outputting 310 kilowatts to produce up 8:17 to 8:19 1911 pounds or 8.5 kilonewtons of 8:23 propulsive thrust Force however there 8:25 are some caveats to this technology the 8:28 engines 1000 degree exhaust could cause 8:31 serious problems and the airflows around 8:34 15 000 times lower than those for a 8:37 full-sized engine which means the thrust 8:39 has to scale by about four orders of 8:42 magnitude additionally the engine 8:43 requires significant power making it 8:46 impractical for larger aircraft 8:48 nevertheless plasma engines such as the 8:51 one recently developed by Chinese 8:53 researchers have the potential to 8:55 revolutionize air travel by offering a 8:57 cleaner more efficient way to power 8:59 aircraft traditional jet engines rely on 9:02 the combustion of fossil fuels which not 9:04 only releases harmful pollutants into 9:06 the atmosphere but also contributes to 9:08 climate change in contrast to plasma 9:11 engines use electricity to ionize the 9:13 air creating a plasma that produces a 9:16 high velocity stream of charged 9:17 particles that can generate thrust one 9:20 of the main benefits of plasma engines 9:22 is their reduced carbon emissions 9:23 according to a study by the University 9:25 of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign plasma 9:28 engines could produce up to 60 percent 9:30 fewer carbon emissions than traditional 9:32 jet engines this reduction in emissions 9:35 could help the aviation industry meet 9:37 its carbon reduction goals and 9:38 contribute to Global efforts to combat 9:41 climate change and another benefit of 9:43 plasma engines is their increased fuel 9:45 efficiency traditional jet engines are 9:47 only about 25 percent efficient meaning 9:50 that 75 percent of the energy in the 9:52 fuel is lost as heat or noise in 9:55 contrast plasma engines are expected to 9:58 be much more efficient potentially 10:00 doubling or even tripling the efficiency 10:02 of traditional engines this increased 10:04 efficiency could translate into lower 10:07 Airline fuel costs and reduce dependence 10:09 on fossil fuels but despite all these 10:13 potential benefits there are significant 10:15 challenges to transitioning it to plasma 10:17 engines for air travel one of the main 10:19 challenges is scalability the Chinese 10:22 researchers who developed the new plasma 10:24 engine tested it on a small scale and 10:26 whether the technology can be scaled up 10:28 to power commercial aircraft remains to 10:31 be seen this will require significant 10:33 investment research and overcoming 10:35 technical challenges related to power 10:37 generation and storage another challenge 10:40 is the cost of developing and 10:42 implementing a plasma engines while 10:44 reduced carbon emissions and increased 10:46 efficiency could lead to long-term cost 10:49 savings significant upfront costs are 10:51 associated with developing and testing 10:54 the technology this could be a barrier 10:56 for Airlines facing Financial challenges 10:58 due to the covid-19 pandemic and finally 11:01 there is the challenge of safety plasma 11:04 engines produce a high velocity stream 11:06 of charge particles which could pose a 11:08 safety risk if not adequately controlled 11:11 and there is also the risk of the engine 11:13 overheating or malfunctioning which 11:15 could lead to catastrophic failure these 11:18 safety concerns must be addressed before 11:20 plasma engines can be adapted for 11:22 commercial air travel yet despite these 11:25 challenges there are signs of progress 11:26 in developing plasma engines for air 11:28 travel in addition to the Chinese 11:30 research team many other companies and 11:32 researchers are exploring the potential 11:35 of plasma engines including NASA and the 11:38 European Space Agency these efforts 11:40 focus on developing new technologies 11:42 that can improve the efficiency and 11:44 scalability of plasma engines and 11:46 address safety concerns so China's new 11:50 plasma electric engine is a significant 11:52 breakthrough in this technology and 11:54 could pave the way for carb emissions 11:56 free air travel however despite the 11:58 promising development in plasma engine 12:00 technology there are still challenges to 12:02 overcome before it can be widely adopted 12:05 in the aviation industry these 12:07 challenges include safety concerns high 12:09 costs and the need for further testing 12:12 and research as we navigate our way 12:14 towards a future emphasizing renewable 12:17 energy and resource conservation the 12:19 development of plasma engines marks a 12:21 crucial turning point in transportation 12:23 with this revolutionary Innovation on 12:26 the horizon it begs the question what 12:28 are the extraordinary advancements could 12:31 we unlock by harnessing the full 12:33 potential of plasma engines how might 12:35 this shape the future of Transportation 12:37 as we know it we would love to hear your 12:40 thoughts in the comments section below 12:42 thanks for watching this video we'll see 12:44 you in the next one

