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該視頻涵蓋了在 2022 年國際消費電子展上發布的移動技術的各種進步和概念。 現代汽車展示了其新的元移動性概念,該概念使用機器人技術和元宇宙來改變人類的移動性。該公司最近收購了波士頓動力公司,並將機器人技術和移動技術視為互補技術。 展示了由都靈 IED 設計學院的學生設計的由氫驅動的 Alpine A 4018 概念車。 Amplifier 的報告“邁向淨零排放”將風能確定為航運業未充分利用的能源,而 Bar Technologies 正在投資資源以成為海洋行業減排的關鍵參與者。朱莉的商業品牌Verizon Auto推出了下一代智能新能源半掛卡車Hom Truck,這有望成為道路上最先進、最清潔的商用車之一。 三星推出了其 5F 基地數字駕駛艙,將汽車的儀錶盤變成了混合娛樂和辦公中心。

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現代汽車通過開發一系列超越傳統交通工具的移動解決方案,利用機器人技術改變人類的移動方式。 該公司認為機器人技術是智能移動解決方案的重要組成部分,並且最近收購了機器人技術領域的創新者波士頓動力公司。 現代汽車的 New Metamobility Concept 使用機器人技術和元宇宙來擴大人類的影響範圍並實現人們無限的行動自由。 該公司將機器人技術和移動技術視為互補技術,可以加速彼此的發展,並共同推動人類進步。 現代汽車從基於機器人技術的物件移動性開始,正在開發一系列改善人們生活的移動解決方案。

Q:Amplifier 報告“邁向淨零排放”的主要發現是什麼?
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Amplifier 報告“邁向淨零”的主要發現是:
1. 風能是航運業未充分利用的能源 2. 國際海事組織 (IMO) 制定了到 2050 年將溫室氣體 (GHG)
排放量減少 50% 的目標。
3. 風力推進和航線優化是航運業減排的潛在解決方案。 4. 具有前瞻性思維的船東和承租人具有相當大的吸引力,他們準備發揮領導作用並推動儘早採用溫室氣體減排措施。
5. Bar Technologies 已投入大量資源,以其正在申請專利的雙翼技術成為海洋行業減排的關鍵參與者。
6. IMO、船旗國和船級社都希望風能成為一種可行的推進方法。

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1. Bossanova公司研發的翼帆技術,其通過特製的大型翼帆裝置,利用風能進行推進。
2. Skysails公司開發的風帆技術,其在船舶上安裝一塊高大的風帆,通過捕捉自然風力來推進船舶。
3. Norsepower公司開發的旋翼桅杆技術,其通過旋轉裝置捕捉風能,並將其轉化為推進力以推動船舶前進。

Q:三星的數字駕駛艙 2021 .如何將汽車變成移動娛樂和辦公中心?
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三星的數字駕駛艙2021通過使用5G連接支持移動工作,將車輛變成移動娛樂和辦公中心。 該技術允許乘客將他們的移動設備連接到三星 Dex 2 車輛平台,從而實現車輛與客戶設備之間的雙向通信。 這意味著無論這些設備是在家裡、工作場所還是在乘客座位上,乘客都可以通過車輛的儀錶盤顯示屏訪問它們。 數字座艙 2021 在汽車前部配備了一個 49 英寸的 QLED 顯示屏,可以顯示有用的信息,例如導航地圖、車輛速度和其他設置。 不使用時,顯示器位於儀表板後面。 乘客還可以使用顯示屏訪問各種娛樂選項,將汽車變成移動娛樂中心。 總體而言,數字座艙 2021 允許駕駛員和乘客通過車輛的儀錶盤顯示屏訪問他們的電話、計算機和其他設備,有效地將汽車變成移動辦公和娛樂中心。

0:03 [Laughter] 0:04 [Music] 0:17 thank you 0:25 [Music] 0:29 foreign 0:33 [Music] Hyundai Future Mobility Concept 0:37 Hyundai Motor share's vision of New 0:39 metamobility Concept expanding human 0:41 reach through Robotics and metaverse at 0:44 CES 2022 0:46 under the main theme of expanding human 0:48 reach Hyundai Motors presentations 0:50 reflected how the company's robotics 0:52 business will drive the Paradigm Shift 0:54 towards future Mobility going beyond the 0:57 traditional means of transportation to 0:59 fulfill unlimited freedom of movement 1:01 for humankind 1:02 robotics is an essential part of Hyundai 1:05 motor's transformation into a smart 1:07 Mobility solution provider 1:09 having acquired Boston Dynamics an 1:12 innovator in the field Hyundai Motor has 1:14 sharpened its focus on advancing 1:15 robotics to enhance people's lives 1:17 through a range of Mobility Solutions 1:20 the company sees Robotics and Mobility 1:23 as complementary in that one accelerates 1:25 development of the other and vice versa 1:28 together they form a synergistic 1:31 combination that will add value to the 1:32 business and drive progress for Humanity 1:35 starting with a robotics based mobility 1:37 of things mot ecosystem 1:40 [Music] 1:50 this Alpine a 4018 concept is powered by Alpine A4810 Concept 1:54 hydrogen 1:56 students were challenged to make a super 1:58 berlinette for 2035 and this is what 2:00 they came up with 2:02 usually students end up stitching cars 2:04 out of sheer boredom but 28 lucky so 2:07 nsos from turin's IED design school have 2:10 been given the chance to do it for real 2:12 and on this evidence years of practice 2:15 was worth it 2:16 learn the lesson kids 2:19 looks Wicked doesn't it 2:21 the Alpine a 4810 concept is a 2:24 two-seater berlinette with aerodynamics 2:26 heavily influenced by Formula One and 2:28 afternoon spin doodling through double 2:30 Mass 2:32 the students were given their brief by 2:34 Alpine last Autumn and after everyone 2:36 had submitted their ideas two were 2:38 chosen to form the basis of the final 2:40 design 2:41 the bi-tone colors matte black and 2:44 carbon fiber elements have been 2:46 carefully crafted to draw attention to 2:48 each section of the car while the 2:49 interior was designed digitally 2:53 foreign 2:57 s 2:59 [Applause] 3:01 [Music] WindWings 3:04 wind propulsion and Route optimization 3:07 the challenge 3:09 the IMO has set the goals for the 3:11 shipping industry ultimately arriving at 3:13 a 50 reduction in ghg by 2050. 3:17 amplifier recently published the towards 3:19 net zero report to show Pathways to 3:22 reduce emissions to zero 3:24 it identifies wind as a significant and 3:27 underutilized source of energy and 3:29 shipping 3:30 the IMO flags and class all want wind to 3:33 become a viable propulsion method 3:36 there is also considerable pull from 3:38 forward-thinking vessel owners and 3:40 charterers that are prepared to take a 3:41 leadership position and hence want to 3:43 push for early adoption of the ghg 3:45 reductions 3:47 bar Technologies has invested 3:49 significant resource over the past years 3:51 to become equipped to become a key 3:52 player in cutting emissions in the 3:54 Marine industry 3:56 that research resulted in our 3:58 patent-pended win-wings technology 4:00 extensive research by Patent agents and 4:03 other professionals clearly show our 4:05 solution to be unique and Powerful 4:08 [Music] 4:18 Julie's home truck unveiled as Tesla Geely Homtruck 4:20 semi-rival coming in 2024 4:24 the hom trip will offer methanol range 4:26 extender or pure electric powertrains 4:28 the ladder with a battery swapping 4:30 option 4:32 Julie's commercial vehicle brand Verizon 4:34 Auto has unveiled its next Generation 4:36 smart new energy semi truck the hom 4:39 truck 4:40 built on a highly modular architecture 4:42 the hamtra promises to be one of the 4:44 most advanced and cleanest commercial 4:46 vehicles on the road when production and 4:48 deliveries start in early 2024 4:51 the semi-truck architecture can 4:53 accommodate several powertrain options 4:55 including range extender methanol hybrid 4:57 and pure electric with battery swapping 5:00 option 5:01 the latter will allow the home truck to 5:03 charge its service stations across 5:04 highways in minutes 5:06 while no specs are available at the 5:09 moment Julie says the new semi truck 5:11 boasts major breakthroughs and 5:12 sustainable powertrains and focuses on 5:14 efficiency as well as driver and 5:16 pedestrian safety 5:18 [Music] 5:29 Samsung's digital cockpit 2021 enables Samsung Digital Cockpit 5:33 working on the go 5:34 using 5G connectivity Samsung's digital 5:38 cockpit 2021 turns cars into mobile 5:40 offices and entertainment hubs 5:43 Rose dankin's reports 5:46 Samsung has unveiled the latest version 5:48 of its 5G base digital cockpit which 5:51 turns a vehicle's dashboard into a 5:53 hybrid home entertainment office 5:55 the Samsung digital cockpit 2021 5:58 currently remains a concept at this 6:00 point but the aim is to inspire its 6:02 production as part of Future car models 6:05 first developed as a partnership between 6:07 Samsung electronics and Harman 6:09 International in 2018 the technology 6:12 lets passengers connect their Mobile's 6:14 devices to Samsung Dex 2 platform for 6:16 vehicles 6:18 this enables two-way communication 6:20 between a vehicle and customers devices 6:22 whether these devices are at their work 6:25 or home or with them in the passenger 6:27 seat 6:28 the digital cockpit 2021 features a 6:31 49-inch qled display at the front of the 6:33 car which when set to default mode rests 6:36 behind the dashboard and displays useful 6:39 information such as maps for navigation 6:41 showing the vehicle's speed and other 6:43 settings 6:44 [Music] 6:51 the car of the future Mercedes-Benz f015 Mercedes Benz F 015 luxury in motion 6:55 luxury in motion 6:57 car of the future Mercedes-Benz f-015 7:00 luxury in motion debuted in early 2015 7:02 at the electronics show CES in Las Vegas 7:07 the concept looks very unusual and 7:09 cannot but arouse admiration 7:11 this fully autonomous luxury sedan is 7:15 5220 millimeters long 2018 millimeters 7:19 wide and 7:21 1524 millimeters High 7:24 wheelbase as much as 7:26 3610 millimeters 7:29 to provide easy access to the spacious 7:31 interior the car doors open at an angle 7:34 of 90 degrees and there are no B pillars 7:36 at all 7:38 access to the car is exclusively digital 7:40 the concept recognizes any mobile device 7:43 of the owner smartphone or tablet opens 7:46 the door in front of him and allows him 7:48 to activate the main functions 7:50 the cabinets for Swivel bucket seats and 7:52 a movable display table in the center of 7:55 the cabin 7:56 the instrument panel is equipped with 7:58 six touch screens that form a digital 8:00 living room 8:02 foreign 8:08 [Music] 8:12 super heavy Earth to Earth Starship Super Heavy Earth To Earth 8:15 similar to previous high altitude flight 8:18 tests of Starship sn15 was powered 8:21 through Ascent by three Raptor engines 8:23 each shutting down in sequence prior to 8:25 the vehicle reaching apogee 8:27 approximately 10 kilometers in altitude 8:30 sn15 performed a propellant transition 8:33 to the internal header tanks which hold 8:35 Landing propellant before reorienting 8:37 itself for re-entry and a controlled 8:39 aerodynamic descent 8:41 the Starship prototype descended under 8:43 active aerodynamic control accomplished 8:46 by independent movement of two forward 8:48 and two aft flaps on the vehicle 8:51 all four flaps were actuated by an 8:53 onboard flight computer to control 8:55 starship's attitude during flight and 8:57 enable precise landing at the intended 8:59 location 9:00 sn15's Raptor engines reignited as the 9:03 vehicle performed the landing flip 9:05 maneuver immediately before touching 9:06 down for a nominal landing on the pad 9:09 [Music] 9:18 BMW motorad Vision next 100 the BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 9:21 motorcycle of the future 9:23 glasses in place of a helmet smart 9:26 clothing full balance without a 9:28 kickstand only three of the many 9:30 inventions that could become standards 9:31 for riding a motorcycle and add a new 9:34 dimension to the sense of freedom in an 9:35 increasingly digitized world 9:38 and the best thing about it this Vision 9:40 vehicle is already here 9:42 introducing the BMW motorad Vision next 9:46 100. 9:47 the futuristic two-wheeler Glides 9:49 through the auditorium the jet black 9:51 triangular frame illuminates the blue 9:53 and white BMW logo 9:56 the female driver only wears a visor 9:58 which looks like a pair of glasses from 10:00 The Next Century instead of a helmet 10:03 she stops and stands up from the seat 10:05 without taking either foot off the pegs 10:08 The Vision bike presented at the iconic 10:10 impulse's exhibition 10:13 the BMW group future experience that is 10:16 celebrating its World premiere in Los 10:17 Angeles transports the viewer to the 10:20 year 2130 10:22 foreign 10:29 Pro Electric supervan is a 2000 HP race Ford Pro Electric Supervan 10:33 car concept 10:35 Ford reaches back in its history to 10:37 revive one of its coolest test beds ever 10:40 Ford revealed a new running concept 10:42 called the Ford Pro Electric super van 10:44 on Thursday at the Goodwood Festival of 10:46 speed 10:48 it's a nearly 2000 HP all-electric 10:50 callback to one of the company's coolest 10:52 prototypes 10:54 it should also be one of the quickest 10:56 cars to fly up the hill this weekend 10:59 Ford says the super van uses parts of 11:01 the new e-transits floor pan combined 11:03 with a custom steel space frame to make 11:05 up the body while the body panels are 11:07 constructed of lightweight composite 11:09 material 11:10 underneath you'll find a 50 kilowatt 11:12 hour liquid cooled battery pack powering 11:15 four individual Motors pushing out a 11:17 total of 2000 PS 11:19 1972 horsepower 11:22 the company claims a 0 to 60 time of two 11:25 seconds flat 11:27 foreign 11:31 [Music] Underground Tunnel Transportation 11:35 musk's boring company to expand 11:37 underground tunnels in Las Vegas 11:40 a large network of tunnels can alleviate 11:43 congestion in any City no matter how 11:45 large a sea grows more levels of tunnels 11:47 can be added 11:49 as part of its effort to construct a 11:51 transportation system hitting the most 11:53 popular stops in Las Vegas Elon Musk the 11:56 boring company received approval this 11:57 week to expand its underground tunnels 11:59 downtown 12:01 musk's vision for the radius Loop 12:03 includes plants to connect the city's 12:05 strip Harry Reid International Airport 12:07 Allegiant Stadium downtown Las Vegas and 12:10 eventually Los Angeles 12:12 first approved in October 2021 by the 12:15 Clark County Commissioners the latest 12:17 unanimous vote on the non-exclusive 12:19 agreement permits tunnels to be 12:20 constructed from the stratosphere to 12:22 Fremont Street 12:24 when completed the project is 12:26 anticipated to have 51 stops and cover 12:28 29 miles transporting up to 57 000 12:32 passengers each hour 12:34 currently only 1.7 miles underneath the 12:37 Las Vegas Convention Center are 12:39 operational 12:41 what is normally a 25-minute walk across 12:43 the campus now only takes two minutes 12:45 Viaduct a human-controlled Tesla Model X 12:48 and Y 12:50 [Music] Pipistrel Nuuva V300 12:58 EP nuva V 300 the future of Air Cargo 13:01 transport 13:03 the ultimate autonomous cargo evtol with 13:07 dramatic range economics payload and 13:10 reliability 13:11 the nuva V 300 is a revolutionary 13:14 long-range large capacity heavyweight 13:16 autonomous Eve total UAV for Logistics 13:19 and aerial cargo delivery 13:22 it operates 10x more economically than 13:24 today's helicopters requires no runways 13:27 and brings enhanced safety and 13:29 reliability using capistrol's type 13:31 certified Electric engines 13:33 poop pistols pushed into the evtol air 13:36 cargo Market comes on the back of the 13:38 experience gained on the company's 13:40 sister 801 evtol project 13:44 in contrast with Urban Air Mobility 13:46 intended for personnel Transportation 13:48 where the regulatory framework has 13:50 shifted the time of implementation of 13:52 commercial utilization of air taxi evtos 13:55 we believe the Air Cargo Market is ripe 13:58 for disruption with highly efficient and 14:00 economical Vehicles such as the nugo 14:02 v300 right now 14:04 [Music] Nuclear powered sky hotel 14:15 nuclear-powered futuristic Sky Hotel can 14:18 stay in the air for several years 14:21 have you ever imagined a holiday on a 14:23 sky Cruise 14:24 Hashem Al Dali presented a video 14:26 explaining all of the features and 14:28 sections of this Sky Hotel which is 14:30 based on Tony holston's architectural 14:32 idea and redesigned and animated by 14:35 Hashem algali 14:37 Sky cruise is a nuclear-powered 14:39 futuristic Sky hotel with a capacity of 14:41 over 5 000 guests 14:44 its elegant design Blends commercial 14:46 plane elements with luxury Sky Cruise 14:48 amenities such as a large Hall with a 14:50 360 degree view of your surroundings 14:54 it will have shopping malls sports 14:56 centers swimming pools restaurants bars 14:59 children's playgrounds theaters and 15:02 Cinemas 15:03 there's also a part for planning events 15:05 such as a sky Cruise's wedding 15:08 why not 15:10 two exterior elevators with a 15:12 magnificent view linked the levels of 15:14 the main entertainment deck 15:16 according to Hashem algali there is no 15:18 reason to be concerned about the carbon 15:20 footprint of a sky Cruise 15:23 its 20 electric engines are fueled 15:25 entirely by pure nuclear energy and a 15:27 tiny nuclear reactor Works a 15:29 well-regulated fusion process to offer 15:31 endless energy to the Sky Hotel 15:34 in this way the nuclear energy Hotel 15:37 never runs out of fuel and may stay in 15:39 the air for several years without ever 15:41 touching the ground 15:45 [Music]

