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全球道路網絡是人類有史以來建造的最大系統之一,道路建設是地球上最大的物質消耗來源之一。 為了遏制道路建設對環境的影響,正在試驗新的創新。例子包括使用廢塑料建造道路和由回收塑料製成的預製模塊化道路。將太陽能電池板直接納入道路網絡也有可能將原本靜止的基礎設施變成可再生能源生產的主要來源。

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托比·麥卡特尼 (Toby McCartney) 描述了在道路上使用塑料的以下好處:
3.每噸瀝青使用 3-10 公斤廢塑料,這一過程可能會減少道路建設對環境的影響。

Q:PlasticRoad 與傳統柏油路有何不同,其主要特點是什麼?
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根據成績單,PlasticRoad 是一種預製的模塊化道路,由回收塑料製成,與傳統的柏油路有以下不同之處:
- PlasticRoad 的預期壽命是普通道路建設的三倍。
- 它比傳統道路輕四倍。
- 它的建造速度比傳統的瀝青路面快 70%。
- PlasticRoad 的中空設計允許服務管道和電纜穿過其路面,而無需大量挖掘。
- 部分空間還可用於在暴風雨期間儲存多餘的水。
總的來說,與傳統的柏油路相比,PlasticRoad 是一種更可持續、更耐用的道路建設選擇。

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- 在保護光伏元件所需的鋼化玻璃或二氧化矽上行駛的車輛的安全性。
- 水平太陽能電池板與對角放置在屋頂上的太陽能電池板相比的有效性。
- 安裝和維護系統的高成本。
- 修復和更換損壞部分的難度。

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荷蘭公司KWS與Wavin和Total合作開發了PlasticRoad,這是一種由回收塑料製成的預製模塊化道路。 PlasticRoad的預期壽命比普通道路建造方法長三倍,重量也輕了四倍,可比傳統的沥青道路快建70%。 PlasticRoad的中空設計.

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將太陽能電池板直接納入道路網絡中. 有潛在的將靜態基礎設施轉變為可再生能源生產的主要來源的潛力。 這種方法將太陽能電池板集成到道路表面,並使用它們所捕獲到的太陽能來發電。 這樣做的好處是,太陽能電池板將更容易得到普及,可以節省土地使用和太陽能發電的成本,也可以將環境污染降至最低。 然而,大部分試驗用的道路仍在測試中,仍有一些問題需要解決,如保護太陽能電池板不受車輛阻擋或撞擊,還有太陽能電池板在道路上的耐久性等問題。

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在道路上架設太陽能電池板支架存在一些問題, 例如需要占用大量土地,造成土地使用效益低下和環境影響,並且支架PlasticRoad和電線系統的安裝需要複雜的基礎建設,導致施工成本高昂。 相對地, 太陽能電池板可以直接嵌入到道路中去,使得道路本身具備了發電的能力,不需要佔用額外的空間。 此外,太陽能電池板在直接接觸道路表面時也可以更有效率地接收陽光,進一步提高能源的產量。

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1. GEOCELL:使用塑料格柵結構填充土壤,可以形成強度高、排水良好的地基,用於道路和橋樑等基礎建設。
2. Recycled materials:使用再生材料,比如再生混凝土、廢棄物玻璃等,來建造道路和其他基礎建設,減少對有限自然資源的依賴。
3. 3D printing:3D打印技術可以逐層進行道路建設,達到精準建造和減少浪費資源的效果。
4. Permeable pavement:穿透性路面可以讓水從路面滲透進入土壤,減少洪水和水污染,同時也可以減少熱島效應和水泥的使用。
5. Smart roads:利用先進的技術,如感應器、電動軌道、智能照明等,來優化交通流量、節能減排和提高安全性。

0:02 The global road network is one of the largest systems ever built by man. 0:08 In the United States alone, the total length of roadway exceeds 6.6 million kilometres 0:15 - enough to circle the Earth 165 times. 0:21 While relatively simple to build as compared to other structures - like skyscrapers or 0:25 dams - the sheer scale of the global network makes road construction one of the largest 0:32 sources of material consumption on our planet. 0:36 While road types can vary greatly depending on their use, location and construction method 0:42 the majority are formed from crushed rock, sand and asphalt 0:46 in a process that releases 0:47 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the atmosphere. 0:52 In order to curb the environmental impact of road construction, a number of new innovations 0:57 are now being trialled. 1:06 Replacing some of the finite resources used in road construction with one of humanity’s 1:11 most notorious waste products - all whilst extending the lifespan of the roadway itself 1:16 - makes a lot of sense. 1:19 In India, the process of melting plastic to fill in potholes has been happening on a small 1:24 scale for a number of years. 1:28 British engineer, Toby McCartney, recognised the benefit of using plastic in roads while 1:33 travelling the country and developed a method of turning plastic bottles into small pellets 1:38 that could be added to an asphalt mix to increase its bulk. 1:43 McCartney’s solution has created roadways that are 60% stronger and last 10 times longer 1:50 than those built with conventional methods. 1:53 The UK county of Cumbria quickly noticed the benefits of this innovation and have adopted 1:59 the process for new public roads in the region. 2:03 Using 3-10 kilograms of waste plastic per tonne of asphalt - and with roughly 10 tonnes 2:09 of asphalt used in every kilometre of roadway construction - this process has the potential 2:15 to lock-up a considerable amount of waste material that could otherwise end-up in landfill 2:20 or our oceans. 2:26 Taking things a step further, Dutch company KWS, together with Wavin and Total, have developed 2:33 PlasticRoad; a prefabricated, modular roadway made from recycled plastic. 2:40 The product’s anticipated lifespan is three times longer than that of a normal road build-up. 2:46 It’s also four times lighter and can be constructed 70% faster than a traditional 2:52 asphalt roadway. 2:54 PlasticRoad’s hollow design allows service pipes and cables to be fed through its road 3:00 deck without the need for extensive digging. 3:03 Some of the space can also be used to store 3:06 excess water during storms. 3:09 With a number of trial projects now planned - including this bike path in the Netherlands, 3:14 which opened in September 2018 - you could see prefabricated plastic roads on a street 3:20 near you in the not too distant future. 3:27 Incorporating solar panels directly into the road network has the potential to turn an 3:32 otherwise static piece of infrastructure into a major source of renewable energy production. 3:38 Companies such as Solar Roadways in the United States, Wattway in France and SolaRoad in 3:45 the Netherlands have all developed prototype systems that are durable enough to withstand 3:50 traffic loads and the elements. 3:53 While the concept may sound advantageous, critics have raised a number of concerns around 3:59 this new type of roadway - including the safety of vehicles driving over the toughened glass 4:04 or silica that is required to protect the photovoltaic elements, 4:08 and how effective horizontal 4:10 solar panels can be as compared to those positioned diagonally on roofs. 4:16 Several pilot schemes are now underway, seeking to overcome these challenges. 4:22 With a drive to reduce pollution, recycle plastic and construct a more sustainable built 4:28 environment, innovative solutions like these could make a significant difference when applied 4:34 to something as vast as the global road network. 4:39 If you enjoyed this video and would like to get more from the definitive video channel 4:44 for construction, subscribe to The B1M.

