
Chat YouTube: 該視頻討論了各種未來交通項目,
包括: 用於公共交通的混合動力直升機/電動火車、 用於城市的模塊化個人交通系統、 用於遊輪的豪華飛艇、 用於道路維修的自動化道路綜合設施, 以及具有先進功能的梅賽德斯概念車. 例如混合動力變速器和攝像頭,而不是後視鏡。 還簡要提到了具有垂直起降能力的飛行器。

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1. 靈活性——每個客艙模塊都可以作為乘客的個人交通系統,或者以火車或旅行設備的形式直接聚集在軌道上相互交互。
2. 效率——模塊成為一種方便高效的交通工具,取決於乘客的密度和數量。
3. 舒適——即使人數眾多,車輛也能為每個人提供空間並提供舒適,因為它甚至有酒吧和商店,人們可以直接從設備上購買,無需任何現金。
4. 環保——模塊本身是電動的,因此對環境友好。

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目前還沒有完全開展或正在使用模塊化個人交通系統的地區。 模塊化個人交通系統是一個正在發展的交通方案,目前仍處於研發和測試階段。 雖然在世界各地已經有很多公司和團隊正在開發這種技術,但還沒有被廣泛應用在任何地區。 一旦該技術得到商業化,並準備好商業使用,可能會被引入到需要解決城市交通問題的地區。

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自動化道路綜合體技術可通過多種方式改善道路維修: 1. 速度和效率 - 到達維修地點後,綜合設施安裝在液壓支架上,以防止在操作過程中翻倒。 然後,操作員選擇修復尺寸,機器進入自動模式,切割和去除舊道路表面或將預先準備好的補丁放置到位,所有這些都在五分鐘內完成。

2. 質量提升——由於特別堅固的貼片結構和機器放置的精確控制,貼片的質量明顯比手工製作的更均勻和耐用。
3. 成本效益——自動化道路綜合體旨在通過節省時間、勞動力和最大限度地減少現場所需設備來降低成本。

4. 定制 - 綜合設施使用多種工具,並可以根據正在進行的操作和維修規模以正確的順序更換它們,為特定維修提供靈活性和定制。 總的來說,自動化道路綜合體中使用的技術通過提供快速、高效、精確和具有成本效益的高質量修復來改善道路修復。

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自動化道路綜合體是一個自動化的道路維護系統,用於改善道路維護的效率和質量。 該系統由一系列自動化設備和機器人組成,能夠自動地對路面進行巡視、維修和養護。 自動化道路綜合體通常包括三個主要部分: 自動化道路監控系統,自動化維修系統和自動化養護系統。 其中,自動化道路監控系統通過傳感器和攝像頭監測和診斷道路狀況;自動化維修系統利用機器人進行路面維修和修復,如填補路面上的坑洞和裂縫;自動化養護系統則處理一些基本的養護任務,如清掃路面和草坪修剪等。通過使用自動化道路綜合體,可以提高道路維修和養護的效率和質量,降低了成本和人力投入。 這項技術目前仍在不斷發展和完善中。

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目前,自動化道路綜合體技術尚處於起步階段,尚未在全面商業化應用中。雖然這項技術已經在一些國家和地區進行了試點測試,但還沒有形成普遍的應用模式。 在未來,隨著技術的不斷進步和完善,自動化道路綜合體有望成為道路維修和養護領域的重要發展方向之一。

Q: Mercedes concept IA 的一些高級功能嗎?
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梅賽德斯概念 IA 是一款具有一些先進功能的未來汽車。 這裡是其中的一些: 1、混合動力變速器——車輛由投入運行的混合動力變速器提供動力,總功率為279馬力。
2. 速度和續航里程——該車最高時速可達 155 英里,電動續航里程可達 40 英里。
3.改進的空氣動力學-車輛通過用攝像頭代替後視鏡和用特殊傳感器系統代替門把手的技術改進了空氣動力學。 車輛兩側的車窗採用絲網印刷技術,並採用與車身相同的顏色,進一步改善了空氣動力學性能。
4. 可擴展部件 - 車輛在後部激活了附加部件,可以擴展汽車,從而提高其高速行駛時的空氣動力學性能。
總體而言,梅賽德斯概念車 IA 的設計具有這些功能,可提高其效率、速度和駕駛舒適性,使其成為未來理想的車輛。

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0:03 future public transportation this 0:06 vehicle project is a hybrid of a 0:08 helicopter and an electric suburban 0:11 train designed for a large number of 0:13 people and equipped to provide maximum 0:14 comfort 0:15 the engineers placed not only chairs but 0:18 also tables a dining area and a bar in a 0:21 spacious lounge the vehicle is lifted in 0:23 the air using a combination of six 0:25 powerful propellers and moves along a 0:27 predetermined path through special Lane 0:30 is located at the bottom it also travels 0:32 at low altitude on the ground helping to 0:34 avoid traffic jams in the typical risks 0:36 of road and air travel next future 0:40 transportation another project for a 0:43 means of transport of the future has 0:45 been developed by a team of engineers 0:46 under the direction of the genius behind 0:48 the idea Tommaso Getz Helen according to 0:51 one of the developers this passenger 0:53 vehicle will become the main means of 0:55 transport in the city it's based on 0:58 modular systems each cabin module can be 1:00 a personal transport system for the 1:02 passengers or interact with each other 1:05 getting together directly on the track 1:07 in the form of a train or a traveling 1:09 device therefore the module becomes a 1:12 convenient inefficient means of 1:13 transport depending on the density and 1:15 number of passengers but even if the 1:18 number of people is high this doesn't 1:20 mean that they will be deprived of 1:22 comfort as this vehicle has room even 1:24 for a bar and a shop in addition 1:27 purchases are made directly from a 1:28 device without any cash the same applies 1:32 to tickets smart phones smart flocks 1:34 PDAs and other electronic devices 1:36 interact with next future transportation 1:39 and the modules take people to their 1:41 stops and know exactly where to go 1:43 this is possible thanks to the route 1:45 previously chosen in a special 1:47 application the length of each module is 1:49 eight point eight feet and each module 1:51 can accommodate up to ten people six 1:54 standing and four seated the modules 1:57 themselves are electrical and therefore 1:59 environmentally friendly in addition 2:01 they can travel on normal roads and 2:03 railways and the attachment unit uses a 2:05 magnetic device a third cruise 2:09 experience this luxury cruise project is 2:12 based on a platter 2:13 for airships developers say that you can 2:16 travel not only quickly but also with 2:18 maximum comfort the futuristic airship 2:21 operates on the basis of a technology 2:23 called eros craft this means that it 2:26 uses engines as the main source of 2:28 ascent while helium only compensates the 2:31 weight of the load the aircraft is also 2:33 equipped with a special system that 2:35 allows the crew to adjust the total 2:37 weight of the aircraft using air 2:38 compression inside the aircraft there is 2:41 a spacious lounge a dining area a bar a 2:44 kitchen and passenger rooms with all the 2:47 necessary amenities Tahir inserts wrote 2:51 technology the world's first automated 2:54 road complex is designed to reduce costs 2:57 and improve the quality of road patches 2:59 upon arrival at the site the complex is 3:02 installed on hydraulic supports so as to 3:04 not tip over during operation with the 3:07 help of a light indicator the operator 3:09 determines the processing area selects 3:11 the size of the repair and then the 3:13 machine enters into automatic mode the 3:16 complex uses a variety of tools changing 3:19 them in the correct order depending on 3:21 the ongoing operations the machine can 3:23 cut and remove the surface of the old 3:25 road as well as place pre-prepared 3:28 patches in place at the time the entire 3:31 technological repair cycle doesn't 3:33 exceed five minutes and its quality 3:35 increases significantly due to the 3:37 structure of the particularly strong 3:39 patches Mercedes concept IA 3:44 this project presented by mercedes is a 3:47 true vehicle of the future it's 3:49 dimensions are 16 and a half feet long 3:51 six and a half feet wide and 4.2 feet 3:54 tall a hybrid transmission puts the 3:57 vehicle into operation and its total 3:59 power is 279 horsepower which allows it 4:03 to reach a speed of up to 155 miles per 4:05 hour and an electric journey of up to 40 4:08 miles in order to achieve better 4:10 aerodynamics that create a saying no to 4:13 the side mirrors replacing them with 4:15 cameras and to the door handles to 4:17 installing a special sensor system 4:19 instead even more futuristic of the 4:21 window 4:22 on the sides of the vehicle which with 4:24 the help of screen printing technology 4:26 take on the same color as the bodywork 4:28 however the main feature of this concept 4:31 is the activation of additional 4:33 components at the back which make it 4:35 possible to extend the vehicle and 4:37 further increase its aerodynamics at 4:39 high speeds tf-x on the outside the tf-x 4:46 flying vehicle looks like a high tank 4:48 four seater sedan in addition to an 4:51 aerodynamic bodywork the vehicle is 4:53 equipped with folding wings with two 4:54 electric motors on each side these 4:57 engines are powered by the energy 4:58 produced by the generator along with a 5:01 300 horsepower internal combustion 5:03 engine the vehicles wings can be folded 5:06 horizontally during preparation for 5:07 flight and can take a vertical position 5:09 while flying across the surface the 5:12 additional propellers provide the tf-x 5:14 with the ability to take off and land on 5:16 any short stretch of road and in other 5:19 words no runway is required the air 5:22 vehicle can reach speeds of 200 miles 5:24 per hour and fuel and energy are 5:27 sufficient to overcome distances of up 5:28 to 500 miles it's also worth mentioning 5:31 that the concept is semi-automatic ie 5:34 the pilot can control it manually or 5:36 using preset destination coordinates 5:41 transit elevated bus the creators of 5:44 this unusual bus set out to defeat the 5:47 city's traffic jams completely this is 5:50 made possible by the unusual design of 5:52 the vehicle which allows cars to 5:54 literally pass underneath it at the same 5:57 time passengers are on an elevated 5:59 comfortable and totally safe platform 6:01 the width of this prototype bus and 6:04 giant tunnel is about 26 feet around two 6:07 lanes of traffic at the same time the 6:10 length is 72 feet and one of these buses 6:13 has a capacity for 300 people 6:15 the creators also say that a series of 6:18 several innovative vehicles will be 6:20 suitable for transporting more than a 6:22 thousand people despite its impressive 6:24 size the transit elevated bus should not 6:27 occupy a place on the road because all 6:29 traffic passes through it to move the 6:32 bus tunnel through the city roads must 6:34 be equipped with special rail 6:35 with an emergency braking system 6:37 unfortunately despite the great 6:39 potential this concept has not been 6:41 realized trifles 600 this project for a 6:47 universal hybrid between an airplane and 6:49 a helicopter is called tri fan 600 this 6:52 aircraft which combines the vertical 6:54 lifting capacity of a helicopter with 6:56 the speed of an aircraft can be built 6:58 from composite materials according to 7:01 the idea of the creators the flying 7:03 vehicle will be designed for five 7:05 passengers and one pilot the plane is 7:08 designed primarily for businessman and 7:10 to help solve the problem of traffic 7:12 congestion in the metropolis as it moves 7:14 at four hundred miles an hour in 7:17 addition it can be used to travel 7:18 between cities the maximum height limits 7:21 of the hybrid aircraft is approximately 7:23 twenty nine hundred and fifty feet two 7:26 turbine engines allow flying between 800 7:28 and 1,200 miles without refueling 7:30 depending on the take-off and the cargo 7:33 vertical take-off is possible thanks to 7:36 an adjustable three channel fan built 7:38 into the fuselage which uses sliding 7:40 hatches it is noteworthy that trifon 600 7:44 uhz not require special areas for 7:46 takeoff and landing and can land on any 7:48 smooth surface including the roof of a 7:51 building or the area in front of a 7:53 country house Navia armored independent 7:58 buses are definitely the most modern 8:00 technology in this area this type of 8:03 vehicle is absolutely ecological which 8:05 is extremely important in the modern 8:07 world the boss moves using electrical 8:10 energy besides being a robot ie the 8:13 control is carried out by means of a 8:14 special computer program and therefore 8:17 without the human factor 8:18 Navya armor is also functional and very 8:21 comfortable for passengers the cabin has 8:23 an air conditioning system and a special 8:25 ramp for the comforts of boarding and 8:27 disembarking disabled passengers the bus 8:30 is designed for the transport of 10 to 8:32 15 passengers with only four people 8:34 standing the average speed of this 8:37 futuristic vehicle is about 12 to 15 8:39 miles per hour and the maximum speed is 8:41 27 miles per hour passengers have a 8:44 special program for smartphones and 8:46 tablets to 8:47 schedules or reserve a seat Willie the 8:54 author of this project is a designer 8:55 named Ted Orlovsky who proposed turning 8:58 buses into a giant screen on wheels on 9:01 the outside of the vehicle as a large 9:03 LCD panel on which the advertisement is 9:06 broadcast it is worth highlighting that 9:08 even advertising in this means a 9:10 transport is a real innovation as 9:12 dynamic videos move along the route and 9:15 attract the attention of passers-by when 9:17 the bus isn't moving it shows you a 9:19 familiar design you can see the doors as 9:22 well as detailed information about the 9:24 route the following stops schedules and 9:26 other useful information the when 9:28 Willie's on the move it becomes an 9:30 advertising screen unfortunately the 9:32 designers project doesn't include a 9:34 demonstration of the vehicle's interior 9:36 but it is likely that inside this bus is 9:39 no less unusual than the outside 9:42 fire truck of the future to make it 9:46 easier for firefighters to work in a big 9:48 city and avoid traffic jams tahir 9:50 inserts designers have developed a 9:52 concept for a fire truck 9:54 this vehicle equipped with signal lamps 9:56 can be raised above the vehicle flow and 9:58 moved balancing on two supports eg 10:01 between the rails if necessary but this 10:04 is not it's only function the fire truck 10:06 doesn't have laddus as it has a large 10:08 unmanned aircraft that can lift 10:10 firefighters and water tanks to the 10:12 required height in just a few seconds 10:17 flexible transport the basis of this 10:21 urban vehicle as well as that of the 10:22 fire engine shown above is the concept 10:25 of a self balanced vehicle thanks to a 10:28 stabilization system this vehicle for a 10:30 large number of people as balanced on 2 10:32 thin poles that move on specially 10:34 installed rails in addition the 10:37 invention can dodge various obstacles 10:39 such as bridges and elevated crossings 10:41 traveling at a higher altitude than 10:43 other means of urban transportation thus 10:45 greatly easing traffic and avoiding 10:47 congestion another advantage of this 10:49 futuristic development is its transport 10:52 capacity and respect for the environment 10:55 guys it's time to recharge your brain 10:58 visit the channel brain time there 11:00 you'll find a lot of interesting and 11:02 useful facts lots of positive energy and 11:04 tons of useful information subscribe 11:07 right now we promise it's going to be 11:08 really exciting 11:14 [Music]

