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討論了蒸汽輪機的局限性,並介紹了固態發動機的概念,這種發動機沒有活動部件,而且效率可能更高。 2022 年,麻省理工學院和國家可再生能源實驗室的研究人員在《自然》雜誌上發表了一項研究,描述了一種新型固態發動機的實驗。該發動機基於 Thermophotovoltaic 電池,據報導其能量傳輸率約為 40%,希望其性能在未來甚至可以遠遠超過。

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蒸汽輪機的局限性在於它們效率低下,平均只能將它們所承受的總熱能的大約 35%(最多 60%)轉化為電能,其餘的都損失掉了。 它們還有許多運動部件,這限制了蒸汽機可以承受的溫度,因為每個部件在變形前只能吸收這麼多的熱量。 對於以轉換熱能為目的的發動機來說,這種物理限制是一個主要問題。

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固態發動機是一種沒有運動部件的發動機,這是一個潛在的巨大好處。 它與蒸汽輪機不同,因為蒸汽輪機有許多運動部件,這限制了蒸汽機可以處理的溫度,因為每個部件在變形前只能吸收這麼多的熱量。 固態發動機可能比蒸汽輪機更高效,並且不受運動部件物理約束的限制。

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熱光伏電池或 TPV 電池是一種電池技術,其工作方式與光伏電池類似,但可以在更高的溫度下工作。 TPV 電池以光子的形式吸收能量,並將該能量轉化為電能。 在新型固態發動機中,TPV電池用於將熱能轉化為電能。 這是通過將 TPV 電池連接到熱電池來實現的,熱電池可以無限期地儲存熱能。 然後 TPV 電池將儲存的熱能轉化為電能。 因為 TPV 電池可以在比蒸汽輪機更高的溫度下運行,所以它們可能更高效並提供更多的電力。 此外,TPV 發動機可以存儲和使用完全可再生能源,使其成為未來非常理想的技術。

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目前,有幾家公司和組織致力於開發固態發動機, 但還沒有具體公司宣布生產它們用於商業用途。 固態發動機的開發仍處於試驗階段,研究人員正在努力改進技術,使其達到可以大規模生產的程度。 參與固態發動機研發的一些著名組織包括麻省理工學院 (MIT)、國家可再生能源實驗室 (NREL)、華威大學和密歇根大學。

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目前生產熱光伏電池的公司. 包括 Alta Devices、TerraPower、JX Crystals、MicroLink Devices、QmagiQ、ThermoLift Inc.、Alpine Quantum Technologies、以及RedWave Energy。 這些公司都在進行不同層面的熱光伏電池研發和生產,並希望將這項技術應用於節能、再生能源等領域,以推動可持續發展。

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固態發動機有可能用於各種應用,從小型電子設備到大型發電廠和車輛。 高效率和無移動部件使它們非常適合在可靠性和低維護性至關重要的情況下使用。 固態發動機的一些可能應用包括: - 便攜式和可穿戴電子產品,例如智能手機和健身追踪器。 - 電動汽車和公共汽車,其中固態發動機可用於為車輛的電動機提供動力。 - 大型發電廠,固態發動機可用於從地熱或太陽能等熱源發電。 - 航天器和衛星,固態發動機可用於利用放射性同位素或太陽產生的熱量發電。 然而,值得注意的是,固態引擎仍處於試驗階段,可能還需要一段時間才能在這些應用中得到廣泛應用。

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熱光伏電池的應用非常廣泛。 由於其可以轉換廢熱為電力,因此可用於各種需要能量供應的設備, 包括:
1. 小型電子設備,例如穿戴式裝置、手機和平板電腦等。
2. 家用電器,例如太陽能熱水器、熱泵和供暖系統等。
3. 工業設備,例如熱處理爐、焚化爐和煙囪等。
4. 車輛和飛機,例如汽車、公交車和航空器等。

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熱光伏 (TPV) 電池和儲能電池是用於不同目的的不同技術。 TPV電池是利用光伏電池將熱能(熱)轉化為電能(電)的裝置。 它們設計用於使用熱源運行,例如火焰、熱交換器或太陽能收集器。 TPV 電池背後的原理是利用熱物體發射的光子將光伏電池中的電子撞擊到更高的能量狀態,從而發電。 另一方面, 儲能電池是用來儲存電能以備後用的裝置。 它們儲存由太陽能電池板或風力渦輪機等電源產生的多餘能量,並在需要時釋放儲存的能量。 儲能電池有多種類型,如鉛酸電池、鋰離子電池、液流電池等。 綜上所述, TPV電池是將熱能轉化為電能的裝置, 而儲能電池則是將電能儲存起來以備後用的裝置。

0:00 At its most fundamental, energy comes in various basic forms; including chemical, 0:05 electrical, thermal, nuclear, radiant, and others. For humans to actually use any of it, 0:09 though, we need to transform it into something that we specifically require - like, for example, 0:14 electricity. And this, in general, is where engines come in, as essential facilitators of 0:19 that magic. And here, we’ve relied on the steam turbine for a long time, before some upgrades 0:25 in the twentieth century… but now, an even better engine might finally be on the horizon. 0:29 0:30 This is Unveiled and today we’re answering the extraordinary question; 0:33 have scientists already invented the engine of the future? 0:38 Do you need the big questions answered? Are you constantly curious? Then why not subscribe 0:42 to Unveiled for more clips like this one? And ring the bell for more thought-provoking content! 0:48 Our world runs off of engines, but for the most part we still use the same ones we invented a The Science of Engines 0:54 long time ago. Steam turbines were introduced by the engineer Charles Parsons in 1884 and, 1:01 really, they’re still the standard. Designs do differ, but they generally work via the 1:06 burning of fossil fuels, which evaporates water, which builds pressurized steam, 1:10 which builds up and up in an enclosed system until it pushes the blades of a turbine. In doing so, 1:17 heat is transformed into mechanical energy, which can then be used for electricity, 1:22 etc. But, despite their historic success, steam turbines aren’t without problems. On average, 1:27 they transform only about 35% - at most 60% - of the total heat energy they’re 1:34 subjected to into electricity. The rest is lost, making them very inefficient. 1:39 1:39 One of the base problems with steam turbines is that they themselves have many moving parts, 1:43 meaning a long list of stages and drop off points from the start to the finish of the process. The 1:50 many moving parts limit the temperatures that steam engines can handle, too, because each part 1:54 can only take so much heat before warping. And this is a major issue, considering an engine’s 1:59 entire purpose is to transform heat energy: steam turbines are inevitably, physically limited. As Solid State Engines 2:06 such, contemporary research has instead grown around what are known as solid-state engines. 2:11 Solid-state engines have no moving parts, which is then a potentially huge benefit. 2:17 2:17 In 2022, researchers from MIT and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the US published 2:24 a study in the journal “Nature” detailing fresh experiments with a new type of solid-state engine. 2:29 From the very beginning, reports were that it averages at a 40% energy transfer rate, 2:34 which is already better than most steam turbines... although all hopes are that 2:39 its eventual performance will far, far exceed even that. The new engine runs 2:44 via a tweak on an emerging technology called a Thermophotovoltaic cell (or, TPV cell). A TPV 2:52 cell functions similarly to how solar panel cells, or photovoltaic cells, work. They take 2:58 photons (i.e., energy) from, say, the sun and turn those base particles into electricity. 3:03 3:04 What’s especially great about TPV cells, however, is that they can operate at temperatures much 3:09 higher than what’s possible with a steam turbine… meaning more heat and energy and 3:13 power passes through them from the outset. More than that, though, TPVs can be used to store 3:19 wholly renewable energy, as well. This is perhaps the most revolutionary part of them. According 3:25 to the study, and others since, by attaching TPV cells to a thermal battery, heat energy 3:31 can be held indefinitely… and later turned into electricity by the same TPV cell. This means that 3:38 even when the sun isn’t shining (or, perhaps, in another setup, the wind isn’t blowing) TPV 3:43 engines (backed up by thermal batteries) should continue to run and run, entirely unobstructed. 3:49 3:49 Thermal batteries aren’t a new technology, but their use in this way is still innovative. As is Innovative Thermal Batteries 3:55 the setup of the TPV engine itself. In short, the team behind it placed a thin gold sheet underneath 4:01 the TPV cell, to act as a mirror. That mirror then reflects any passing (but missed) photons 4:07 back into the cell, to be reabsorbed again and again… which then increases the efficiency of 4:12 the wider engine, ensuring that less is lost. But it’s hoped that the design can be made to be even 4:18 more efficient, still. Previous research in 2020 revealed a specific material that can (under the 4:24 right conditions) reflect back up to 99% of photons that reach it - much more than the 4:30 standard gold sheet. And so, if that material can be merged with this TPV technology, then we could 4:36 be on the brink of another major uptick in the engine’s performance. It’s already impressive, 4:41 but it could soon be even more so. Add into the equation that this new kind of solid state setup 4:46 has generally lower maintenance cost projections, too, and it’s easy to see why it could have a big 4:52 impact on the energy sector. According to one of the lead researchers, Professor Asegun Henry, TPV 4:58 cells were “the last key step toward demonstrating that thermal batteries are a viable concept”. 5:05 Before, despite their promise, the practical applications for thermal batteries appeared 5:09 to be limited… but now, with TPV cells bridging the gap, the possibilities open out and out. Future Possibilities 5:15 5:15 At the top end of the scale, there are early talks of redesigned whole 5:19 power plants. Not just smaller, individual facilities, but entire, 5:23 socially and economically crucial energy bases. At present, most major power plants are in 5:28 some way dependent on fossil fuels to provide their energy. But fossil fuels are, of course, 5:33 non-renewable and destructive to the environment. Incorporate TPV engines, however, and all plants 5:39 could soon be humming along on the reliability of stored renewable energy, instead. At least, 5:45 that’s one potential (and exciting) direction in which the team behind this new engine believes 5:49 we could soon be headed. Especially as it’s also hoped that the new technology shouldn’t 5:54 be overly difficult to manufacture on a large scale, either. As TPV cells are fundamentally 5:59 similar to solar cells - and as we already have a growing number of factories to make those - a lot 6:05 of the early legwork has already been completed. On the face of it, this wouldn’t require a total 6:10 reinvention or a radically new process… it would only need some slight tweaks here and there. 6:15 6:15 If TPV engines are successfully implemented into modern life, then, what happens next? What 6:21 kinds of differences could they realistically make? Again, Professor Henry is optimistic. In 6:27 an accompanying MIT article for the original study, he says that; “the technology is safe, 6:32 environmentally benign in its life cycle, and [it] can have a tremendous impact on 6:37 abating carbon dioxide emissions from electricity production”. For those on the outside looking in, 6:43 then, could this finally be the missing piece needed to properly move away from 6:47 limited and damaging fossil fuels? Could this finally be the technology to convince the rest 6:52 of the world that renewables aren’t only a better idea, but that they’re feasible 6:57 and capable of meeting our needs, as well? What might the future look like? 7:01 7:01 In a best case scenario, perhaps we’ll see thermal battery powered TPV engines that are 7:06 actually powerful enough to provide energy for whole streets, towns, or communities. Or personal 7:11 TPV vehicles that never need to be filled up, but instead are kept running based on wholly natural 7:17 means - like the sun’s light, but also the winds and perhaps the tides of Earth, too. At present, 7:23 and even with renewable energy, there’s often a major mid-point through which all energy passes 7:28 as a commodity, from provider to consumer… but, with TPV, perhaps that midpoint will itself be 7:34 bypassed, as well? If nothing else, then the prospect of an engine and battery that can Cheaper Energy Bills 7:39 store and use energy indefinitely… means that, beyond the manufacture of the actual engine, 7:44 users should be much less reliant on bigger companies for their energy needs. Quickly, energy 7:50 bills could be a thing of the past, with an engine that’s at once relatively easy to make, simple 7:55 to scale up, reasonably low-cost to maintain, and limitless in terms of its energy potential. 8:00 8:00 That said, converting an entire planet’s entrenched energy structure is no mean feat. 8:05 Redirecting an entire civilization’s long-held energy habits is more easily said than done. And 8:11 perhaps there are yet technical reasons as to why we aren’t already all enjoying the benefits 8:16 of TPV engines? What’s your verdict? Is this technology the holy grail for our collective Conclusions 8:21 energy needs? Are there other reasons as to why it hasn’t been more widely pursued before 8:26 now? Is the energy sector perhaps unwilling to change, or is there actually still just a 8:32 long way to go before TPV properly takes off? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. 8:38 8:38 For now, though, we are at something of a crossroads for the issue. Fossil fuels have 8:43 to be replaced; renewables need to be able to do the job. One thing that is clear is that TPV 8:49 cells plus thermal batteries could be another vital step towards a new, 8:53 improved and limitless tomorrow. A tomorrow that we’re getting closer and closer to 8:58 realizing. And that’s how scientists may have already invented the engine of the future. 9:03 What do you think? Is there anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, check out these other 9:08 clips from Unveiled, and make sure you subscribe and ring the bell for our latest content.

